
Short Stories off Dialogue Prompts

A bunch of short stories I write when usually off a dialogue prompt, I will take requests, if you want a part two ask. I will be giving slow updates as I am doing this after or in-between classes. Enjoy!

Vexmpz · Others
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7 Chs

Mind Reader

You've been able to read minds since you turned 7. Mostly you watch people's thoughts passively and undetected but one day someone talks back. (This one kinda strays away from the prompt and there will more than likely be a part two or a whole story if requested)


}-{Wren's POV}-{

I've been able to read people's minds since I turned seven. I've mainly watched passively and undetected or so I thought. One day I heard something, someone rather, talk back to me. It sounded inhuman, the voice was deep and gravely, something that I will admit, I wasn't expecting. Caught off-guard I tripped over a root, a person, what I thought to be a person at least, caught me before I could fall. Looking up I realize whatever caught me was not human.

"What are you?" I ask, backing up against a tree, my voice wavers.

"None of your concern, at least not at the moment." Curiosity overtook my conscious as I slowly inched forwards, I moved as if I were approaching a rabid animal. The moon just barely shone through the trees as I saw he was far taller than I was, horns adorned his head along with two very sharp canines, he had tan skin, black, shoulder-length hair that faded to red at the tips. His eyes were what drew me in the most; it's almost as if the entirety of night was trapped within them, black as the night sky yet they shone as if they held stars inside the small orbs. He seemed to notice my staring. "You are an odd one, normally any human would have run off."

"Your eyes, they're gorgeous..." I trailed off not hearing his words. He seemed taken aback by my comment.

"Odd indeed, what is your name?" His voice rose breaking me out of my trance.

"Wren, what about you?" My nerves have calmed by now, and I realize he is extremely attractive. I try to avoid eye contact by looking down, he grabs my chin and forces my face to look at him. I try to back away or push him off but it's no use, I've always been fairly strong but he seemed to still be stronger.

"You should look people in the eye when you talk to them, or would you rather talk telepathically?" He asks with what I assume to be a mocking undertone. "My name is Sorrun."

"What do you want with me?" I ask. He laughs, his laugh is deep and intoxicating.

"If I told you it would ruin all the fun now wouldn't it?" He asks forcing a feeling of humor to the front of his mind as if to mask his true feeling of worry and panic. He's hiding something.

"What are you hidi-" I'm cut off as something pounces on me from behind with such a force that my head slammed full-force into the ground. Black spots grace my vision as I slowly lose consciousness. Before it all goes black I hear Sorrun say to whatever pounced on me, and it responds..

"You always over do it, hurt him again and you might not like the outcome."

"Don't worry dear I know what I'm doing, I would never inflict permanent damage on him." Just after black envelops my vision.