
Seimeigakure: The Hidden Village of Life

With no other choice, I founded the Hidden Village of Life and became the first Seimeikage. The other Great Ninja Villages: Envy! Tsunade: I thought I was a pioneer in medicine, now I know I still have a lot to learn. Orochimaru: My experiments make me look like a novice playing with a vinegar volcano compared to him. Jiraya: Why didn't I know a place like this existed?! -------------------------------------------------- I do not own Naruto or any other universe that will appear except the MC. The cover has been generated by an AI after many attempts based on my drawing. If you like Naruto fanfics, check out my previous work: "A ninja who is always hungry".

Cadenadeaventuras · Anime & Comics
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132 Chs

A cloud for everyone

It all started when I was making the Universal Capsules.

I thought, is there anything related to clouds in that universe?

And then I realized something extremely practical: The Kinton Cloud!

It has been my project for the past few months, and it wasn't easy because it had quite strict requirements and only an esoteric idea of how it should be. I had to employ Weatheria's cloud technology and some knowledge from Caesar Clown about gases, use data from Orochimaru's research on chakra, and establish a summoning contract with Mariko's help using seals.

The result was a large "mother" Kinton cloud that acts similarly to Katsuyu, the Slug Sage. Everyone in the village has to sign the summoning contract, and depending on the amount of chakra they use, they will summon a larger or smaller cloud.

In their version of your world, the Kinton cloud cannot be stepped on by just anyone, and here it's the same. Living beings that haven't registered their blood in a special way in the "mother" Kinton cloud won't be able to get on it or even touch it.

Now, everyone not only has a means to go up and down from the village as they please, but they also won't get lost even if they're outside, and I move the village since the summoned Kinton clouds can return to the "mother" with an order, and their speed is tremendous.

The downside? Everyone has one except me, who can't use chakra, and I can only use it on the Sky Island to satisfy my curiosity.

I know I don't need it, but... envy.

They are really comfortable and soft.

Of course, I didn't let all of Mariko's work on fuinjutsu for moving in and out of the village go to waste; I just gave it another use. I moved the arrival point to the medical pods in the lab and tattooed a small hidden seal under the hair as a life-saving measure.

The moment someone is in critical condition, under a mental command, or clinically dead, their body will return to the medical pod for emergency treatment.

Now that we've solved the issue of moving between the village and the ground, let's move on to another important project.

Engagement ring.

I was really wracking my brain to create something truly meaningful, and in the end, an idea shot out from the brain pressure.

A ring made of Pure Gold and set with a fragment of Gelel Stone.

I think there's no more unique and perfect combination.

The downside is that Pure Gold will need a few years to accumulate enough material the size of a cherry, and as for the Gelel Stone, I need to find a ferret in a desert caravan.

Let's look at the positive side; once I have both things, I'll have enough material to make several rings if I really manage to have a harem.

I said goodbye to everyone and descended to the ground, then moved to the Land of Hot Water; they really need to improve their naming style.

Since I was thinking about the engagement ring, I also looked for honeymoon destinations, and hot springs sounded great, so while checking everything, I discovered a mountain not far away with beautiful scenery.

It doesn't have cherry blossom trees, a running stream, a bamboo forest, or anything like that; it just feels ancient and secluded from the world, so I decided to hold the commemoration here because it feels private enough for my taste.

I took out a ten-liter alcohol gourd made from my apples. It's not cider, but something much stronger, and I'm almost sure that a normal person would go into a coma or something worse when drinking it, but the One Piece physics did its magic again, and "normal" liquors don't get me drunk at all.

I need something really strong to feel the heat rise up my neck!

I found a rock cut like a mirror, probably a remnant of a battle, and sat on it while placing the gourd beside me, some candles I lit with a spark, and licked my lips, thinking about what melody to play.


To hell with it, we're in Naruto, let's just start with "Sadness and Sorrow" and see how it flows.

The sound of the flute was carried by the night wind, where the full moon rose, and I listened in silence to the music I played.

At first, it was softer, but as it progressed, I got excited, and the melody gained depth. The strands of grass swayed with the wind and seemed to dance around me, following the rhythm of the sound, trying to lift my spirits.

Not only is it the one-year anniversary since I arrived in this world, but it's also the anniversary of my death, and my thoughts inevitably turned to my loved ones from the past. Those who were alive when I left, at least.

How must they be now?

Will they remember me?

Could that person overcome my death?

Before I knew it, I was playing melodies like "I Will Return," "I Miss You," and "Missing You," among others.

Although I admit the last one sounds much better when played on a piano, but I'm not in the mood to prepare one right now. After finishing the last piece, I changed the shape of the flute slightly into a transverse flute and began playing the final melody after taking a few long sips from the gourd.

I decided to play "To Zanarkand"; it was calm, reminded me of my childhood, and I think it would help calm my turbulent emotions.

At some point, perhaps attracted by the scent of my gourd, fireflies surrounded me while I tilted my head and blew my feelings to bid a final farewell to my old world.

I feel something warm trickling down my cheeks.

I know they are my tears, but I won't wipe them away until I've been able to let them all go.

The moment I finished playing, the fireflies scattered, and I felt as if the moon became brighter.

Maybe the rabbit princess liked the show? Heh.

Although I was sure she couldn't hear me from there.

I wiped my tears away with the back of my hand and took the gourd to take a few more sips before turning my head to the right.

"It's quite rude to approach like this, don't you think?"

Midway through my concert, I felt someone approaching me. The only reason I haven't blasted whoever dared is that they were sensible enough not to barge in or disturb.

"I'm sorry; it wasn't my intention to disturb your moment," the person apologized and stepped forward enough to emerge from the shadows of the forest, letting the moonlight reveal their face.


On a completely separate and unrelated note, I will recently be uploading posters of my original characters in the new section of my Patreon page and maybe a few other things as well.

Anyone can see them, so if you're curious...


Cadenadeaventurascreators' thoughts