

In a world where she felt utterly alone, a young girl's life took a surprising twist. After her father's passing, her mother vanished, leaving her without a soul to lean on. Just when it seemed like hope had abandoned her, destiny intervened. A chance encounter with a mysterious boy breathed new life into her existence. He became not just a friend, but the one true confidant she had longed for. As days turned into nights, the bonds of friendship deepened, evolving into a love they could no longer deny. Yet, their love story wasn't without its hurdles. Shadows from their pasts appearaed large, threatening to tear them apart. The question remained: Would fate guide them towards their dreams of happiness, or would it drag them through trials that tested the very limits of their love? In this tale of love and destiny, two souls navigated the treacherous waters of life, hoping that their love would ultimately lead them to the happiness they yearned for, and not leave them to endure suffering until the end of time.

MARYAMjk · Urban
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43 Chs

Made a new Friend

The days were growing shorter as October 29th arrived, marking the beginning of winter. Cold winds brushed gently through Anna's hair as she slept peacefully, wrapped up in the coziness of her bed. Time seemed to fly by, and three weeks had passed since the incident that had brought Anna and Porsche closer.

On this particular morning, the sun rose, casting a warm glow across the new day.


Anna reluctantly stirred, reaching out to turn off her alarm. She stretched and yawned, feeling refreshed after a good night's sleep. As she began her morning routine, she decided to call Porsche. He had gone to visit his mother in Dreake, an invitation Anna had declined.

Anna dialed his number and asked, "Have you arrived?"

Porsche replied, "Yes. Don't tell me you called just to ask me that."

Anna hesitated briefly before saying, "No, I didn't really want to call you. I just wanted to send my regards to your mom. Please let her know I called."

After ending the call with Porsche, Anna decided to go for a walk to clear her mind and take in some fresh air.

Meanwhile, Porsche was busy with his mother's chores when he turned on the TV and heard some breaking news. The news reported another murder in the Sanghi neighborhood of Dehroi.

Worried about Anna's safety, Porsche quickly called her. Anna picked up the call, sounding concerned. Porsche urged her, "This is serious. Please, be extremely cautious."

Anna anxiously responded, "Tell me what's going on."

Porsche advised her, "Just be careful, especially at night. Don't go out late, and if you need anything, let me know. I'll ask Ken to help you out. Please avoid going out until I return tomorrow."

Anna listened attentively, feeling a growing sense of unease. She assured Porsche, "I'll stay safe and not go out at night. But please, don't come back tomorrow. Stay with your mother."

Porsche remained silent and ended the call, his worry for Anna and his desire to protect her evident in his actions.

Anna enjoyed her run in the park, savoring the feeling of the sun on her skin and the cool breeze in her hair. She greeted some elderly friends she had made since moving to the city with her uncle and joined them in their exercises.

One of the elderly men introduced his grandson to Anna, and the young man greeted the group with a friendly wave. As he chatted with the elderly people, he noticed Anna and approached her with a warm smile, extending his hand for a handshake. They introduced themselves, with Josh revealing his name and Anna reciprocating with her own.

The grandfather watched with delight as Anna and Josh struck up a conversation. Josh inquired, "Do you come here regularly?"

Anna looked at Josh and explained, "I don't come here regularly because I run a business." Josh seemed surprised and questioned her, "Aren't you too young to run a business?"

Anna couldn't help but smile at his reaction before responding, "Well, it's a long story. Sometimes life doesn't give you choices; it hands you responsibilities, and you have to step up to them. So, here I am."

Anna couldn't help but be curious about the new face she encountered in her regular park. With a friendly smile, she inquired, "Do you come here regularly? I've never seen you before."

Josh chuckled warmly and explained, "Well, I've been living in the States, but I rushed back here when I heard my grandpa's health was declining. It's been about a month since I returned, and I've taken up jogging here every day, except for Fridays. Today, though, I had some free time, so I decided to join my grandpa."

Anna's concern deepened as she listened to Josh's revelation about his grandfather. She asked with worry in her voice, "What's wrong with him? He seems so smart and active."

Josh's expression grew somber as he replied, "Well, he has been diagnosed with CVD," (Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a general term that describes a disease of the heart or blood vessels).

Anna felt a pang of sadness for her elderly friend and earnestly responded, "I hope he gets better. I'll keep him in my prayers."

As their conversation continued, Anna and Josh shared stories about how Anna had become close friends with his grandfather. The park had woven their lives together in an unexpected but heartwarming way.

Eventually, it was time to part ways, and they exchanged warm farewells. Josh extended a gracious invitation, saying, "Please come to our house sometime." Anna, touched by their kindness, couldn't refuse and promised that she would visit when her schedule allowed.


As Anna walked back home, her thoughts were consumed by Porsche. Her inner voice couldn't help but comment, "You're missing him."

Anna quickly retorted to herself, "No, I'm not."

But her persistent thoughts questioned her further, "Then why can't you stop thinking about him?"

Anna sighed inwardly, "Well, I don't know why, but he just keeps lingering in my mind."

As Anna stepped into the alley, her eyes caught sight of a man in his early 30s, leaning against the wall in-front of her house, puffing away at a cigarette. An unsettling feeling washed over her, and she couldn't help but regard him with suspicion.

With measured steps, she continued her walk towards her house. The man, seemingly aware of her presence, abruptly stubbed out his cigarette and flicked it carelessly in her direction before disappearing from sight. It was as if he had left her a foreboding message.

Inside her sanctuary, Anna locked the door as Porsche had advised, trying to put the peculiar encounter behind her. She settled down for lunch and decided to escape into the world of her novel, hoping to find solace in its pages.

Anna was deeply engrossed in her novel when her phone lit up with a message from Porsche. She quickly opened it and read, "Hey, I hope you're okay. I just wanted to let you know in advance that I'll be arriving there by 5:00 AM. I wish I could see you."