
Rock Your World

After agreeing to marry the son of a wealthy woman in exchange for money, Fallah Miller had no idea what she was getting herself into. She soon discovers that her new husband, Adonis Moore, is not who the woman claims he is. In fact, he's a billionaire, a celebrity and a Rockstar - the King of Attraction. How would she survive in a marriage with a person whom clearly they're from different worlds?

Tara_J16 · Urban
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5 Chs



"Break me! Ruin me! And get me back on my feet! I don't..."

I sighed crossing both my legs as Flynn turned the music off, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Some kind of crap you sing" He muttered settling next to me. I frowned pushing my hair out of my eyes.

"Crap? That's my song dude" I glared at him. He only sighed sinking further into the couch.

"Break me, ruin me and get me back on my feet" He muttered before turning his eyes to me.

"That. Is. Crap" He enunciated. I opened my mouth for a comeback when the other guys walked in.

Rowan settled on the couch opposite me sprawling on it while Gael yawned opening the fridge.

"Today was hectic" Rowan moaned propping on his elbows so he could stare at us. Gael had his butt in the air. What was he searching for, by the way? 

Well, Rowan was my guitarist, Flynn, the drummer and Gael, the bassist. I was the lead singer.

Flynn, had been there from the start. It was just the both of us at first and then, Rowan and Gael came into the picture. 

"It was just practice, without the lead singer. Imagine how that went" He continued laying on his back staring up at the ceiling.

Gael slammed the fridge murmuring a string of curses under his breath.

"Why the hell is there no scotch in the fridge?" He asked, no one in particular. I sighed, I could feel another migraine brewing.

Exactly why I stayed away from practice today. Noise. The studio had more than enough to deliver and now, they were all here and it's going to be worst.

"Adonis" Flynn muttered and the guys turned their eyes to me. I blinked.


"Did I do anything?" I asked and Gael grunted before turning around, marching up the stairs and disappearing into his room shutting the door with a bang.

One of these days, I'd have to remind him this was my house, not his.

"Grumpy" Rowan said before sitting up wrapping his arms around his stomach.

"I'm hungry, please tell me you whipped something up while we were away" He asked, his eyes piercing mine.

"I'm not a cook and I gave the maids a day off" I mumbled and his eyes widened.

"All of them?" He asked and I gave a curt nod. I think that's what I said just now.

"The hell! What am I going to do now?" He groaned standing up and sauntering to the fridge.

Eish, sorry.

"It's fucking empty!" He shot me a glare. I pressed my lips into a thin line to hide my smile.

I'd specifically instructed the maids not to stock the fridge or cook anything. In fact, I sent them away.

The only thing that could drive these guys to their houses was simple —no food, no drink.

"What do you pay your maids for!" He slammed the fridge and I winced lightly. Twice now.

They could stop taking out their anger and hunger on the poor fridge.

I raised my eyes meeting his sky blue ones.

"You have a house, you have maids whom you pay. I'm sure, there's something for you to feast on in your house" I forced a smile at him. He only sneered before walking up the stairs.

I sighed in defeat, it wasn't working. I needed them to leave, they can't see me in my worst stage.

"I know what you're doing" Flynn muttered and I closed my eyes.

"You should tell them, they'll understand" He continued and I forced my eyes open willing myself to stare at him.

"No... You won't say a word to them, okay?" I asked, he just stared blankly at me. My eyes hardened.

"Okay?" I repeated, inserting a little force into my voice, he sighed before nodding. They aren't supposed to know.

Flynn's knowledge was a mistake, he'd walked in on me.

"Just get them out of my house before 6pm" I nodded at him. Standing up, I walked out.

The setting sun wasn't going to do any good right now, but it was better than being inside.

Tucking my hands into my pockets, I walked around the spacious compound with guards at almost every point.

Who employed them? As long as I remembered, they weren't up to 10 and now? I was sure I'd walked past 20.

It could only be Jayden's doing, he manages to get on my nerves every single chance he got. I was only putting up with him because the agency had signed him as our Manager.

That's his saving grace. 

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I stared down at the dazzling pool, reaching for my phone.

Without checking the caller, I raised it to my ear.

"Yeah?" I asked watching the pool. Would I feel better if I take a swim or just a dip?

"That's how you speak to your mother now?" 

Oh shit! I pulled the phone from my ear and stared down at the caller. Just as I thought.

She was the last person I wanted to speak to at the moment. Damn me for not checking, I could have just let her call go to voicemail.

I cleared my throat, the deed has already been done.

"Hey mum" I muttered settling on the sunlounger.

"You haven't called, I got worried" 

"Yeah, been kind of busy lately" I lied smoothly. I was only avoiding her. The reason I still kept in touch was because, I'd becomed a celebrity and paparazzi might dig up information that I never wanted on the web.

Playing the loving mother and son role the world wanted to see, brought some kind of protection.

"I have a surprise for you, and somehow you might like it" she said. I could feel the excitement in her voice.

My heart sank.

The last time I got a surprise, it didn't end well.

It turned my whole life upside down. From her. A surprise from her never goes well.