

In a world where she felt utterly alone, a young girl's life took a surprising twist. After her father's passing, her mother vanished, leaving her without a soul to lean on. Just when it seemed like hope had abandoned her, destiny intervened. A chance encounter with a mysterious boy breathed new life into her existence. He became not just a friend, but the one true confidant she had longed for. As days turned into nights, the bonds of friendship deepened, evolving into a love they could no longer deny. Yet, their love story wasn't without its hurdles. Shadows from their pasts appearaed large, threatening to tear them apart. The question remained: Would fate guide them towards their dreams of happiness, or would it drag them through trials that tested the very limits of their love? In this tale of love and destiny, two souls navigated the treacherous waters of life, hoping that their love would ultimately lead them to the happiness they yearned for, and not leave them to endure suffering until the end of time.

MARYAMjk · Urban
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43 Chs

His Aggression Scared Her

Porsche's emotions had overwhelmed him completely as he witnessed the horrifying sight of his childhood friend, Anna, being brutally attacked by a much larger man. Fueled by anger, love, and an overwhelming desire to protect her, he rushed forward and grabbed the man by his collar. Without a second thought, he began to deliver powerful punches to the assailant's face, driven by a deep sense of fury.

The crowd surrounding them attempted to intervene, recognizing that Porsche's actions were escalating the situation further. The man's nose began to bleed from the relentless blows, but Porsche's anger showed no signs of abating.

Porsche's rage was uncontainable, and he forcefully pushed away the men who were trying to intervene, berating them for their inaction when Anna was being attacked. His anger was palpable as he accused them of being cowards who had stood by while the assault occurred.

In the midst of this chaotic scene, Anna, still in shock, managed to summon the courage to stand up and stepped in to stop Porsche from delivering further blows to the attacker. She was able to guide him away from the scene, trying to calm him down as he was consumed by anger. The arrival of the police, prompted by a bystander's call, led to the arrest of the assailant.

The incident had left both Porsche and Anna shaken, and it was a stark reminder of the dangers they faced in their neighborhood.

Her mouth was bleeding from the punches she had received, and as she looked into Porsche's eyes, they were filled with tears. Porsche's touch was tender as he placed his jacket around her, helping to shield her from the trauma she had just experienced. He delicately wiped the blood from her face, his concern for her well-being evident.

Anna felt a warmth and safety in Porsche's presence, and his unexpected display of bravery had left her both startled and impressed. She had always seen him as an ordinary guy, but the way he had fiercely defended her had taken her by surprise, and she was momentarily intimidated by the intensity of his actions.

The police officer tried to explain the situation to Porsche, mentioning that the attacker was mentally ill and had a history of assault and harassment complaints. Porsche, still seething with anger, responded firmly, "Even if he's ill, he should be held accountable for the crime he has committed. He must not be allowed to roam freely, especially considering how dangerous he is to women and children."

The police officer offered his apologies, assuring Porsche that they would take appropriate action to ensure this not to happen again.

Porsche sat in front of Anna, his anger palpable as he demanded an explanation, "Why did you forget to call me?" His voice was laced with intense frustration.

Anna hesitated, trembling under Porsche's anger, and nervously stammered out, "I, I, I, ah, I was about to call you but then..." She was visibly frightened by Porsche's anger.

Porsche's anger boiled over as he pressed, "THEN WHAT?"

Anna managed to reply, "I forgot to call you."

Porsche was clearly exasperated, and he angrily commented, "How can someone be so irresponsible? I told you multiple times to call me."

Anna, her voice quivering, responded, "Because this is the first time for me. This is the first time someone has asked me to call him, that's why I forgot." Tears welled up in her eyes as she spoke.

Porsche continued to look at her, then gently wiped away her tears. He tried to calm her down, emphasizing the importance of answering his calls. He took her phone, surprising her, turned it on, and increased the ringtone volume and said, "The most frustrating thing is that I called you multiple times, but you never answered. Why? Because your ringtone was dead." He sighed and added, "Isn't it frustrating?"

Anna obediently nodded and whispered, "I'm sorry."

Porsche applied ointment to the corner of Anna's mouth where she was bleeding, then carefully put a bandage on it. Anna gazed into his eyes, her mind filled with numerous questions.

Porsche, still somewhat angry, ordered her, "Stop looking at me, you little..." He paused and then softened his tone, comforting her.

He fetched some water for her and suggested her to sit down and relax for a moment. All this time, he remained in her house.

After a while, Porsche asked, "What about the birthday party?"

Anna replied, "I don't think I should go now."

Porsche insisted, "But you still have time. You should go. It will make you feel better." He added, "And you are not allowed to go alone for a few days. I'll take you there, and when you are done, just give me a call I'll pick you from there and drop you back home."

Anna hesitated, saying, "No, I don't want to be indebted to you. Also, I don't want to tire you."

Porsche's anger surfaced again as he firmly said, "What I said earlier wasn't a choice. I said what I said, and besides, I'll borrow my friend's car."

Anna expressed her concern, "Well, I don't think I can go to the party with this bandage on."

Porsche reassured her, "You still look beautiful, so don't worry," making Anna laugh.

Porsche then called his friend Ken, gave him Anna's house address, and asked him to come there. In the meantime, Porsche told Anna about Ken, who was his best friend, and shared some stories about their friendship.

About 10 minutes later, Porsche's friend gave a horn as he had arrived. They all then sat inside the car. Ken was a bit surprised because Porsche hadn't mentioned that he would be bringing a girl along with him.

Porsche then introduced Anna to Ken and asked, "Bro, I'll have to borrow your car tonight, okay?"

Ken answered, "Yeah, sure, man."

He then turned toward Anna, who was quietly sitting in the back seat, and flexed his arm to show how obedient his friend was.

That night was spent well for Anna as she enjoyed the party, all thanks to Porsche, who had insisted her to go. As they headed back home, with Porsche behind the wheel, Anna couldn't help but feel a strange mixture of emotions. It was a feeling that defied explanation.

During the drive, they didn't engage in much conversation. Porsche played some Taylor Swift songs, and he couldn't resist stealing glances at Anna whenever he had the chance. Anna, on the other hand, gazed out the window, feeling the cool breeze on her cheeks as they made their way through the quiet night.