
Short Stories off Dialogue Prompts

A bunch of short stories I write when usually off a dialogue prompt, I will take requests, if you want a part two ask. I will be giving slow updates as I am doing this after or in-between classes. Enjoy!

Vexmpz · Others
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7 Chs

Kaley Goren

Warnings: murder, gore, a little more on the frightening side

Writing Prompt-

She stared at him , holding her favorite teddy bear in one hand and his pistol in the other.

"Hi Dad," she whispered.


She stared at him, holding her favorite teddy bear in one hand and his pistol in the other.

"Hi Dad," she whispered. Her voice was weak yet laced with venom, and the look on her face showed her distaste of the words that had left her mouth.

"Darling, put the gun down, I'm sure whatever you want can be settled with words." The girl giggles.

"That's what brother said, it's what sister thought, what mother wanted, but you didn't let them. Why should I let you." Tears welled in her eyes thinking back on the images that haunted her memories, and the screams that echoed through her mind relentlessly. He stiffened and his face changed to one of hatred and amusement.

"I told you to never mention that to me you little-" He cut himself off with a scream of anguish. A bullet had pierced his shoulder. Tears ran down the girl's face.

"Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. I remember, you killed them, they told me." She said her face void of emotion but her eyes held sorrow beyond most's imagination, terror in what she was doing and for the man she was facing, and anger that she kept to herself.

"This is why I sent you away, they died before you ever met them, just like your mother you're insane." The girl smiled, but it didn't quite reach the pool of emotion in her eyes.

"Mother doesn't love you, she wanted to be free, she wanted her children. You took them away from her, so now I will do what mother could not." She adjusts the aim of the gun to point at his head. A loud gunshot echoes through the silent cold night.

"Goodnight father." She smiles and wipes the tears from her eyes laying the teddy bear next to him.

She walks into the house and sits in her room watching the police and medics rush to her father from out the window. His look of horror was fixed on the window she sat in, blood and brains ran down his face and neck. The police and medics followed his gaze to the little girl but looked on as if they hadn't seen her. He was buried in the family's graveyard.

The little girl walked up to the graves and counted five. Damen Goren, Eliza Whales-Goren, Alastor Goren, Bethany Goren, and Kaley Goren. She smiled, her eyes showed relief and happiness.

"Thank you for joining us father." Kaley Goren said with a teddy bear clutched in her arms and a sadistic smile gracing her lips.