
Script Writing System In Modern Family

An ordinary young adult of the age 20, Ryan was reborn in the modern family universe. His cheat allowed him access to ready-made scripts for movies and tv shows as long as he participated in the modern family plot. He could get system points through which he could buy scripts. Not to mention that although he was born into a relatively wealthy family, the system will also provided him with a minimum wage, which would automatically improves as his net worth increases. With so many ways of making money, Ryan decided he didn't want to be ordinary in this life and walked down the path of a legendary scriptwriter.

CultivatorReader · TV
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Chapter 35: Incident (Part 2)

Ryan, Mitchell, and Dede then follow Claire into the living room.

Ryan - "where did Phil and Haley go? They were right here."

Claire - "After you left, Phil and I wanted to go after you, but Haley immediately stormed upstairs, so Phil had to head upstairs to console her."

Ryan - "I see."

Dede - "See, I was right. You never were good with kids. You should have aborted."

Ryan - "Aborted?"

Claire - "Wow, you sure are helping your case right now."

Mitchell - "Mom, let me do the talking."

Dede - "Fine."

Mitchell - "So anyway, mom wants to smooth everything over with dad and Gloria. So I was thinking would it be okay if she maybe joined us for dinner tonight."

Dede - "Because it may be the last time you ever see me."

Claire - "Okay, wait. What are you talking about?"

Dede - "Well, I am moving to a far and dangerous place."

Mitchell - "Canada."

Ryan - "Canada isn't dangerous. Correct me if I am wrong I am pretty sure it's one of the safest places in the world."

Dede - "Oh, have you ever been to Canada?"

Ryan - "No, but I have some Canadian friends."

Dede - "I see."

Mitchell - "Ah, besides. She met a man named Chas."

Dede spoke while taking a seat, "He is a logger."

Ryan - "Like a lumberjack?"

Dede - "No, he logs blood samples into a cholesterol study."

Claire - "I see."

Dede - "Anyway, until I am past this wedding fiasco. I can't be intimate with him."

Claire quickly grabbed onto Ryan's head and covered his ears.

Dede - "We do things to each other. We use our hands."

Claire - "Come on, not in front of Ryan."

Haley suddenly appeared downstairs in the hallway and gasped, "Ryan? Uncle Mitchell? Nana? When did you guys arrive?"

Dede - "Come on here and give me Nana a hug."

Haley comes and hugs Dede.

Dede - "Look at you all grown up."

Haley - "Say that to mom. She won't even let me go to a concert."

Dede - "I know Ryan told me about it."

Dede then started laughing suddenly while returning to her seat.

Ryan - "Why are you suddenly laughing?"

Claire - "Yeah, mom, what's so funny."

Dede - "Oh, karma is a funny thing that's all."

"Remember Ricky?"

Claire - "Oh god."

Haley - "Ooh, who is Ricky?"

Claire is visibly distressed and tries walking away as if running away from her past.

Dede - "Ricky was your mother's boyfriend. He looked like Charles Manson, and one night, she didn't come home until 4 in the morning."

Haley - "Oh wow. Mom, what were you and Ricky doing?"

Claire - "Nothing. We were doing nothing."

"What do you even know about him? He was a sweet boy."

Haley - "Dylan's a sweet boy."

Claire - "Dylan is no Ricky. Ricky was a poet."

Haley - "Dylan writes songs. Awesome songs, and maybe you would know that if you bothered to get to know him."

"Just ask Ryan."

Ryan - "Dylan's songs are indeed straight-up fire."

Dede - "haha"

Claire - "Okay, you know, first of all. I am not my mother. I don't judge people before I get a chance to know them."

Ryan gives Claire a stern and doubtful look.

Claire - "Fine, you know what, you invite Dylan over to dinner tonight, and if he is as sweet and kind as you say. Then I have no problem considering letting you go to the concert."

Haley - "Thank you, thank you, mom."

Haley immediately heads over and hugs Claire.

Haley - "I will go call him."

Dede - "That's very revealing."

Claire - "That's my parenting style."

Dede - "No, I meant your blouse."

Claire - "Mom."

Claire leaves the room for the third time since her mom's arrival.

Mitchell - "Not making this easy are you?"

Ryan feels awkward being left alone with Dede, so he quickly follows after Mitchell.

Mitchell - "Claire, come on, stop, stop, stop."

"Let her come to dinner, apologize to dad and Gloria, and she and Chas can live happily ever after."

Claire - "In Canada"

"Wait, why don't you make her fix this instead of you doing it as usual."

Mitchell - "What's that suppose to mean?"

Claire - "You know mom makes a mess, and there is Mitchel to clean it up."

Mitchell - "That's so not true. If anything, you are the one with a screwed-up relationship with mommy."

Claire - "Wow, you heard that right, Ryan? Mommy"

Mitchell - "No, I didn't say it. Damn it."

Ryan - "Can I say something?"

Claire - "Yeah, please go ahead."

Ryan - "I don't think this is a good idea."

Mitchell - "Here he comes butting in again."

Ryan - "Look it's been a month, but Gloria still brings up the time when I disappeared during that football match."

"How do you think she will feel about someone who ruined one of the happiest moments of her life."

Claire - "You know what, I think Ryan is right. You have to get a clearance from daddy."

Mitchell - "Daddy?"

Claire - "No, I didn't."

Mitchell - "You said, daddy."

Claire starts heading upstairs in embarrassment. As Ryan was heading upstairs to meet with Alex, he gets stopped by Mitchell.

Mitchell - "Where do you think you are going?"

Ryan - "Upstairs."

Mitchell - "No, you are coming with me to help convince dad."

Ryan - "Now, why would I ever do that?"

Mitchell took out a ten-dollar note and stuffed it in Ryan's front pocket.

Ryan - "Did you just try to buy me over with a ten?"

Mitchell then took out a one hundred and stuffed it into Ryan's front pocket.

Mitchell - "Is that enough?"

Ryan - "Wow."

Mitchell - "What?"

Ryan - "I didn't expect this to happen at all."

Mitchell - "So you in?"

Ryan - "No, keep your money. I won't sell out for a hundred."

Mitchell - "How much do you want?"

Ryan - "At least a couple thousand."

Mitchell - "A couple thousand? Are you crazy?"

Ryan - "What, you want me a millionaire to sell out for a hundred?"

Mitchell - "Millionaire?"

Ryan - "Yeah, I am a professional writer and have earned around 4 million on my own. Not to mention my dad, who is a billionaire."

Mitchell - "Alex is dating a billionaire's son?"

Ryan - "You know, just cause of that, I am head to Jay's place and convince him against you."

Ryan quickly headed for the exit.


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