
Rock Your World

After agreeing to marry the son of a wealthy woman in exchange for money, Fallah Miller had no idea what she was getting herself into. She soon discovers that her new husband, Adonis Moore, is not who the woman claims he is. In fact, he's a billionaire, a celebrity and a Rockstar - the King of Attraction. How would she survive in a marriage with a person whom clearly they're from different worlds?

Tara_J16 · Urban
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5 Chs

Brewing Hope


Stumbling into my studio apartment, I locked the door before flicking the lights on, illuminating the small space I lived in.

"Chemotherapy, that's what he needs. Induction therapy isn't working for him"

I took a step further into the room, sinking in front of the only sofa I had.

"He'd need Chemotherapy every week, to help kill the leukemia cells faster"

I shuddered lightly taking off my over used leather sandals. I pressed my palm against my foot.

"A session costs $1,000. That's in a month, it's $4,000"

I couldn't find the will to cry, I was exhausted. My tears dried up, sticking to my face. My eyes — I was very sure they were puffy and red. 

"What if... at the end of it all, I don't make it?" 

Jordan's words and the doctor's made a repeat in my head. Over and over again, that soon enough, I had my hands to my ears.

Pressing, trying to shut out the voices. But it was impossible. 

"He has a 50-50 percent of survival, the earlier chemotherapy is done, the chances of his survival"

"Look at you, you're pale and not doing much better than I am"

 "You need to get the funds, if you want to save his life"

"Wouldn't it be easier for both of us, if i join mum and dad?"

"What if... at the end of it all, I don't make it? "

I was already on the floor writhing, trying to shut it all out. Luckily, my attack was on a hold.

But this was close to it, there's nothing I could do.

In the next minute, everywhere was quiet. It was just me, and the walls of my apartment and yeah, my rash breathing.

I drew in a shaky breath as I remained on the floor, helplessly with tears slipping down the corners of my face.

"I can't help it, Remo" I whispered, placing my arms over my eyes.

"Nino," I rasped, my heart breaking into little pieces.

 "Nino is dying, I don't know what to do" I continued. I gasped, feeling a sharp pain at my side.

I froze. 

Remo. The pain. When we were still little, we'd gotten into a fight over who would get the chocolate cake, dad had brought back home after his trip to Italy.

He'd hit my side with his elbow with so much force, that I'd passed out. 

Since then, he'd be gentle with me. The pain came once in a while reminding me of his presence. It came whenever he was around.

"Remo" I whispered sitting up. He was here, I could feel him. My body was cozying up, it always reacted to him. Warmth filled me.

My vision blurred and I blinked. No, I'm not passing out now.

I had to speak to my brother, he should know his son was dying. He should know I don't have the money for Nino's chemotherapy, I can't save him.

"Remo" I gasped, my limbs were becoming heavier same as my eyes. The room was spinning, black dots in my vision.

I fell back on the floor, I couldn't fight the darkness struggling to take over and finally, I gave up.


The buzzing of my phone made me open my eyes. I stared numbly at the ceiling, pain coursed through me.

Blinking, I tried recalling what happened but my mind was a blank field.

What happened? Why was I on the floor? It was already morning, with sunlight flooding into the room.

A reminder that I hadn't shut my curtains. My phone buzzed again.

 Rolling on my stomach, I reached for my phone that was just a few inches away.

A caller? Somebody was calling? I yawned, sitting up and staring at the screen.

Yvonne... Yvonne?

And then reality stepped in. Shit! I picked the call immediately.

"Farrah? Where are you?" She asked and I scratched my hair, standing up from where I sat.

"Is it time for my shift yet?" I asked walking into my room. I brought the phone away from my ear and peered down at it.

Yeah, it was time for my shift and I'm going to be so late.

"Seriously?" She asked and I sighed. 

"Yvonne, can you do me a favor and cover up for me?" I asked. Yvonne was my colleague at the bartender gig I did.

"What's going on?" She asked and I shook my head, placing my phone on the bed and peeling away every layer of clothing I had on.

"Just an emergency, I'll check in with you later on. Can you please do it for me?" I asked hoping she'd say yes.

I wasn't in the right frame of mind to work and besides I needed to look for a way to get the funds for Nino's treatment.

She was silent for a few seconds, before she sighed.

"Yeah, you owe me one" She muttered and I smiled. I sure did.

The line went dead and I heaved before walking into the bathroom.

I was contemplating on how I could get such amount for Nino's treatment. The banks won't loan me that much when I don't even have a collateral.

My family wasn't this bankrupt, we were infact well to-do. But our lives became shaky when mum and dad died in an accident.

Remo tried to make ends meet, he took over dad's company and was running it successfully even though Uncle Mike had wanted ownership at first.

Then things became worst when we got into an accident. I knew it was planned. Someone was trying to wipe out my family, but I escaped.

I was the goddamn lucky bitch.

"Ah, how do I do this?" I shook my head burying my face in my palms. I couldn't sit aside and watch Nino die. 

All I needed was a connection and I'd whatever was asked of me. Just a connection.

I froze.

A connection? My mind raced back to yesterday's night shift and the woman and 

... The card.

I rushed out of the bathroom and got my pants from last night, I'd put the card in there before I returned my uniform.

Luckily, it was in there. I stared at it.

"This is my card, I have a feeling, I'd be of help to you"

Mrs. Moore

"Call me"

I paced my bedroom naked, fidgeting with the card in my hand. If I'm to call her, what do I say?

How do I even introduce myself? She didn't even ask of my name... Shit!

What do I say? 

"Hello ma'am, I'm the lady you met at the restroom yesterday" my nose scrunched up. Bad. Bad. Bad.

After so much debate within myself, I decided to give a trial. A call wouldn't hurt, would it?

Punching the numbers into my speed dial, I let it ring.

I had my hand in my hair when she eventually picked up.

"Hello?" Her voice came from the other end, my heart beat picked up pace, I was nervous —of being rejected.

"Hi," I whispered before clearing my throat.

"Good morning ma'am" I greeted and there was a brief silence at the other end before she responded.

"Good morning my dear" her voice was warm.

"Uh, actually, I'm the lady from..."

"I recognize your voice" she interrupted and a weight was lifted from my chest. Such a relief.

"What can I do for you, my dear?" She asked and I took a deep breath.

"I need your help, ma'am" I muttered, my heart beating in anticipation.

"Of course, whatever I could do to help" She said and a little smile tugged at my lips.

"Uh.. "

"Meet me at the address in my card, I would inform the guards to let you in. I have a feeling whatever you have to say would be best communicated —physically" she said and I nodded staring at the card in my hand.

How could she read my mind so well?

"Thank you ma'am" I muttered and she chuckled.

"What's your name, dear?" 


"I would be expecting you... Farrah" she said before clicking the line off.

I stood, still holding my phone to my ear, stunned.

She was going to hear me out, I was going to have a chance to save Nino.

Ha, there's hope —at least.