
Seimeigakure: The Hidden Village of Life

With no other choice, I founded the Hidden Village of Life and became the first Seimeikage. The other Great Ninja Villages: Envy! Tsunade: I thought I was a pioneer in medicine, now I know I still have a lot to learn. Orochimaru: My experiments make me look like a novice playing with a vinegar volcano compared to him. Jiraya: Why didn't I know a place like this existed?! -------------------------------------------------- I do not own Naruto or any other universe that will appear except the MC. The cover has been generated by an AI after many attempts based on my drawing. If you like Naruto fanfics, check out my previous work: "A ninja who is always hungry".

Cadenadeaventuras · Anime & Comics
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132 Chs

Department of Intelligence

POV Enel

"I'm glad everything went so well," I was speaking via Den Den Mushi with Anko, informing myself about what happened in Sunagakure and how things went with the Wind Daimyo.

Although I have the feeling that she is being a bit evasive about what happened during the Daimyo's meeting (maybe it's just my imagination), things were able to move forward, and that's what mattered.

Temari will be the next Kazekage unless she's assassinated, and with the benefits the village will receive from her promotion, I don't think there's anyone in the five nations with more guardians and trainers in the next period than her.

It's interesting to note that when Gaara learned about it, he didn't try to rival his older sister. Instead, he seems to be supporting her, realizing how challenging it is to gain the village's recognition after so many years with his previous attitude.

I don't really think there's much of a difference. I mean, with his dual identity as a jinchuriki and Temari's younger brother, he'll be promoted to a position of trust and will have enough power in his hands to flaunt it to Naruto the next time they meet.

Naruto Namikaze, huh.

"Well, we'll return once we finish our business in Kumogakure, and maybe we'll take some time on the way, so remember not to neglect the other things we discussed," I reminded them. "Love you all~" I hung up with a smile.

"Are we really going to get the head of the Third Hokage's son?" Karin asked somewhat nervously.

And I think it's normal for her to be, because the head will end up in her hands when we return to the village.

The reason? Although the bodies of rogue ninjas are easy for us to obtain, Asuma's brain contains a vast amount of secrets about Konoha and the Sarutobi clan that we can use to our advantage. So Karin will use the knowledge I've taught her so far about various characters to try to extract information from the head.

One might think it's cruel to give a human head to Karin, but the idea was proposed by none other than Mariko, and since this world literally trains children as young as eight to be glorified assassins...

Who am I to question a mother?

True, I asked her to at least give me an explanation. Karin is learning medicine from me in all aspects, so the part of digging into other people's brains was only put on the table after Mariko's idea.

According to Karin's mother, while Seimeigakure has developed in a fantastic way in its short existence in many directions, we didn't have anything remotely resembling our own intelligence department, and that was a serious lack.

And among the "youngsters" of the village, only Maki and Karin meet the necessary conditions to carry out this type of task.

Haku and Fu are too innocent for these things, Nemu already has her own job, while Maki has to help Mariko with the development and application of fuinjutsu for everything I ask her. As for Kimimaro, he is not oriented towards this delicate type of control, being better on the battlefield.

So, Karin can use her knowledge as a medical ninja to obtain the necessary intelligence more easily. Of course, this won't be an active job, and our intention is as simple as having someone capable of doing these things in case the need arises.

Regarding the fear or repulsion of dealing with organs or limbs, Karin has already overcome it with my help and Shizune's. More like Shizune, who seems to know how to handle these emotions and overcome them properly as a medical ninja. My part was more providing some "materials" for practice when Ameyuri was busy with something else.

"The Raikage got a good deal from us," Ameyuri protested weakly. "The price you offered for the head of someone so weak was too much; I could have dealt with him myself."

"I have no doubt."

For me, there's not much difference, the point is that Asuma died, and everyone's happy.

Well, except for Yuhi and the Ino-Shika-Cho team, I guess.

We arrived in Kumogakure, and after the warm welcome from the guards, we were escorted to the Raikage's office. We've been coming back and forth for so long because of our business that many already know us or recognize the headband.

Perhaps that's why our collaboration has leaked, although I'm satisfied that the reasons for the transactions have not been revealed despite being exposed by Onoki. He's not "credible" enough in this matter.

The Raikage didn't beat around the bush and threw the scroll with Asuma's head at us, so I did the same and handed him the scroll with his next purchase along with the reward for killing the Third Hokage's son.

Just as Ameyuri said, I really overpaid for Asuma, but it doesn't matter.

I wasn't going to say goodbye, but seeing that we didn't get up from the cloud furniture (this man got a little obsessed with them, and now his office was almost full of them), he sat back down.

"Is there anything else to discuss?" he asked us, and Ameyuri pulled out a square box that, when opened, revealed a light orange fruit of oval shape, composed of small spherical pieces with swirls and green foliage sprouting from the top.

"Is that a new model of SMILE?" the Raikage asked interestedly as he reached out to examine the peculiar fruit, but Ameyuri kept the fruit out of his reach, earning a raised questioning eyebrow.

Mabui was also somewhat confused, but with the enlightened expression she later wore, I think she might have a slight intuition about it.

"We've been collaborating for a long time," I began to say as I entered my speech mode. "We've had a few years of fruitful exchanges, the confidentiality of the deals has been maintained without problems, there were no dirty plays, and after a VERY extensive discussion, we decided that Kumogakure has earned a possible greater benefit."

"Oh?" A crossed his arms and looked at us attentively, understanding that this seemed more serious than a simple expansion of the product catalog.

"How about an alliance between three villages?" I proposed first.

"Besides the one we have with you?" the Raikage remained silent for a moment as he thought. "Iwagakure?"

Okay, I understand how he could have come to that conclusion.

"So, in the end, you managed to catch Onoki's granddaughter," the Raikage laughed, to my consternation.

I'm already regretting coming.

"It's Sunagakure, musclehead," Ameyuri spat out with a disdainful look.

"What did you say, shrimp?" A stood up, shouting.

"Do you have your ears clogged?" Ameyuri also stood up, and the two clashed foreheads forcefully.

"Not again..." Mabui put her hand to her forehead and sighed, looking at me to seek help. "Could you provide more details about this supposed alliance with Sunagakure, Lord Enel?"