
Rock Your World

After agreeing to marry the son of a wealthy woman in exchange for money, Fallah Miller had no idea what she was getting herself into. She soon discovers that her new husband, Adonis Moore, is not who the woman claims he is. In fact, he's a billionaire, a celebrity and a Rockstar - the King of Attraction. How would she survive in a marriage with a person whom clearly they're from different worlds?

Tara_J16 · Urban
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5 Chs



This was luxury. The building was magnificent. I tried to keep my head straight as I followed the guard who led me to where Mrs. Moore would be.

Only from the building, I knew this woman possessed and emanated wealth. But this left me wondering, why would she want to help me?

I was no longer sure she'd help me anymore without anything in return, and that anything, I had not.

"This way, miss" The man said pointing a door at me.

" She's in there" he said, I gave him a curt nod and managed to muster a smile. My heart was thumping inside of me and I hoped —with my fingers crossed, that everything would work out for me. 


"That's a critical condition, your brother is dead, yeah?" She asked and I nodded. I refused to pity myself or accept any from her, I was okay.

My only problem right now was Nino.

"Financial assistance?" She continued, lowering her reading glasses to her nose, peering at me.

I rubbed my hands together, sweaty.

"Yes ma'am, if you'd help me, I'd repay you" I muttered. She went silent, her eyes contemplating.

"Repay? That would be too much on you" She said, standing up. I said nothing in return, what was I supposed to say, huh?

"I have a deal and if we could strike on it, then I'd cover your nephew's medical expenses.. and when I say medical expenses, I mean everything" She said rounding me.

My brows furrowed lightly. A deal? What does she have in mind?


" I need a wife for my son" she dropped the bomb shell. I narrowed my eyes at her, as she stood in front of me.

"Wife?" That sounded ridiculous to me. Who still looks for wives for their sons? For fuck sake, this was the twentieth century.

"Yeah, he needs love from another woman. Someone to he needs by his side" She said and I scoffed in disbelief.


"I don't think I'm the best candidate for that..." I said and she shushed me.

"You are. I'd ran a background check on you, the moment I left the bathroom. You're just what he needs" She said and I fell silent.

Would I? I don't think I can. For one, I had a nasty temper, I don't want a guy who gets his mum to get him a wife.

Like what the fuck?

Two, I don't even know what he looks like. Might be some old man in his forties, but looking at this woman, there was no way she'd have a son in his forties considering the fact that she was barely forty herself.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I don't think, I'd..."

" This is a woman, helping another woman. You want to help your nephew, I want to help my son. Think about it" she said.

Yeah, I'd thought about it. But, it was a very much different type of help. I'd be bound to her son for eternity, that was something I could not do.

I stood up.

"I'm trying to understand your plight ma'am, but I can't bound myself to a man I know nothing about for eternity" I muttered and her eyes glimmered.

She seemed —impressed.

"Not for eternity, my dear. It's a period of six months" She said. I shook my head, six months wasn't a long time compared to Nino's medical bills that'd be paid. But...

I can't love her son. I was incapable of a lot of things right now and that included love. The only person I had in my heart was Nino.


" Please, Farrah. He needs someone like you, that wouldn't mind his status" she muttered and I blinked.

Status? What was her son? Sickle cell? Rich? Crippled? Blind? What status exactly?

Just six months, Farrah. Just six.

I sighed before collasping back on the seat.

"Is there anything I'd need to sign?"


I stared at myself in the mirror of my bedroom. I should look presentable, right?

Dressed in baggy Jean, a blue t-shirt and my favorite sandals. I'd said I looked okay. I wasn't the 'skirts and dresses' kind of girl.

I preferred pants and shorts. The question hung in the air.

Would my supposed husband, like it?

Sighing, I turned away from the mirror. My hair was tied in a tight bun, at least I know tonight would either go awful or pleasant.

Mrs. Moore had gotten her Attorney draft a contract document in favor of both parties. She'd requested for the details of the hospital, after I'd signed the documents.

I knew what I was doing was at least right, I'd kept my promise to do anything to make sure Nino was okay. That included getting married.

My phone rang, digging my hand into my pocket, I reached for it.

It was Irish. Should have guessed, I haven't been to work today. None of my shifts.

"Should I come over? Is there something wrong?" She asked immediately I picked up. I placed my hand on my forehead.

"I'm fine, just busy" I muttered. I was sure she'd raise a brow at my response.

"What are you busy with?" She asked and of course, that was something I couldn't discuss with her over the phone. Nor physically.

"See Irish, I, uh, have a place to be in the next thirty minutes. I would call you once I return, okay?" I muttered. She mumbled a quiet yes and requested that I stay safe before I ended the call.

Drawing in a deep breath, I grabbed my bag and made my way out of the apartment. Time to see my 'husband'.


"I'm supposed to have a clue on what he looks like, right?" I asked Mrs. Moore who chuckled.

"I'm I being unnecessarily nervous?" I whispered. My nerves were a wreck, it was quite a sign that I was still alive.

Ever since the accident, I barely felt anything except from pain and hurt. Irish complained about my lack of emotions.

But I knew what I was feeling right now, as we drove to wherever the hell we would meet up with her son.

"Calm down, Farrah. There's no reason to get all worked up, okay?" She said, it was supposed to be encouraging but I instead felt like a mess.

I badly wished I couldn't feel anything, that including my nerves.

The car pulled into a parking spot and I willed myself to take deep breaths. 

Christ, I can't have a panic attack now, right?

Mrs. Moore nodded at me as the guards pulled open the doors for us and we stepped out. I stared at the building in front of us.

It was loud inside and a lot of people were outside too. What was this place?

We followed the guards, making our way inside.

Oh, it was a —concert. Seriously? A concert?

The crowd were cheering, hailing whoever was up the stage. I couldn't even see from this distance.

We made our way through the crowd and soon, I could see that we'd arrived the VIP section.

From the little I knew, only the right and the important get a seat in the VIP section in a concert or whatever.

It was obvious this woman had connections.

I could finally see who was on the stage, I rolled my eyes. Adonis.

We sat down and she smiled at me. I couldn't believe she'd brought me here to listen to Adonis songs.

Soon enough, I'd be bored out and my night would be ruined. His songs were plain, so damn plain it sounded as noise to me.

I wondered how he managed to pull this kind of crowd. Fixing my eyes on him, I decided to watch out for anything that wouldn't bore me out and yeah, I got one.

Damn, he had such a beautiful face and an effortlessly amazing body.

His shirt was open and his chest was on display, I could spot a tattoo at the side of his rib and it made me curious.

Curious why he'd have gotten a tattoo at such a hideous place. Subconsciously, I raised my hand to my neck where my hair fell over.

My tattoo.

His chest glimmered with sweat, his muscles ripped with every movement. He had an amazing voice, of course. But his songs are —shit.

He looked over to the VIP section and our eyes met briefly before he looked away. My heart thumped. He had what? Blue eyes?

I had no idea what game Mrs. Moore was trying to play, but whatever it was. I needed to leave this place —fast.

Luckily, his songs ended and someone came on the stage to address the audience.

Mrs. Moore whispered something to her guard before tapping me.

"Come with me" She said over the noise. I stood up following her, just as Adonis and the rest of his band mates went to the backstage.

I could still feel his eyes. That was pure shit, our eyes hadn't even held for a minute and I could still feel it?


I followed and soon found myself in a fan filled section. The backstage. Fans were screaming, reaching out to touch Adonis and his crew but their guards made sure no one got to them.

Bringing me to the question, why were we here? Was she a die-hard fan of Adonis?

I huffed at my thought, she was quite old to be a fan of his.

The guards gave room to her and we entered the room Adonis and his crew walked in.

I froze.

The guys turned to us, eating me out with their eyes. I could feel the weight of Adonis gaze.

He walked to the woman kissing her cheek.

"Mum" He muttered and I stopped breathing.

Wait, what!?