
Self-Insert Ideas

This is collection of ideas (mostly SI) for any aspiring writers. I just give a brief outline and free to you to use it in it's entirety or not. Just message me if you either publish a story influenced by one of these ideas as I would want to read it. If anyone got a possible scenario for me to try and come with a plan, please leave a comment. More explanation in the first chapter.

Evil_For_the_WIN · Others
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40 Chs

Chronicles of a Kumogakure Ninja

I died. I lived a simple life. I was born in a decently wealthy family with loving parents and siblings. I never had to suffer and all my life was planned for me. Not that it mattered much to me. I finished college and already had a job waiting for me. I had to find myself a lovely girl and marry soon. Then I died. Just like that, a stray bullet and I was on the floor slowly losing all my blood.


Good news. I ain't dead. No, to be more accurate I was reborn. I am in a crib, looks like I was born a while ago. There's a this white haired (weird) young woman that seems to always be around me. I think that she's either my mother or my wet-nurse. But personnaly, I prefer her being my mother. I would be gorgeous with a mother like that. A shame I don't understand anything she says.


I started getting a little of what they're saying. Two blond haired dudes (an adult and a kid) came to see me too. They seems to be my father and brother. They honnestly look scary, hope I don't look like them. Also, one of them should be called or nicknamed Hei or something. It's confirmed that the white haired woman is really my mother. She's named Raki if I'm not wrong. And I still don't know what I'm called.


I can walk now. At least I try. I'm also kind handsome looking if I dare say and I dare. I have white hair like my mother which honestly comfort me a lot. I'm getting more fluent in their language. I don't want to sound arrogant but I'm glad I'm a genius.


This is my first birthday. I'm all muscular for a baby. That must be due to genetics. I'm grown up now. I think I may have been reincarnated in a fantasy world. If I could get out I could confirm it but I'm litteraly imprisonned in this room. It's like my parents don't want others to know I exist. I never went out of this damned room as long as I can remember. At least, they started teaching me how to talk. I think they noticed my genius.


It's been six months and I'm in the Naruto world. I'm the son of the third Raikage and if my calculations are correct I'm around the same age as Minato. I can speak fluently now and understand why I've been hidden since birth. I was to become a spy in a few months in Konohagakure. Normally, I should go there at five years old but since they concluded I'm a genius I was to go there at two. The sooner the better they say.

I have to say that I'm not a great fan of all this spy thing but I understand that it could give us a strategical advantage. And as my new father says get rid of this damned daimyo on our head. About this new family thing I'm still somewhat perplex but one thing is sure, if I play my cards correctly I can get to the peak of this world.

Also, to be clear I don't have any bloodline limit. My father strength and defense come from training and good genetics only. I think his indestructible shield should be a combination of his monstruous body and a clever use of lightning.

And my mother is also a ninja. She should be from the same clan as the future Mabui. She works under my father and masters the Heavenly Transfer Technique. I know that because they want me to eventually master this secret technique as a mean to communicate with them later on. This technique was created by an ancestor of my mother family and that's why those with genetics close to his are predisposed to use this jutsu contrarly to others.


I'm two years old and finally free. Seriously, even if I could die anytime now I'm happy to get out of this room. I was sent to Konoha as our oldest and best spy nephew. You'll never guess who it was: Goki Ichiraku, Teuchi father.

This is my planned backstory. My name is Toki Rai. My parents were merchants from the land of clouds. They were killed by bandits and I was shipped to my maternal uncle Goki along with the body of my parents. I want to become a ninja to protect everyone from bandits in the Elemental Nations. For that, I want to learn medical ninjutsu. As I was a genius that couldn't be wasted, I will be put under Tsunade, the Senju heiress. I would then get access to Senju and Uzumaki secrets. When I become a Jonin, I would then accomplish merits with help from Kumo. And then become Hokage. After that, I should eliminate all dissentious individuals and or group and when Konoha is a monolith under my command, we will start a war against each other and then swallow the others villages slowly. Once we're the only two villages remaining we will fuse and the world will become our playground.

To be realistic, I don't think everything would workout just like that.


It's been eight years since I started my mission. I'm graduating from the academy today. I'm the second of my class, deliberatly obviously as my physical strength, speed and endurance is unmatched by my peers, Minato included and I already know a lot of Lightning Release jutsu. Unfortunately, I can't use my jutsu as they would give me away.

I showed interest in medical ninjutsu since the start of my education and screamed to all that want to hear it that I want to become a ninja that heals and protects. I'm good friend with Minato and I'm wondering wether to seduce Kushina to get all Uzumaki secrets. All I had to do is coordonating with Kumo to save her from kidnappers and lie to her a little. In hindsight, father and son got their wife the same idiotic and irrealistic way. Anyway, I decided against that as it would destroy my advantage of knowing the future. Their bullshit prophecy and all that. Also I don't really like loudmouth like her.

So far, our plan is working perfectly. Minato, the kunoichi of the year and the deadlast are put on the same team under Jiraiya. I'm put in the same team as two girls: a Yamanka that also want to be a medic and surprise surprise a random Uchiha. And we're under Tsunade. I'm wondering why they put an Uchiha under the Senju heiress. It's maybe a power play or I'm reading too much into it.


She made us do the bell test. Seriously they should get more imaginative. All I had to do was motivating two kids to make them work for me. Also I made her notice my unbielevably strong body during our little parade.

Now we're rank D missions to get to know each other more. I sometimes invite them to my cousin shop to eat ramen. Goki took his retreat.


As we're in war, we're quickly dispatched under our sensei. As I got attached to my two little teammates I try to keep them alive. Maybe I should make them loyal to me and groom them. And them growing into beauties is just a nice bonus.

I finally mastered the Heavenly Transfer Technique and could now exchange message directly with my father. Not that I have much to talk about.


Everything is going well and the war is still ongoing. I learned the Shadow Clone technique and even got to meet Mito Uzumaki, the Nine Tails Jinchuriki. She's strong but not as much as I thought. I egged them on to try and duck it out. Easy with their behavior. Mito doesn't use the Nine Tails power at all which surprised me but in hindsight is normal as for her she is just sealing him. Also she can't beat her grand daughter and she isn't even a Sannin yet. Her fuinjutsu is useful to prepare the field but not for fighting head on. All in all, he lost and Tsunade didn't even have to use her summon or her bullshit techniques.

Now that I think about with Tsunade help, I can more easily master my father technique. And if I add the Eight Gates I might become really strong. Thoughts for later.


I started more earnestly learning Iryojutsu and got closer to Tsunade. Her brother just died. Tragic, I know but it made her more susceptible to be befriended. She gave me some Lightning Jutsu when we tested our affinity.

Other noteworthy event is that all my team got promoted to chunnin. We're in war so we got promoted due to merits. Thanks to nepotism we weren't separated and remained as a team. Maki, the Uchiha unlocked her sharingan, apparently her father died in the war. With a little training, she might get to three tomoe before another person die. Like that she would unlock the Mangekyo. Hina, the Yamanaka is specializing as a medic and rarely use her clan jutsu nowadays. But as Tsunade students she still have to be able to defend herself.

By the way, Maki has fire affinity and Hina wind.

Oh, also Tsunade officialy became a Sannin.


I finally managed to make her teach us summoning jutsu. I can already see myself using Senjutsu and demolishing everyone. Kushina got kidnapped and rescued in the meantime.


Senjutsu got delayed as the war climaxed. A shame really.


Ahh. Really, I'm frustrated. Tsunade went rogue. Not really but you get it. She took Dan's niece Shizune and went to where I don't know.

As we're already chunnin, we won't get another instructor. The distance to Senjutsu got once again longer.

There're some good news though. I got promoted to Jonin and the war ended. My two little teammates are more than ever dependant on me. Unfortunately, Maki didn't get the Mangekyo.


I'm now trying to get close to Sarutobi since he's technically my grand teacher. With Mito dead and Uzushio destroyed, Kushina is my only remaining way to the Uzumaki secrets. We gathered a great deal of their scrolls when we destroyed their village but without an Uzumaki to teach us it's still a little difficult to revive their glory.

Unfortunately, I let my best chance pass. Now I can only play on my "friendship" with Minato.


It's been two years now. I managed to get the Reverse Summoning Scroll from Hiruzen. I will soon try it see what summoning animal I get and if I survive to get their summoning scroll. Also I learned black lighting from my father. Pretty cool technique if I dare.


I went to a humongus walley with tree and mountains everywhere. There were all sorts of birds. A real color show. The boss was a humongous eagle. A thunderbird they said.

Anyway to give me their summoning scroll, they had only one condition. They would throw me from the highest mountain around and I should fly or die. No jutsu. No technique. Nothing. I couldn't get out and try later. I was dumbfounded. I said to them to let me prepare myself beforehand. It's been a week.


I used the Heavenly Transfer Technique to order a flying suit like Hiccup from How To Train Your Dragon. I was never so happy to have this jutsu. If I couldn't fly, I would plane at least.

I tried it from a tree. And it worked. Now I have to try it for real.


I'm alive. I love feeling the earth under my feet. I'm FUCKING ALIVE.


I finally got their damned summoning scroll. There's all sort of birds here and each of them have different abilities. The cuckoo birds could heal. The swallows could make some kinds of genjutsu.

With this summoning scroll I became the most versatile possible.


Third Shinobi World War came. I can now use Senjutsu. I'm not a master as the longer I use it more I start becoming birdlike but I will get there someday. Using their Senjutsu I'm able to fly.

My father would die soon and I would ensure that it happens. I want to rule all the Shinobi world, not be under my father forever. He already taught me everything he knows anyway.

My mother died off this year from a cancer.

My two little teammates became also Jonin.There's a little nepotism involved but that's normal.

I beacame Minato best friend. He even taught me his Rasengan and I'm learning Fuinjutsu together with him and Kushina. Some gratis ramen and we were besties.


I don't think a living Shinobi (I think Madara is dead) can beat me one on one now. I'm entertaining the idea of greffig myself a pair of sharingan but I decided against that. I have a better plan.

I'm wondering who to marry Maki or Hina. I'm penching for Hina. Fewer problems. Also I get an in to the Ino-Shika-Cho since she's Inoichi sister. I can keep Maki as my mistress. They're like sisters anyways.

By the way, my father died. My brother became the Raikage and he always listen to me asI was the genius of the family.

I'm wondering wether I should get a team on my own.


Minato got chosen as Hokage. I'm a little miffed but it's normal. I lazed around during this war. I got the Eight Gates at some point though.

Anyway, with my advice, my brother started gathering the running bloodline limits users from Kiri. The bloodline purge is a treasure for us. We won't be lacking from bloodline limits users from now on. But we have to ensure their loyalty so we are taking mostly little kids. The younger they are the better.


I decided to take over Root. All I had to do is accusing Danzo for betraying Konoha. I showed proof of some deals he had with with Kumo and it was easy as that

Minato did some secret investigations from there and we discovered many others shadows deals. Danzo was executed by me when fleeing at least that was my official report. Orochimaru fell with him. But thanks to a little advance reminder from someone (me) he escaped alive. I may need him later.

As the best friend of the Hokage with foolproof loyalty and unfathomable strength, I humbly accepted to lead Root.

I made some reshuffles but now Root is mine as well as Hashirama cells. I started searching fir living planets around but I didn't get too much success for now.


I got married to Hina. We don't plan to have kids for a while.

I gave some of Hashirama cells to Maki. I used Genjutsu on her and she managed to get tthe Mangekyo and now I want to see if she can unlock the Rinnegan even if I think she lacks Indra chakra. She got the Totsuka blade and the sealing urn. I don't want to let those weapons in the hands of someone I don't control.

We managed to create a jutsu to keep Jinchuriki alive even if their bijuu got extracted. My brother is sensible like that.


Maki managed to infiltrate Akatsuki as one of the founding member. Officially, she defected because I didn't choose her. She tried to kill Hina and me but failed. We couldn't forget our past relationship and let her get away.

Kushina is pregnant. Soon.


Obito attacked the village. Kushina and Minato sacrificied themselves to seal the Kyuubi as I protected the village.

I was crowned Hokage. Two villages in my belt. I took custody of Naruto as I didn't let anyone the chance to object. A good weapon should be wielded by me.

Hina will deal with his brainwashing. She is pretty gifted for that. I made her principal of the academy.


When I became Hokage, I drafted Tsunade back. It was that of getting labelled as a traitor. She hates me now but is close to Hina. Hina started learning from her once again. I already know all her techniques anyway.

I also started taking over Jiraiya spy network.

I regularly send some Root agents to Suna.


We signed a peace treaty with Kumo. Everything went well. Orochimaru is working on projects I direct him on. Either from Kumo, Akatsuki or myself.

The little Gaara is now my infiltrated spy in Suna. Not that he could get many informations but he'll be useful later.

Kumo has the most bloodline clans now. Mei is dealing with A to get them back but without success for now. I should start getting closer to Kiri.


The Uchiha massacre was a great night. If someone should have eyeballs with bullshit unknown powers, it should be my kids only. By the way, I should give my kid access to the Bird Valley once I have some. I'm a full fledged Senjutsu master now.

How should I deal with the Hyuuga? Or shoud I let them alone?


Canon started. Orochimaru did attack Konoha. I was on a diplomatic leave to Kiri to discuss an hypothetic alliance. I took Tsunade and Hina with me. I let Hiruzen in charge.

Before I could get back, Hiruzen died heroically protecting the village. Then Sasuke defected. Naruto didn't whine about saving him. I raised him well.

I send them to retrieve him anyway. Destiny should follow it course.


I now have Suna under my grip and by exchanging with Konoha and Kumo, they were getting better by the day.

I managed to seduce Mei. Now Kiri is our ally.


Earth. Fire. ... Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked... No Akatsuki instead.

They took Gaara, Naruto went to save him and with that the last rebellious group (Chiyo) of Suna was dealt with.

Itachi found a way to seal Orochimaru anyway.

Pain then tried to attack the village. Jiraiya didn't die. I took care of him easily.

And Obito finally declared war against the world.

As there wasn't a better choice I decided to become the chief of the Shinobi alliance. I was close to my goal.


Madara came back to life. I didn't waste my army lives to test Madara prowess. I sent Onoki to confront him. The fossils should just die off.

Everything accelerated.

Obito ressucitated everyone that died eve the old fossil. A shame really but I will get over it. Especially that I learned his grand daughter didn't know how to use Dust Release yet.


Madara is making his show and I was observing. He got fucked in the butt by Black Zetsu and the Rabbit Goddess came to be.

Naruto confirmed something from the Sage for me. After giving out his powers to Naruto and Sasuke, he didn't have any power anymore. He could only observe.

Team Seven confronted her and managed to defeat her. I then imprisonned her. We read her memory and discovered that her Otsusuki partner should still be alive somewhere. We decided to maintain the alliance in the meantime.


My scientific team is working on extracting the chakra fruit from Kaguya. I gained the knowledge of making chakra fruit from her memory but didn't find a good planet yet to implement it. Also I don't have an Otsusuki to sacrifice. Kaguya is beyond redemption so she'll be killed off after she lose her use.

We already extracted Ashura and Indra chakra from Naruto and Sasuke. We learned how to create more from the littlle we gained and made generator of them. Maki got her own Rinnegan.

Sasuke got killed and officially died off his injuries from the fight against the Rabbit Goddess.

In the meantime, I started a war in the Sage world. With the Bird Valley under my belt, I started conquering other sage animals lands. Anyone that opposed got killed.


I already conquered all the sage world. I send an expeditio to the moon to get rid of Hamura remain and bring back his Tenseigan. There was Naruto, Gaara, Bee, Kakashi as the main force.

Kakashi will die with a little push from Naruto and the others and I will get Obito eyes.

It's been some years now.

We found the hiding Otsusuki remains. With the full force of the Shinobi alliance, they didn't last long and most got captured. Only those that weren't loyal enough died in this war.


It's been a century now since Kaguya resurgence. The Shinobi world is now a monolith under me. Some Otsusuki attacked in the meantime but we dealt with them. More experimental subjects.

I have now the power of the chakra fruit and am better than any Otsusuki we saw so far. I'm also immortal. I have many children that are region leaders.

There's no clan anymore. Everything for the betterment of the Shinobi world (me).

I will soon launch a space conquest and we will see where it bring us.

It's been a while huh?

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