
Unexpected, was it??

Days in Hillstone were peaceful and with Miss Harringstone, even better. But I had to move outta there and get back to my place...

Miss Harringstone was kind enough to arrange a flight for my departure, in return of my promise to pay her back all that I was owing her...and turns out, it was the first thing I did after my return...I paid all that I owed her...though paying was not the best way to repay her kindness, but that was what I could have done at most, considering my situation...

"27th July- The day I met Miss Harringstone...a pretty one, indeed. Though it all started with a mere freakin' encounter, all thanks to me, but maybe this was what my fate had turned on for me...This thing, for sure, taught me one thing...Every of your fate has a bad encounter, greeting a good one...And that's what life is...being taught from memories and living through each one of them...Maybe living through a bad phase is what makes us get prepared for what's to come next...And yaa, talkin' about that...I think I have kinda moved on from Nic. Now's time to have a fresh start...

Thanks for listening to my heart...



Writing a diary sure was a whole of a tiresome thing to do, but every ounce of that effort's really worth it when it's fully done...

20th October, 2010

It's been months since that day, the day I broke up with Nic and had to go through that one night stand thing. I'm finally over that shit from the past and all set to start a new life, a life without any of that shit coming back to me, ever.

I had moved on from everything right now...I was now a happy person, again...and I really am happy about it...

"Good Morning, Sir"

"Good Morning...glad to finally have you on time, Miss Frank...Now you may get back to work."

"Sure, Sir."

Mr. Williams really was a good person. Though he was a crackhead at times, but he sure was good by heart...

All these years that I've got to work here, never have I ever felt alone, everyone was there for me at all times. This is something that makes me sure of the fact that no matter what comes my way...I'll always have a way outta it, all thanks to these people...

Work, gossip, work, eat, gossip, work...and my day comes to an end.

It feels like a never ending loop that I seem to like...

28th October, 2010

There's this unusually high feeling of pain in my stomach that I can't seem to ignore...

Much of these aches have attacked me a lot lately, strange, right?

But today was unbearable, something I could not ignore even if I wanted to.

But, why?

Why this vomiting, stomach ache and loads of that shit?

I never really had some junk stuff lately, nor do I skip meals...then why?

It seemed only the doc could answer this...

I took a day off work and went on a check up.

Everything seemed to be fine, atleast that's what the doctor said.

But then again, he had to confirm what was wrong, right? And that's how I ended up going through some thorough checkups...

It was not till the next two days that I could get hold of any news...

30th October, 2010

"Hello. Is it Miss Leandor Frank?"

It was from the hospital.


"Oh yeah! What's up?"

"Your results are out...You may come down to check out with the doctor."

"Yeah, sure."

I rushed down, got a bath, and was all set to go...

I had seemed to lose my appetite. After all, the results clinged onto my mind...

It was a Sunday, so no work either...

This, atleast, made me feel at ease to some extent.

"Hey! I am Leandor Frank...I got a call regarding the reports..."

"Oh yeah! Please go right there, Mam...The doctor has your reports."

I marched straight in there.

I was scared as hell...

"Miss Leandor!...Please come have a seat..."

The doctor's impression was rather confusing. It seemed he was scared but eager at the same time. His reaction didn't seem to be fully trusted on..

"Well, you see Miss Frank...your test reports are completely fine and you seem to be healthy...But there's something that you need to know...I don't know if that's good or bad for you but that is what it is..."

"Can you stop beating around the bush and get to the point directly doc? I guess I really am having a bad feeling, already..."

"Well, you see, Miss Frank, you're pregnant...three months to be exact..."

I sat there in shock...

What? I am pregnant? No! What?! Me?! I am p-preg-pregnant?!!!?

I wanted to scream out loud but I couldn't...

All I could say was "I see, fine..."

I walked away...

I didn't know what to do, considering the fact that I turned out to be a mother...

All thanks to that asshole and that fucking one night stand!!!

I had thought that all was in the past and now, everything was fine, for I could get to have a fresh start...

But it seems like my past crawled back to my present...

I was shattered, I was broken...what??Why??

That's all I could say to myself...

I was so torn apart that even a million pieces of trust could not join the broken me...

That was all that I'd turned out to be...a terrible person, indeed...