
Seimeigakure: The Hidden Village of Life

With no other choice, I founded the Hidden Village of Life and became the first Seimeikage. The other Great Ninja Villages: Envy! Tsunade: I thought I was a pioneer in medicine, now I know I still have a lot to learn. Orochimaru: My experiments make me look like a novice playing with a vinegar volcano compared to him. Jiraya: Why didn't I know a place like this existed?! -------------------------------------------------- I do not own Naruto or any other universe that will appear except the MC. The cover has been generated by an AI after many attempts based on my drawing. If you like Naruto fanfics, check out my previous work: "A ninja who is always hungry".

Cadenadeaventuras · Anime & Comics
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132 Chs

Copper flute

It has been a few months since Anko joined my village, and it has been quite a spectacle to witness. She declared herself the "big sister" to everyone, realizing that most of the kids are younger than her, and Kimimaro... well, he didn't agree. He reluctantly agreed to play that role after a fight in which he narrowly lost, but the cost of it was that Ameyuri wasn't satisfied with the outcome and gave her "special training" in return.

Anko was assigned to Pakura since her fighting style is more in line with hers than Ameyuri's. That, and it seems she's scared of my fiancée ever since she saw Kimimaro's training.

I counted the days, and tomorrow marks one year since I arrived in this world, so I want to do something commemorative. For the occasion, I made a flute from a special copper alloy. It all came to me as I reflected on how foolish it was to have a gold rod to use for fighting; gold simply isn't a suitable material for such a weapon. Carrying around a copper or brass staff or spear would be more optimal for conductivity and plasticity.

But I really didn't want to lug something that large everywhere, so I made a flute. By using Thunder Metallurgy, I can transform it into multiple weapons or tools if I ever need them. That way, I won't need to use gold accessories for things like the scalpel I made with Karin's mother.

The copper flute is shinier and more metallic compared to the wood or traditional metal like silver typically used to make flutes. This results in a sharper and more penetrating sound. Of course, I didn't forget about the design or thickness, which are crucial for its sound. The way it curves and is manipulated could influence how the sound waves move through the instrument.

But thanks to my Devil Fruit power and Mantra, it's easy to tune it as I want after playing around with it a bit. The fact that I could also play the regular flute and transverse flute in my previous life helps. It was a little hobby to distract myself after work.

The flute should be heavier, but that's where my alloy works its magic: lightening and preventing material overheating. And when I get tired of playing, I turn it into an additional bracelet.

Oh, right, I was talking about Anko, and maybe I should talk about how things have gone with her Cursed Seal of Heaven.

Yes, we resolved it within two weeks. Since Orochimaru is among the knowledge I chose to acquire, it naturally came to the point where I received that information. After passing it on to Mariko, we were able to remove the hidden snake's soul in Anko, turning it into "nutrients" for her. This resulted in a substantial increase in her chakra volume and the removal of the seal on her skin.

Anko was so excited that she cried while hugging me, despite Ameyuri's openly jealous gaze. Ameyuri was understanding enough not to pull Anko's ear and ruin the moment. It was odd because Mariko did all the work, but she didn't step forward to claim her credit. Instead, she gave me a mocking smile, as if she knew something I didn't.

What on earth did Mariko say to Anko to make her react like that towards me?

On the bright side, after breaking free from her former master's shadow, Anko's personality became more cheerful, and she doesn't bother me as much with the idea of setting up a dango stand on Sky Island anymore. Now she only mentions it a couple of times a week. I've seen what those sweets do to her figure in the future, and she'll thank me in a few years.

I also realized how ridiculous it was to carry storage scrolls like the ones I asked Mariko for. I can make Universal Capsules using Bulma's technology! It turns out that knowing something and knowing how to apply it are two completely different concepts. Still, at least I realized it early and prepared some.

They don't require chakra, function just as well, and can even hold more items. Not to mention that the capsules are so small that I can carry a bunch of them with me. It would take a dozen of them lined up just to occupy the space of a regular scroll. They even share the smoke explosion effect with the scrolls!

Since I was already in the lab making them, I also started producing some batches of Byakugan to sell later. The method is simple: create only the eyeballs, following the recipe for the gigais from Bleach, while using genetic material that Hinata's mother and Hinata herself kindly provided me without their knowledge.

Why create an entire body when I'm only interested in the eyes?

It would just waste resources. If someone were to enter my restricted laboratory right now, they would see a wall full of what would look like fish tanks with heads growing inside them, floating in fluorescent green liquid. Anyone who understands what a gigai is will understand that I don't have to worry about moral reasons. They are literally artificial bodies without souls or consciousness, so they shouldn't be confused with something as shady as clones or White Zetsus.

Of course, before cultivating these heads, I had to perform some tests and examinations to understand what I was dealing with. After completing them, I made a small alteration. The eyes are perfectly functional, without the blind spot at the back of the neck, and they won't cause rejections once transplanted. But now comes the BUT. I altered their genetic sequence so that they can only tolerate a maximum of two connections to the optic nerves before collapsing and turning into mush.

Why did I do something like that? Simple. The ease with which people replace their eyes in this world is sickening. I'm aware that if I were to sell "healthy" Byakugan, it wouldn't matter if the ninja who receive them die. They'll just retrieve the eyes from the corpse and give them to someone else in an endless cycle until the eyes are damaged beyond use. That's clearly bad for business, so I'm using something that traders in my old world loved to use and abused almost without consequences: planned obsolescence! The first optic nerve connection is naturally the head of the gigai where the eyes are growing. Once they are removed, only one person can equip a pair, and in case of death, as soon as the eyes are removed for another transplant, they will dissolve.

What if only one eye is transplanted, like Ao?

Well, then they still have a spare if the first one gets damaged.

My goal for selling the Byakugan is Iwagakure and Kumogakure. Why not the others? Sunagakure won't be able to afford it. Oh, and Rasa is still alive and kicking, so Pakura holds her grudge. Maybe when Gaara takes over, he might consider buying something. Kirigakure already noticed Ameyuri's defection (who was quite upset because, according to her, the reward in the Bingo book wasn't up to her standards), and since Terumi saw me with her before we left, I wouldn't be surprised if they put the pieces together. Like before, let's hope they change their Kage before talking.


I think it's unnecessary to explain. Putting aside the reaction of the Hyuga main branch, Sarutobi would likely declare something about stealing his village's heritage, demanding compensation along with the method for doing it, and turning everyone against us, while Danzo would think something like, "If he can make Byakugan, can he make Sharingan?" I can almost picture him drooling at the idea of an endless supply of Sharingan; it's disgusting. Oh, and I'm not hiding that it's my village selling them.

No one died in the process, and I made them myself.

What explanation should I give them?

In fact, maybe this nonsense about dividing the main branch and the branch family of the Hyuga clan will be broken, so they should thank me for pushing things in that direction. And no, I can't merge hundreds of Byakugan like Toneri did. I mean, I actually can, but I don't know the theory for the fusion to result in sublimation or a super weapon.

But those aren't the only developments my village has had during this time...


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