

In a world of heroes and villains that define good and evil, Steven is given a strange system that allows him to acquire different abilities that opens a door into the unknown by walking his own path. English is not my native language so I apologize for the possible problems, but I still hope you enjoy the story. It will have adult content, but it will not only focus on that, it is also my first novel, I hope you will be patient with me as soon as I am discovering my writing style. I will try to upload 3 chapters per week, but they will be uploaded on weekends. If you want to support me or see chapters in advance, visit my pa--tron where there are chapters a week in advance in Spanish and English. patreon.com/user?u=25488787

Mausas · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


Learning from his previous mistake when he attended the negotiation with Search, Steven only worked in the morning hours in his workshop, spending his after-lunch hours cutting his hair and buying the right clothes for his date with Alice.

He already knew how the lady dressed, not to mention the incredibly elegant and expensive car she drives, so he couldn't show up without the right outfit. He was sure that Alice would show up dressed elegantly and he couldn't look out of place, since Alice's stunning beauty alone was enough to do that.

Not trusting his own judgment about what would be an appropriate outfit, he sought the help of an expert. He walked into a very exclusive clothing store and told the salesperson that approached him, "Take me to the VIP area."

The young salesman was surprised and asked, "Gentleman, did you know that the items in the VIP area cost no less than 1,000 credits?" Steven smiled slightly and replied a bit pretentiously, "No problem, take me."

Hearing Steven's arrogant words, the salesman led him to a door at the back of the shop. Behind that door was a room the same size as the store he had passed and as soon as he entered a young and beautiful lady approached him.

"How can I help the gentleman?", Steven appraised the lady who served him, although he didn't say it, he thought she was very beautiful and elegant, but when compared to his memory of Alice, it really fell short.

His thoughts were quick, as he soon answered the lady's question, "I have an appointment today with a very beautiful and sophisticated lady at the Bicory restaurant, so I would like a casual but elegant outfit."

He had no idea if that description of the situation was necessary, he just sound arrogant, but he still said it and even though he didn't know it, it wasn't strange at all. The lady who served him was used to these stories and in fact, they helped her work, as she could better recommend the client.

The lady moved around the shelves in the room picking up different items of clothing and made Steven change into many outfits. Honestly, Steven was surprised at how handsome he looked in some of them and if that was the narcissistic thought of him talking about him.

In the end, he decided on a somewhat dark suit, not black, but blue. Since his intention was for him to look casual, he didn't wear a tie, but even so, she looked elegant and youthful, plus his new haircut matched perfectly.

Steven spent an impressive 50,000 credits on his clothes and another 50,000 credits on a watch and pair of shoes to complete his day of shopping. He had never prepared or spent so much for a date, but he felt it was worth the effort.

What he didn't know was that Alice was no different. The lady had spent the whole day in a spa preparing for the date, not that she needed it, but with the new feeling of curiosity she had, couldn't help but behave like a girl in love, even knowing that it wasn't the case.

The afternoon passed and the hour of the meeting drew near. Steven got ready and left for the restaurant ahead of time, as he wanted to get there first and wait for Alice's arrival.

He stopped his car in front of the restaurant and got out, handing the key to the valet. The restaurant was crowded and the cars in the place were high-end, in fact, Steven's truck was a low-quality car here, but he didn't pay attention to it, knowing that he was far from competing with these people.

He arrived at the reception and greeted the man who was there, "Good afternoon", the middle-aged man raised his head and seeing the neatly dressed young man asked kindly, "Does the gentleman have a reservation?" Steven responded in kind, "Yes, in the name of Steven Wright."

The man looked in his book and soon found the reservation, so with a welcoming gesture invited him to come to his table. Once seated, he informed the man about the woman who would accompany him and the man told him that there would be no problem, he would be watching for Alice's arrival.

About 10 minutes after the agreed time, Alice walked into the reception. The middle-aged man manning the front desk was surprised by Alice's beauty, but quickly recovered and led her to the table where Steven was already waiting.

Seeing the receptionist walk towards him, Steven got up to receive his date, but the moment he saw the lady, he was stunned and it wasn't just him, from the moment Alice entered the restaurant, all the men in the place were stunned for her beauty and women were envious for the same reason.

Alice wore a black fitted full-body dress and a fluffy white coat, her straight hair cascading down to her mid back and subtle makeup showing her natural.

Her dress enhanced her curves and despite the fact that only her shoulders and arms were exposed, there was not a single person in that place who saw her and thought that she was not sexy, because as they say imagination is what provokes the most and Alice was doing that to all the men in the restaurant, they are flying away in fantasy.

Seeing Steven standing in complete astonishment, Alice smiled with pride, she had spent a whole day to achieve perfection and she was convinced that she had achieved it, Steven's reaction was proof of that, which she did not realize at the time, it was from the fact that it was not normal for her to have such thoughts.

Since she was little, she was trained as an assassin, the use of weapons and martial arts, in a cold and cruel home, for this reason, although she is not deprived of her emotions, affection of any kind was certainly the exception.

If it was just her acting that was very natural to her, it would be a normal situation, but right now she was really enjoying the moment like a normal girl and wanting to enjoy herself even more she asked with a mischievous smile, "What's up Mr. Bald ?".

The question woke Steven up and he frowned immediately, knowing Alice was making fun of him, but playing along he said, "Will you still give me adjectives?" and he added before she could reply, "Besides Mr. it makes me look old", to which Alice couldn't help herself and laughed out loud.

Her melodious and tender laughter filled the entire place, enchanting everyone present, and taking advantage of that opportunity, Steven approached her, and taking her hand, he kissed her as if she were a princess while saying, "You're beautiful."

Impressively, Alice blushed a little, something that had never happened before, but she didn't notice and with some embarrassment replied, "Thank you" and with Steven's help, she took a seat at the reserved table.

They ordered the food and chatted while enjoying the exquisite dinner while every man was taking a pick on her. Alice not wanting to reveal to Steven that she was the leader of an organization of assassins, she told him that she was the CEO of a company that provides special services to certain clients, which was not unlike what she did if you think about it.

Steven didn't suspect anything, he did tell her everything about himself, except for the system and the skills he had at the moment, in fact, he didn't tell him about his drone project either, and that way they got to know each other a little more thoroughly.

Alice thought that Steven was a fairly normal young man, except for the creation of the Traveler app, and for that reason, she did not understand what was in him that aroused her curiosity. She was almost sure that curiosity was turning into something different the more they talked, but due to her inexperience, she had no idea what it was.

Steven, on the other hand, was just enjoying the moment. Despite his situation before the system, he had had a girlfriend and even had sex, but he had never felt as good as at that moment, to the point that thought crossed his mind, "I would replace all the moments with my ex-girlfriends, for another date with Alice.

Perhaps this thought did not appear in his head, just because of the pleasant date with Alice, but because he did not have very good love experiences, but he quickly stopped thinking about it and focused on the beauty in front of him.

Dinner was perfect, despite the fact that they both kept some secrets from each other, the food was delicious, the talk was pleasant and somehow they hit it off so well that they promised to see each other again.

After paying off about 5,000 credits, Steven walked Alice to her car. He offered to give her a ride, but she refused and Steven didn't press, but he walked her to her vehicle, being bold enough to grab the lady's hand and walk beside her.

Alice didn't bother and even enjoyed walking a few steps holding hands, which she didn't understand, because she had cut the hand of many others who tried the same thing, but with Steven, she felt something different and that's why she allowed it.

When they got to Alice's car, Steven was racking his brains thinking about how to send her off, "Kiss her on the cheek? Do I kiss her on the lips? I don't kiss her? What the hell do I do? I've never been so nervous in front of a girl, damn it I'll play it safe with a kiss on the cheek", and when he was about to do that, Alice smiled mischievously and turned her face slightly simulating an accident and their lips touched slightly.

It was a light and quick touch, but Steven realized Alice's intention and although he had already kissed her on the cheek as a goodbye, he took her by the waist, pulled her closer to him, and gently placed his hand on Alice's face, he pressed his lips with hers.

Although she played a prank on Steven by moving her face, she never expected Steven's movement and when he grabbed her waist her body moved instinctively to break out of the hold and counterattack, but when he stole her lips, all the tension in her body disappeared, even her legs failed her a bit.

Due to the upbringing, and world she lived in from a very young age, it is not to say that Alice had never kissed or had sex, in fact, part of her training as an assassin included techniques in that field, but she had never felt like it at that moment, not even in bed.

She was delighted with the new feeling, never wanting it to end, and Steven was no different, just kissing Alice's lips was already making him hard, to the point of having to move his pelvis a little so she wouldn't notice, but his attempt was unsuccessful, as Alice noticed the change instantly.

After a few seconds that seemed like hours they broke their kiss, they both had a blush of embarrassment and fever on their faces and the urge to kiss again caught them, but when their lips were about to meet again an unexpected situation occurred.

A 1-meter-long cylindrical object similar to a missile impacted about 10 meters from where they were, sending them flying several meters, destroying the end of the beautiful evening they had had.

If you want to support me or see chapters in advance, visit my pa--tron where there are chapters a week in advance in Spanish and English. patreon.com/user?u=25488787