
Rosario + Spirit of Vengeance

Yo~ So this is the first piece of Fanfiction in the bunch that came to mind. I made the cover. I only used about 10 minutes on it and I get shaky when taking pictures so don't judge it too harshly. I just thought drawing a cover would be interesting. Thankfully editing it made the colors look a lot better then the paper version. So. The general gist of this one is an OC Ghost Rider in Rosario + Vampire. Nothing too special about it. The two Moka's will be split into being twin sisters. Thought that made things easier since the plan is OC x Ura Moka/Inner Moka. Why did I do this? I read it in another fanfiction somewhere and thought it was really good. I also am not a huge fan of writing or reading about split personalities. Even though some stories about it are pretty good. Alright that's about it for this one. Author out. *Smoke Bomb*

_KON · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Prologue [1/2]

[No One's POV]:

There is nothing truly like a quiet starry night. Especially when you sit outside and soak in the silence while looking at the stars. There is not a lot that can ruin such a moment. Well unless a big, wild, and DANGEROUS animal comes up to say hello to you.

Or perhaps- "Go away! Leave me alone already!" - a big, wild, and dangerous drunk comes to say hello to you and refuses to take a hint.

"Come on~ I am just trying to be kind with you here." Says said drunk refusing to take a hint…

"Yeah right, says the drunk refusing to take a hint." I literally just said that lady… "Actually, several hints. I'm starting to get tired of this." She gets up to go back inside.

'I knew I shouldn't have come here.' She thinks to herself regretfully before finding a newfound resolve, 'From now on, I will never let myself be convinced to go to parties where alcohol is involved.'

Reaching the doors to go back inside from the balcony, she feels her arm get pulled back. "Hold on! Where're ya goin'?"

Wasting no time at all, she forces her arm out of this loser's grip. "Away from you clearly. Touch me again, and you can forget continuing your family line." Then she goes back inside to find her friends.

"Haah~ man. I was just looking to have a conversation or somethin'…" He says watching her walk back inside.

He looks up to the sky and just stares for a while. "What am I doin'?" He asks no one in particular, then takes a drink of the Corona in his hand.

He takes his phone and turns it on.

'Damned old fart hasn't said anything yet.' He thinks before putting his phone back in his pocket.

"I might as well get out of here now. If I stay here any longer..." He trails off before downing the rest of his beer and walking inside.

When he gets inside a spike of pain is felt in his head followed by several grunts of annoyance.

"Tch- Dammit." He growls before looking for somewhere to toss the empty Corona bottle.

Finding a large bin, he tosses the bottle in and looks for the exit. The spikes of pain in his head only increasing in both frequency and pain as he bumps into several people on his way.

Finding the exit, he walks towards the door but is stopped by a group of people.

A couple pops in front of him and the woman says, "Hold it there pal!"

"Huh?" He looks down at her, barely registering any of her or her partner's features.

"I heard you were bothering my friend here biker boy." She looks somewhere but he doesn't even bother to make an effort to follow her gaze.

Instead he looks back towards the door and tries to make his way around the couple before, "Hey!"

He feels a hand on his chest push him back.

"Fuckin'…" He growls before glaring at the face of the person who pushed him. The dude, 'This chick's date I guess?' is maybe an inch or two shorter in height in comparison to him but clearly doesn't skip a day at the gym.

"S'there a problem?" He manages to get out through his gritted teeth.

The dude puts his hands up as a sign of peace, "Nothing personal man, but I'm going to need you to hear her out right now." He then looks back to the woman.

Reluctantly, he looks back to the woman and tries to focus.

'What the hell? Could ya dress any more skimpy?' He scrunches his eyes staring at her.

"What do you think you're looking at creep?" She says in disgust, making him look back at her face.


"Yo, are you checking her right now?" Her partner says, looking like someone just pissed in his cereal.

He looks back to the dude, "Gotta see what I am working with no?" But that seemed to rise his placing on this dude's and his girl's shit lists.

"What's that supposed to mean asshole?" She asks before remembering why they were there. "Tch! Never mind, apologize to Claire."

"Who?" He asks. Trying his damn hardest to ignore his roaring headache.

"My friend who you were trying to make moves on earlier outside on the balcony." She then looks to her friend.

This causes him to follow her gaze to find the woman who was outside on the balcony with him earlier. Not that he would've known since he didn't really look at her when they were out there.

'I was only looking to talk after all. Could've been a wrinkly old fat dude with a chick's voice for all I knew…' He thinks before really taking in her features.

"She looks pretty I guess. Real out place though. She ain't dressed for a party like this." He thinks out loud while staring at her attire.

Claire blushed at that. Always good to receive complements. Especially from someone you consider somewhat attractive. Even the girls in the group couldn't deny he had some good looks himself.

He doesn't notice what he did until her friend snaps at him again. "That's not really any of your business and keep your creepy eyes to yourself."

"Besides-" Her partner starts, "You don't look the part all that much either."

Then back to her, "Yeah who dresses almost entirely in leather and boots to a party like this?"

It was a bit strange and felt a bit out of place. He was dressed in a over-sized white shirt and a collared, leather jacket over it. The sleeves were stuffed inside long, buckled, leather gloves. He also wore fitted leather jeans, the bottom of the legs stuffed inside a pair of buckled, leather boots.

"Me, I guess?" He grunts out before grabbing onto his head. "I really got to go now."

"Apologize, then you are free to go."

"Sorry…?" He says but then sees she along with the whole group just got mad. "What now?"

"To Claire! Apologize to Claire you Dumbass!" She yells.

"Haah~ Christ." He sighs before turning to Claire. "I sincerely apologize for whatever the shit I'm supposed to be apologizing for."

"Now excuse me, I really have to go." He grabs his head again.

He slips through the couple and opens the doors making his way outside. Ignoring Claire's, "Hey wait-"

After making it outside, he looks for his ride. Just a black Kawasaki Ninja.

"Goddamn it, I've wasted a lot of time." Feeling the mother of all fevers embrace him in it's unwanted warmth.

He stops by where he somehow managed to remember he parked his bike. But he was greeted by quite the sight.

'If I didn't know better, this totaled piece of crap is my bike.' He thought, staring daggers at the toppled over, black Kawasaki Ninja. 'Someone… No, a group of people.'

He started breathing hard through gritted teeth. Each breath weighing more and more.

"Haah~… Haah~…" His phone vibrates in his pocket but he can't feel it. He can't feel or see anything but pure rage.

He hears a distant "Hey!" before losing himself.


[Claire's POV]:

"Hey wait!" I call out to him but he walked out.

"Ah~ dammit…" I whisper before looking down.

I realized we were being pretty unfair to him by the end of the conversation. I didn't even want it to happen. I really regret making a big deal about it and telling Emma about it. Some times, I forget how protective she is of me.

'I wanted to apologize privately to him…' I feel a hand touch mine and I turn to see Emma looking at me. 'Oops, she must've asked me something.'

"Sorry?" I ask her but then she just looked at me weird.

"Sorry for what? I was just asking why you were calling out for that guy." She let go of my hand and put hers on her hips.

"Oh! I don't know… I just wanted to talk to him a bit but it seems like he really had to go." I tell her with a faraway look.

"Hmm~ You can if you go outside. I'm sure he's at his bike and it's not like he'll be able to go anywhere." She said with a mischievous look on her face.

That really had me worried. "What did you do?"

That seemed to offend her, "What's that mean? I didn't do anything… Hey babe did you guys do as I asked?" She asked her boyfriend while ignoring my pointed gaze.

"Yeah, that guy's gonna have to walk home tonight." He told her. Then one of his friends added by saying, "He's probably gonna have to walk home for a couple of nights. Haha!"

While the group was laughing, I had already guess what they had done. "Dammit." I then walked out to go look for him.

I hear them following me saying, "Might as well go see his reaction too."

'Idiots… How could they do such a thing to someone.' I think to myself, contemplating just finding new friends while looking for the guy.

"There he is!" I hear one of the degenerates behind me say. I then look around and sure enough, I saw him too.

He looked stiff and was looking down at his bike.

Just like I thought… 'These idiots.'

He seemed to be breathing hard, he must be incredibly angry. 'I don't know if it would be a good idea to go up to him now.'

'No, this happened because of me.' I continue to walk towards him, ignoring Emma calling me, "Claire?"

I called out to him in hopes to get his attention, "Hey!" But everything got bright. I covered my eyes for a while. I hear Emma and her friends yelling behind me.

Uncovering my eyes, I see something straight out of a horror film. A tornado entirely made of flames.

'Wait that's where-' Before I could even finish my thought the tornado dispersed and all that left made me think I truly was in a horror film.

Where that guy and the tornado was, stood a monster. The guy's clothing was entirely charred and seemed to have added spikes. But what really stood out the most was the floating skull and the flames surrounding it.

The previously destroyed bike was standing again but the wheels looked to be made out of fire and fire seemed to spew out of certain parts of the bike.

"W-What is that!" I can hear Emma scream and I am thinking the same thing.


The monster zips up his jacket and gets on the bike.

The skull slowly turns towards us and I swear it felt like it was staring at me.

I tried to say something to it, anything but the bike roared and took off faster than I could.

All that could be seen that could be used as proof of what we saw was the melted trail those tires left behind…

[A/N: What up y'all... If ya couldn't tell, we ain't at the Rosario+Vampire part... The prologue will just lead up to this kid being sent to Yokai Academy.

So no one really knows this besides my brother but my naming sense is practically nonexsistent. So the chances of this OC having my actual name is very likely... Which isn't weird since any OC I make would be have something of mine somehow.

But two issues come out of that decision... Uno, it'd just be a Self-Insert. Dos, my name is Robert... Which is veeeeeeeeeery much like Robbie... Which is even a nickname I have. Those who know why that could be problematic, give me a name.

I'll stick with Robert/Robbie for now but let me know if it just doesn't feel right.

Alright~ Author out! *Smoke Bomb*]

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