
Sin Límites

Author: NaiiRomanova
Romance contemporáneo
Ongoing · 52.6K Views
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What is Sin Límites

Read ‘Sin Límites’ Online for Free, written by the author NaiiRomanova, This book is a Romance contemporáneo Novel, covering ROMANCE Fiction, R18 Light Novel, COMEDY Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Jessica Romanov era sinónimo de desastre.Su hermosa y delicada apariencia  no revela  ni la mitad de los demonios que ll...


Jessica Romanov era sinónimo de desastre. Su hermosa y delicada apariencia  no revela  ni la mitad de los demonios que lleva dentro. La lucha constante en su interior por expresar quien realmente es y quien los demás quieren que sea conlleva a muchas situaciones que ella no esperaba. Sobre todo no esperaba conocerlo a él ... Stephen, el socio millonario de su padre. Una noche de alcohol en Las Vegas  bastó para que sus personalidades se vean totalmente expuestas y con ello se llevarán más de una sorpresa. Ella es impulsiva, descontrolada, desconfiada, vive su vida sin importarle lo que dirán y hace lo que le nace en el momento. Toda situación que involucre a Jessica, siempre será una aventura. El, al contrario, es obsesivamente controlador, poderoso, reservado y precavido. Sabe muy bien lo que vale y no dejará que ninguna mujer lo atrape, porque ninguna tiene lo que él necesita. O eso es lo que cree hasta que la conoce. Cada vez que sus mundos se crucen, se verá el estallido de fuegos artificiales... O la detonación de una bomba nuclear. Se prohíbe expresamente la distribución, copia o plagio de esta obra sin previo consentimiento del autor, ya sea fuera de esta plataforma o en la misma. Respeta el trabajo ajeno.

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The Second life of The Abandoned War Hero

My name is Es Cavalier, and this is where my story began. December 7th . year 3157 Commander Es Cavalier of the shadow special forces is now in trial for treason against the Republic and the Senate. The man bringing up the Senate representatives case to the supreme Court of justice. He is the politician of the court, the newly appointed public minister of finance and the most senior minister in the Republican Senate. He stated his case with a voice that resounded throughout the entire court room yelling and cursing every deed that I've done. Claiming that everything I've done in my past as the special forces commander was suspicious. He made various claims of treason, corruption, first degree murder, and various charges for crimes I didn't commit. In an effort to condemned me to death, he's every word spilled mud, dirt and blood upon my name and reputation. As the Trial is streamed across the Republican news channel, every single person in the multiple worlds and start system saw the events. The people went up in rage. They knew I didn't commit any sort of crime and even stated that I was nothing less than a war hero, fighting to defend his beloved country and people. They scorned at the Senate for their actions. As the court is nearing it's end. The supreme Court charged me with treason against the republic, and sentenced me to death. The supreme Court Judge makes his final deliberation. " Former Commander Es Cavalier, is sentenced to death with the charge of treason against the republic and it's peoples. " " Es Cavalier state your last words. " The guards pulled out the gag used for the interrogation to keep my mouth shut. At that moment I spoke my final words before I breathe my last breath on this world. " All my life I've served as the protector of the republic and it's people. " " For years I fought not once I've asked for anything in return. " " For years I've fought alongside my brothers in arms in every battlefield found across the stars. " " Not once have I complained ! " " Not once have I forsaken the people ! " " Not once have I surrendered to the enemy ! " " Yet for all my effort to defend my homeland, I've failed to save it from the greatest threat. " " The threat of the corrupt Senate and official present today in this Court room. " " Today I will do my last action to protect the republic and it's people. " " I will finish my mission as a soldier to protect my people. " " My final sacrifice. " " Goodbye. " As I say my final words for the people and my comrades. I turned my hand into a fist and gave my final salute . My hand hit my chest, my heart, and devotion. The annihilation bomb I've planted in my heart before hand is activated. The bomb blast annihilated the entire planet with every single person in it. The corrupt Senate, the criminals, their private army and every single corrupt minister and evil tyrant of the republic is cleansed from this world by fire. I sacrificed myself to destroy those Wretched scums. In the end I thought to myself. Why I couldn't life in peace with my family? Why do I have to die because of wretched peoples. Why can't I just have the life I've always wanted, a live of Peace and prosperity for me and my family. Acknowledged. " Huh ? " Final wish acknowledged and confirmed. " What is this voice I'm hearing ? " the voice answer. " I am the voice of the world. " " After all you've done and achieved you deserve better. " " So now you are going to be reincarnated in another world. " " I hope you receive the life you've always wanted . " I screamed on confusion. " Wait, what ?" Suddenly a white light blinds me as I opened my eyes for the first time in my second life.

Siegfried_Exes · Fantasy
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A lo que llevo leyendo esta historia es genial, muy buen trabajo de la escritora, lees el primer capitulo y te interesa y sigyes y sigues, espero próximas actulizaciones se esta poniendo muy interesante


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