

In a world where she felt utterly alone, a young girl's life took a surprising twist. After her father's passing, her mother vanished, leaving her without a soul to lean on. Just when it seemed like hope had abandoned her, destiny intervened. A chance encounter with a mysterious boy breathed new life into her existence. He became not just a friend, but the one true confidant she had longed for. As days turned into nights, the bonds of friendship deepened, evolving into a love they could no longer deny. Yet, their love story wasn't without its hurdles. Shadows from their pasts appearaed large, threatening to tear them apart. The question remained: Would fate guide them towards their dreams of happiness, or would it drag them through trials that tested the very limits of their love? In this tale of love and destiny, two souls navigated the treacherous waters of life, hoping that their love would ultimately lead them to the happiness they yearned for, and not leave them to endure suffering until the end of time.

MARYAMjk · Urban
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43 Chs


However, as she looked at his cute baby face, she found it difficult to turn him away and reluctantly invited him inside.

Looking at Porsche's cute baby face, Anna couldn't resist and invited him inside.

Porsche entered her house, his excitement evident. With a playful expression, he teased, "I got hurt by what you said earlier."

Anna replied, "Well, I said what I said, you uninvited guest. Don't make yourself feel at home."

Porsche exclaimed, "Wow! Your house is pretty and quite big for one person. I think you need one more person to fill in the space." He added, "I'm a bit jealous because I live in a small studio apartment anyway."

Anna replied with a grin, "Then work hard, my dear friend!"

After some playful banter, they enjoyed the lunch Porsche had brought. Anna mentioned the birthday party she was invited to.

Porsche suggested, "Hey, before you go, meet me at the Walmart. I'll treat you to my favorite coffee."

Anna didn't reply but simply nodded. Porsche continued, "Also, give me your number so we can contact more easily."

Anna felt a bit awkward but eventually gave Porsche her number. He suggested, "Call me before leaving the house so I'll place the order." Since Walmart wasn't far from her home, it made sense to order ahead.

After they finished lunch, Anna served him some mint chocolate ice cream, which she loved. However, when Porsche saw it, he couldn't hide his disgust and said, "Don't tell me you like this because I hate the concept of mint chocolate."

Anna chuckled and replied, "Well, more for me then! You'll have to try it one day; it's an acquired taste."

As they continued to argue about the mint chocolate ice cream, teasing each other playfully, Anna suddenly checked the clock and realized it was 4:30. She exclaimed, "I'll be late for the birthday party. I have to get ready."

Porsche, not wanting to leave but understanding her urgency, asked, "So what?"

Anna responded, "You must leave now. I have to get ready."

Reluctantly, Porsche agreed to leave but couldn't help asking, "What are you wearing to the party?"

Anna sighed and replied, "You can see when I meet you."

Porsche absentmindedly responded, "Hmm, okay."

Porsche had emphasized, "Don't forget to call me before leaving. I'll be waiting for you."

Their friendship was growing stronger by the day, and Anna had started to rely on Porsche more than she realized. He cared deeply about her happiness and well-being, always thinking about her.

After Porsche left, Anna took a quick shower and wore the white dress she had chosen. Feeling it looked a bit too simple, she accessorized with beautiful earrings and a finger ring. She slipped on her favorite white heels.

As Anna rushed to get ready for the birthday party, she was so caught up in her preparations that she completely forgot to call Porsche as he had requested earlier. Time flew by, and before she knew it, it was time to leave. She quickly grabbed her things and left her house without making the promised call to Porsche.

As she walked, she suddenly realized she had forgotten the gift she had bought for her student's birthday. Annoyed with herself for being so forgetful, she turned around and went back home to retrieve it.

Meanwhile, Porsche was patiently waiting for her call, concerned about her safety.

Anna retrieved the gift from her home, checked herself in the mirror, and then locked the door. Feeling a bit dehydrated, she poured herself a glass of water before heading off to the birthday party.

As Anna walked, she locked the gate behind her and began her journey. However, as she turned a corner from her alley, she began to hear the unsettling sound of footsteps behind her. She slowed down and then turned around to see the same masked man who had visited her store, following her.

With a mix of frustration and fear, Anna confronted the man, asking why he was following her. The man remained silent, smirking at her in an unsettling manner. Anna, disgusted by his actions, decided to ignore him and continued walking.

On the other hand, Porsche was growing increasingly worried as Anna hadn't called him yet, and it was already past 5:00. He tried to reassure himself, thinking she might have forgotten to call and was on her way.

However, Anna's situation took a turn for the worse as the man following her forcefully grabbed her by the arm, bringing her to a halt. She struggled to break free, but the man overpowered her, shoving her to the ground and started dragging her forcefully.

Terrified, Anna cried out for help, shouting, "HELP! HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!"

Porsche became a bit concerned when he didn't receive any calls from Anna, even though she was supposed to let him know before leaving. He dialed her number multiple times, but each call went unanswered.

Porsche, consumed by worry and sensing that something was terribly wrong, decided to take action. It was 5:30, and Anna hadn't arrived. He made up his mind to go to her house and check on her.

As Anna struggled to defend herself from the assailant who was trying to drag her away, she cried out for help. A small crowd began to gather, concerned by her distress. Despite her pleas, the man punched her in the face, causing her to cry out in pain. The onlookers were frightened by this violence and started to back away.

An elderly woman in the crowd attempted to assist Anna, but the aggressor forcefully pushed her aside, causing her to fall to the ground. Determined to protect herself, Anna searched for a weapon and found a stone nearby. She mustered up her courage and attempted to strike the assailant with it. However, her efforts were met with another harsh slap from the man, leaving her in a desperate situation. Then, he kept slapping her.

Porsche, overcome with worry and fear for Anna's safety, had rushed to her house. As he approached her alley, he began to hear unsettling noises. His heart raced with anxiety as he entered the alley and came upon a distressing scene. Seeing Anna being slapped by the aggressive man ignited a surge of anger within him.

His eyes filled with determination and his fists clenched tightly as he charged towards the unfolding confrontation, ready to intervene and protect Anna at all costs.

What do you think Porsche will do with that guy?

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