
Rosario + Spirit of Vengeance

Yo~ So this is the first piece of Fanfiction in the bunch that came to mind. I made the cover. I only used about 10 minutes on it and I get shaky when taking pictures so don't judge it too harshly. I just thought drawing a cover would be interesting. Thankfully editing it made the colors look a lot better then the paper version. So. The general gist of this one is an OC Ghost Rider in Rosario + Vampire. Nothing too special about it. The two Moka's will be split into being twin sisters. Thought that made things easier since the plan is OC x Ura Moka/Inner Moka. Why did I do this? I read it in another fanfiction somewhere and thought it was really good. I also am not a huge fan of writing or reading about split personalities. Even though some stories about it are pretty good. Alright that's about it for this one. Author out. *Smoke Bomb*

_KON · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Prologue [2/2]

[No One's POV]:

There is nothing truly like a quie- "AAAHHHH!!!" … or not.

Somewhere in a conveniently secluded alleyway a manly man is letting out very manly screams if you couldn't tell while being held up to the wall by the collar of his shirt.

"Please! Please don't do it!" The manly man cries while being forced to stare into the eyes of the monster holding him up. Well more like stare into the hollow sockets where eyes should've been.

When he stared deeply into the hollows, he saw things. He saw things he's already seen before. But this time, there was no pleasure. There was no thrill. There was nothing but sorrow, humiliation, and anger.

He couldn't look away. He couldn't blink. It was as though he were put into a trance. Forced to re-experience every heinous crime, every assault, and every murder he had ever committed. Forced to feel every single emotion his victims had felt as he ruined their lives.

All while feeling as though he were being burnt from the inside. But he couldn't cry. He couldn't scream anymore. After a while he couldn't see anything other then his victims horrified expressions. He couldn't hear anything other then their screams and cries.

He didn't even notice he was tossed to the side and was lying on the trash ridden ground as still as a corpse.

The monster didn't bother to look back at him.

The monster didn't actually move at all and was instead staring at the entrance of the alleyway where his bike was sitting as he could hear the familiar roar of a chopper making its way here.

The Kawasaki Ninja turned Hell Cycle let out its own roar and made it way to its Rider and sat in front of him, waiting for further orders.

But the monster stood still, waiting for the chopper to come.

Sure enough at the entrance of the alleyway, came another Hell Cycle in the form of an old customized chopper. Sitting on top of it was another monster dressed in spiked leather. A chain wrapped around it's torso and a shotgun strapped on it's bike.

Said monster dismounts and walks towards the other. As it makes its way the fire on its head disperses and flesh grows and forms around the skull. After the transformation finishes, there stood 5'10 tall blonde man with blue eyes and a fairly long blonde beard.

"Hanzo, what are ya doin' kid? I've been calling you for the past couple of hours." He casually asks the monster with a literal flaming skull head.

The monster just looked at the man in the face for a bit. Before turning away and looks to the side.

"You scoffin' at me right now brat?" The man raised an eyebrow. He shook his head while letting out a sigh then waited on the monster.

The monster then underwent the same transformation that the blonde man had just did before. A familiar face forming back around his skull.

After the transformation was done, Hanzo looks back at the one and only person he could consider his friend/family and calls out to him, "Johnny…" He then looks to the ground.

Johnny looks at the kid for a bit and that was all he needed to understand what happened. He walks towards him and puts a hand on his shoulder and tells him, "It's alright kid. I got it. Don't worry about it. I shouldn't have took so long."

"No. Don't take the blame. I was the one who lost myself to my anger." Hanzo says, trying to take accountability. But Johnny had something to say to that.

"… and that is just what's going to keep happening kid. Which is why I never blame you for losing control."

"But it's been 10 years now. I should be a master at this by now." He complains more to himself then Johnny.

"Can't be too impatient about it. I'm sure you'll master it in the future, regardless of how long it'll take for you to. You've already come so far and have mastered more than I wish I had 10 years in."

"Probably cause you didn't really have an old fart on your ass the whole time…" Robbie mutters but his words didn't escape the Johnny's ears.

"You brat! What did I say about calling me an old fart dammit! I got plenty of youth in me still." Johnny yells while grabbing the kid and putting him into a head lock.

Not even a few seconds in the head lock, Hanzo repeatedly pats the older mans arm while yelling back, "Oi! Dammit you old fart, I'll stop calling you an old fart when you stop being one! Now get the hell off, those damn studs are stabbing into my neck again!"

"Huh? Well isn't that a damn shame? Maybe if you respected me more, I'd consider it!"

"The day that happens, Mephisto will keel over and die you old fart!"

"Hey!" Suddenly an unfamiliar voice yells into the alleyway. "What you two doing?"

Johnny straightens himself and smiles towards the voice while still keeping Robbie in a head lock."Huh? Oh! Nothing! Nothing strange going on here!"

'Well if whoever that is ain't looking at the old fart like he's a lame idiot, I sure as hell will.' Hanzo thinks staring deadpanned at the old fart who currently has him in a head lock.

"Kid are you okay? Be honest with me here." The voice gets closer and its clear now, this is a police officer who must've been called. "There was a report of violent screams coming from this alley."

"I'm alright pal. This old fart here is my guardian and he's just punishing me for coming over to check out what those screams were." Hanzo says smoothly.

"By the way, there was just this dude here." He says before pointing at the bastard he took care of earlier. "He isn't dead. Just seems to be sleeping." Tapping him with his foot eliciting a groan from him.

'Hopefully he'll have learned from this experience and will learn to change from now on.'

The officer seemed to buy it and just nodded. He then made his way to the bastard and got ready to lift him off the ground. "I'll just take him to station then. Next time, punish your kid back home. Not in creepy and possibly dangerous alleyways." He says before lifting the bastard and makes his way back to his car.

"Be careful and have a good night." He says before leaving faster then the two could respond.

The two just looked at each other and started laughing.

"Smooth kid. Very smooth." Johnny compliments. "You are starting to get too good at that."

Hanzo grins before saying, "Well what can I say, we've been at this for so long, it's practically become second nature now."

Suddenly Johnny remembers something and his mood abruptly changes.

"Right, we have both been together for quite some time. Look kid, we gotta talk." He says, scratching the back of his head.

Noticing the change in his mood, Hanzo starts getting serious too. "What's up?"


[Hanzo's POV]:

Just like that, I'm in Japan… "Now where was I supposed to meet that bastard?" I ask out loud, taking out my phone and scrolling through it.

After finding what I was looking for, I put my phone back and pull out a pack of Menthol Marlboro. I put a cig in my mouth and the end of it lights itself. After a few puffs, I look back at the ocean I just rode across not too long ago.

"I should've brought a pack or two with me.. Do they even have Corona in Japan?" I mutter to myself before igniting the entire cig into ashes. I put on a helmet and get ready to take off to where I was told to go.

"You better have a good explanation for this shit you shitty Devil…"

Then I take off.


[???'s POV]:

"Hey kid." My bus driver calls out. "Are you a new student at Yokai Academy?"

"Uh... yeah!" I tell him.

Of all the things he could've said in response, "In that case, you better prepare yourself. That's one scary ass school you're going to." Was not what I was expecting in the slightest.

"What do you mean by that?" But before he could answer me, I get a call from a friend of mine.

While we're talking, the signal cuts out and so does all the light in the world. "Huh?"

"Kyoko?" I call out, "Are you there?"

Where we arrived to almost didn't seem real.

When I got off the bus, I looked around. The bus stop looked like a scare crow.

I heard the bus driver tell me, "I'd watch your back if I were you." But before I could reply, the guy just takes off.

I try to contact my friend again but my phone doesn't work.

So I just walk through the creepy ass forest in hopes to reach the school when I hear some strange sounds coming my way. When I finally turn to confront what was behind me, I just see a bat.

I turn to the side before saying, "Oh man~ it was just a ba-"


But that was short lived as I spontaneously got my back blown out by something hard. [Pause?]

Me and what ever hit me started tumbling on the ground.

I ended up touching something very soft before hearing a moan. Yes... A moan.

But before I further do those calculations, I open my eyes to see one of, if not, the most prettiest, the most beautiful-est, the most cutest, the most gorgeous-est? girl I had probably have ever seen with these mortal eyes of mine.

She wore a similar uniform as mine. She had pink hair and green eyes. She also wore a collar with a rosary connected to it.

"I'm sorry! I just suddenly got all dizzy." She says before whipping her beautiful pink hair and I gotta say…

She literally sparkled.

'She's gorgeous'

I don't even understand what I did after that my self, but when I came to, I was in a bit of a compromising position.

I flail back trying to assure her I wasn't trying to do anything weird but before I could continue, I hear those sounds again.

I turn to the direction it was coming from, not noticing my nose bleeding. I didn't notice it but, this girl did. What happens after is by far strangest experience I have ever been through.


[???'s POV]:

"Dammit! That girl. She left me behind. I knew I should've just followed close to her. But I wasn't in any rush to get there." I say to the air as I pedal on my bike.

Suddenly I see my ditsy twin sister and someone else a few meters in front of me. I also see my sister's bike a bit of a distance away from them.

'Did she get into a fight already?' I think in amusement, ready to axe kick the life out of this person, before quickly approaching them.

"Hey! What hap-" I stopped when I noticed my sister latched onto this boy's neck, doing exactly what I think she is doing.

I don't know if it was because she heard me but she quickly got off and started apologizing.

He seemed to have some words about it too, "You bit me!" He cries out before looking like he just had a revelation of sorts.

Seeing as the amusing show was over I ask, "What happened here?"

They both finally noticed that I was here and both let out different gasps in acknowledgment.

Moka, of surprise. The boy, well he seemed to be checking me out.

"Ura-chan! What are you doing here?" Moka asks.

'Seriously?' I think to myself before telling her, "Well we were supposed to being going to the school together but you took off, leaving me behind. I just caught up to find you sucking this boy's blood."

"Oh! I'm sorry!" She says.

"It's alright." I tell her.

But before the conversation continues we all hear a loud roar coming from where I did.

We all turn to the direction the roaring was coming from and faster then even I could see, a bright blur sped passed us.

We look down to see melted tracks where the bright blur had just passed. I turn to see if I could try to catch what it was that passed us and I could faintly see it going to Yokai Academy.

"W-What.. What was that!?" The boy cries. Him and Moka hugging each other.

Instead of commenting on that, I try to think about all the monsters that it could possibly have been and only one came to mind.

"The Ghost Rider…" I mutter loud enough for both of them to hear.

I don't even notice my battle hungry smirk forming on my face 'If that thing is going to go to Yokai, perhaps this won't be as boring as I thought.'

Maybe I should've expected it but all I got in response was, "The what?"

Yo~ Author here! I know I said I was just going to write first chapters to a bunch of pieces but I felt like I should've at least finished the prologue to this one.

Also I really like this one.

So yeah, that's that for now

We're made it to the Rosario+Vampire part.

Hope y'all like it.

I'll be working on the first chapters to other pieces now~

With that said, Author out! *Smoke Bomb*

_KONcreators' thoughts