
Short Stories off Dialogue Prompts

A bunch of short stories I write when usually off a dialogue prompt, I will take requests, if you want a part two ask. I will be giving slow updates as I am doing this after or in-between classes. Enjoy!

Vexmpz · Others
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7 Chs


A sense of pain washed over me as light faded from my vision. 'Is this death?' I thought to myself, my dreams were flooded with flashes of random memories, ones that shouldn't connect but do. The murders, they weren't random they were planned, but by whom? The answer while unclear was right in front of me.

I awoke in a dark room the only thing illuminated was an empty table, the light swung back and forth as if there was a puppeteer trying to hypnotize me from above. A person walked into the room, from the little glance I got outside the door it wasn't much brighter, 'It must be night' I thought to myself. The person seemed upset.

"I don't mean to impose but what seems to be an issue?" I asked my voice scratchy and sore from sleep.

"Don't play games you wicked creature!" The person snaps. I tilted my head in confusion. I make a motion to get up. I couldn't, ropes restricted my movement to the extent of moving my head and talking. 'Where did these come from?' "Your mind games won't work on me, I won't let you deceive me anymore!"

"I'm not sure I know what you mean." I say my voice threatening to give out.

"Liar!" The person screeched, I flinch back at the noise.

"You're going to burst my eardrums if you insist on acting as a banshee." I let out a cough that spits blood. 'That can't be good.'

"You should watch that tongue of yours if you wish to keep it, you incompetent witch!"

"Oh dear you seem to be in quite the unfortunate position Wren, or should I say Wisp, that is what people call you nowadays isn't it? You go around depositing yourself as an impostor in society and kill, you mail the remains in the postal service to your victims family. You're a poser and someone who I plan to stop, there's no getting out of this not again." Someone says emerging from the shadows, with a triumphant look on their face. I grin and start to giggle and it turns into what sounds to be a psychotic laugh.

"So you figured out my little secret: good for your mind, bad for your life. There is one thing you missed however..." I say my voice trailing off.

"And what might that be?" The first person asks.

"Oh dear Valery I'm called Wisp for a reason, ever wonder why?" She looks taken aback that I know her name and slowly shakes her head, "how about you Zak?" I turn my head to the other one, his shock just as obvious. "I play with your mind, get into your head, make you scared, I'm a whisper at the back of your mind, but I don't work alone. The whispers from the shadows always come and go in pairs."

"Wha-" Valery starts but is cut off by a laugh that echoes through the room.

"Wispy did you miss me?" The voice asks.

"But of course, how about we finish this off and return to the cabin?" I ask, a laugh of agreement can be heard, a ceiling vent crashes to the floor as a figure drops down seconds later. My 'captors' share a look of surprise.

"Who-" Valery starts, but I cut her off.

"I don't think that's your most pressing concern now is it Valery?" The figure walks towards me and cuts my bindings. I rise from the chair knocking it over in the process. As I stretch my limbs after sitting for so long they creak. I noticed Valery and Zak had left, the door however had been forgotten to be closed. A smile made its way across my face. We walk towards the door when the sound of rushing water echos through.

"Flood-gates, how obnoxious."

"Obnoxious indeed Zaren" I chuckle, "lucky for us they left the door open. Shall we?" I ask, holding my arm out.

"Yes we shall" He loops his arm through mine and we intertwine our fingers as we walk out of the room just beating the water. We make our way out of the house, it seems to have been abandoned for quite some time, 'Why would they go to an abandoned house in the middle of the woods when they could have just turned me in?' I thought to myself. "What's on your mind Wren?" He asks me.

"I'm just wondering about the fact they took me to an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere instead of turning me in, what do they have to hide that we didn't know?"

"Maybe you killed someone close to them, grief can make a human mind a very dangerous mine-field."

"Hmmm, maybe... But for ordinary people they sure can hide or run rather, should we leave them or hunt them down?"

"Hunt, we shouldn't leave witnesses."

"Right, well then bow, knife, or axe?" I ask as we make it out of the house and notice a tool shed filled with weapons, 'how convenient.'

"Hmmm, axe for you knife for me. Axes always have been your strong suit." He said grabbing a knife off the wall of the shed.

"Thank you for noticing, I have to admit they give a satisfying slice and good balance, but where did all these weapons come from, they don't seem like the killing type."

"Neither do you at first glance."

"You flatter me, and you just look like a lost puppy most of the time, it's cute." I say as I pick two sharp axes off the ground.

"You've always been such a flirt." He laughs.

"Don't act like you don't love it." I defend.

"I do, you caught me."

"I swear just date already!" A familiar voice shouts from behind me, I spin around.

"Silvia?" I ask.

"The one and only, how's my favorite killer couple doing?" She asks with a giant smirk on her face.

"We're not a couple." I say trying to hide my red face.

"Awwwe is birdie embarrassed?" Zaren teased me, bending close to my face, I pushed him away.

"Shut it." I snapped the blood rushing rapidly to my face. "We have people to kill, so keep your flirting to yourself." I huff and walk towards the direction of the river. Ignoring their laughing behind me.

"Come on Wreny just admit you like it." I turn and send him a glare.

"You can continue to tease him when we get back to the cabin but for now let's not antagonize him while he has an axe in his hand and the intention to kill." Silvia says to Zaren.

"Fair enough, I would rather not have an axe in my forehead."

"Smart, now start walking." I shout from a distance away.

"Coming birdie!" He shouts back, I roll my eyes ignoring his ridiculous antics. I trudge on further into the thicket. When they catch up we're met with a group of five people, two of which are Zak and Valery.

"I have to admit, I wasn't expecting a crowd..."


Let me know if you liked it and I'll make another part - Vex