
Seimeigakure: The Hidden Village of Life

With no other choice, I founded the Hidden Village of Life and became the first Seimeikage. The other Great Ninja Villages: Envy! Tsunade: I thought I was a pioneer in medicine, now I know I still have a lot to learn. Orochimaru: My experiments make me look like a novice playing with a vinegar volcano compared to him. Jiraya: Why didn't I know a place like this existed?! -------------------------------------------------- I do not own Naruto or any other universe that will appear except the MC. The cover has been generated by an AI after many attempts based on my drawing. If you like Naruto fanfics, check out my previous work: "A ninja who is always hungry".

Cadenadeaventuras · Anime & Comics
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132 Chs

Only womens

The next thing that happened was a lengthy explanation of our idea regarding the type of alliance, objectives, and obligations. I'm glad Pakura gave me a summarized version, because wow, the amount of details she had.

The Raikage had the look that he got lost somewhere within the first twenty minutes, but fortunately, Mabui diligently and professionally took notes, especially summarizing the key parts.

She only had to give a copy to her boss for him to look at it himself at the end of the explanatory session.

Maybe I should have just given them Pakura's summary? No matter, it would be awkward to bring it up now, and Mabui would give me a resentful look for giving her extra work.

"So..." the Raikage scratched his head trying to process everything. "This is not the final version of the alliance, but the foundations that will be used for the actual alliance you intend to carry out, correct?"

"That's right," I nodded, satisfied that there were no issues in understanding it.

"Is Sunagakure willing?" The Raikage didn't seem very confident that the people of the Sand would willingly join, but it's understandable since he's not aware of the recent events.

Events that we caused.

"Sunagakure is definitely in," I said with a tone of indisputable fact. "Pakura made sure of it, and I already have confirmation from the next ascending Kazekage."

"Have they already decided on the next Kazekage?" The Raikage raised his voice in surprise. "Why haven't I been informed of this?" He turned to ask Mabui.

"We didn't have any news of the matter either..." Mabui wore a face of doubt and bewilderment since her own espionage department hadn't reported anything yet.

The Raikage frowned; he has always been annoyed by the lack of timely information to be prepared for these kinds of things.

"So, is Kumogakure interested or not?" Ameyuri got bored halfway through the explanation and sat on my lap, playing with my ears as if they were pendulums.

It tickles, and feeling her warm breath so close doesn't help me stay focused.

"I have no problem with the mentioned foundations," A looked at us after a few moments of additional reflection. "The talks to finalize the details need to be postponed a couple of months because my schedule is full, right?" Mabui nodded to confirm the Raikage's question. "But if you'll be the mediators and participants, then I think we'll give it a shot."

"Wonderful!" I applauded and discreetly patted Ameyuri's buttocks gently and lovingly to get her to put the box with the fruit we brought on the table. "In that case, I have a gift for Kumogakure. This is, let's say, the version we use instead of SMILES."


Yes, I expected that interest. After all, he was present when we reduced Inoichi to nothing, and I'm sure that after so much time, he concluded that we used something better than what we traded.

Even if A hadn't deduced it, his people would have inevitably come to that conclusion over time.

"We'll also provide one later to Sunagakure, hoping that this strengthens a positive alliance between the three villages," I added. "And since you 'arrived first,' this fruit completely counters the one we'll give them."

Wow, the satisfaction on A's face is huge, and even Mabui can't help but smile a bit at how favorable the deal is for them. Basically, I'm telling them that both villages will have a stronger fighter, but theirs will be able to handle Sunagakure's even if they don't reach an agreement.

"Is there any important difference we need to know?"

I love how Mabui seems to know exactly what questions to ask for my benefit.

"Unlike SMILES, these fruits have some significant restrictions that you need to pay VERY close attention to," I put on my best serious expression, as if what I was saying wasn't invented by me almost on the spot. "The two fruits we'll deliver have different powers, but the same restriction: they can only be consumed by women."

"Why only women?"

It seems, as I suspected, that A was thinking about eating the fruit himself or giving it to Killer B. Thank goodness I already decided that shouldn't be something that successfully takes place.

"Because if a man eats them, next year will be the anniversary of his death," Ameyuri said while using her thumb to make a cutting gesture across her throat.

"It was a detail we learned the hard way," Karin grimaced, as if remembering something very unpleasant.

"It's not that death is guaranteed; the possibility is 78%," I added to make everything more realistic. "But if the man doesn't die... let's say, he'll wish he had with all his might."

"And women don't have the same risk?" Mabui asked somewhat worried.

"No, in fact, they will benefit from an increase in their physique," I explained, contributing to the conversation. "Also, I would recommend that you think carefully about which kunoichi to give the fruit to. If the ability is incompatible with her fighting style, I won't be able to produce another one."

"What kind of ability does it contain?" It's clear that the Raikage has a high interest in knowing the effects of the Bara Bara fruit.

"Essentially, the kunoichi who eats this fruit should never fear being cut by a weapon or ninjutsu..." My explanation of the fruit was a bit detailed, explaining the part of separating body parts, the approximate range of limb control, and everything I could remember.

"I understand; the effect is quite good," A rubbed his chin while nodding.

While it doesn't protect against elemental, blunt, or explosive damage, the ability to split the body and not be affected by cutting attacks has many uses.

Especially if done suddenly and by surprise.

"Now that we've been able to reach an agreement, we'll take our leave," I stood up with Ameyuri and Karin to leave. "If you need us, we'll still be in your village for a couple of days."

Although the Sky Island is much more comfortable, I want to take the opportunity for Karin to do some sightseeing and give Mariko some free time.

"Well, the usual residence is where it always is," Mabui nodded as she accompanied us to bid farewell.

Yes, after so many visits, they assigned us a small residence that could be considered our vacation home in Kumogakure. It's not a mansion or anything, but it's enough for when, after finishing the delivery, you feel like staying outside for a day or two.

"Obviously, the building is not going to move..." Ameyuri whispered as she rolled her eyes.

Mabui maintained her polite expression; she is much better at controlling her reactions than her boss, and the truth is that she knows Ameyuri's sharp tongue quite well.

"Can we go for some karaage?" Karin asked, drooling a bit.


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