
Robert Crow in the world of magic.

What do you get when suddenly an otherworlder gets swept into the world of magic? Hopefully a wholesome story. Let's follow the steps of Robert Crow and see how much chaos and laughter can he bring to the world filled with sorrow

ShinXResolve · Book&Literature
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44 Chs

Quidditch prime time


Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.




"Ladies and gentlemen. It's your lovable speaker here, Lee Jordan once again hosting the long awaited Quidditch House Cup. Today we have an epic tale on our hands. Dark vs. light. Slimy scales vs regal roar." Lee shouted

"Mr. Jordan stop fooling around!" McGonagall reprimanded the boy. But she couldn't hide her little smile of amusement.

"Will the Slytherin team once again dominate the tournament? Or will Griffindor prevail? Let's hope the latter or my Zonko's money is lost for this month!" Minerva once again chastised the announcer.

The crowd was slowly filling the stands. Banners of both teams were being unfolded. A lot of fans had paint on their faces, rooting for their team with zeal.

The teams on the other hand were still in their respective locker rooms, overgoing their plans for the last time. Harry was feeling uncomfortable. It was his debut match. With the rivals of his house no less. After the captain, Oliver Wood made everyone do the victory chant they headed towards the pitch and stopped before the entry point. Waiting until the commentator will usher them in.

The teacher's booth was currently missing the headmaster. No one knows if he'll show up at all.

"Well professor Snape. Who do you think will win?" Flitwick asked the potions teacher.

"I think it's quite obvious." Snape remarked.

"Such a shame I can't bet on it." Robert interjected.

"Afraid of a wager Mr. Crow?" Snape sneered.

"No. I'm afraid of potion lessons with you staring at my back after I win." Robert jokingly said making the charm class professor giggle.

"What about you Professor Quirrell? Are you rooting for someone in particular?" Robert asked the dark arts teacher. Trying to not look at the back of his head.

"N-no, I'm not-t a fan of-f the s-sport unfortunately."He stuttered.

'Well no point in talking with him just to hear how he butchers sentences.' Robert thought to himself and turned to better see the pitch.'

After a couple of minutes Jordan announced the rosters of both teams and welcomed them to the stadium. The players few to the middle to exchange handshakes. With some members trying to crush the other parties hands. Madam Hooch flew with the Quaffle between the two sides. She'll be the referee for today's game.

"I want a clean match. No underhanded plays like last year. I'm looking at you Flint." To which the boy smirked with his crooked teeth. You'd think Madam Pomfrey could have straighten that smile a long time ago.

"On your marks. Get set. Go!" And the ball was released into the air. Angelina fought with the enemy chaser to eventually get the first ball of the season.

"Angelina passes the ball to Katie. She's trying to escape Slytherin's beaters attacking her with the bludger. At the last moment she passed the ball to Alice and she scores! The Griffindors score the first point of the season. Give a victory roar for our lovely chasers."

"Stop with the nonsense Mr. Jordan." McGonagall berated him.

The game played out with none of the teams giving up on winning. Slytherins got a twenty point advantage. Wood was becoming furious with the game state and asked for a time out.

"They're really pushing themselves today." Flitwick remarked.

"Indeed. Too many close calls with the bludgers." Sinistra didn't know why the crowd was so murderous. Waiting for a player to get mauled.

"I don't understand the appeal of the game either. The rules are ridiculous." Robert stated.

"Oh do tell why you think that." Flitwick's smile was terrifying.

"Well the point system is stupid for one. Why should the snitch be the finisher? It makes the rest of the players useless. Secondly why so bloody? It's one thing when adults do crazy things. But for children as early as twelve to be exposed to concussions or even more disastrous effects. Like falling to their death." Robert wasn't amused with this game. He knew how easily it feeded to the human desire for battle and blood. The fast flying, almost allowed murdering of your opponents speaked to their bloodthirstness.

"What Robert said. It's good to know there's at least one person who gets it." Sinistra nodded her head in approval.

"Harry Potter sees the snitch. He tries to catch it but his broom suddenly started to act out. It's trying to shake of it's rider! Madam Hooch doesn't give agree to another timeout!"

'That's why this game is also ridiculous in how asinine the referee acts.' Robert thought while getting ready for action.

He quickly looked at Quirrell sitting a couple of rows beneath him. He started chanting his spell in his mind.

'Desolation ravaged the earth.

The seas long devoid of life.

The heavens sent their judgement.'

'Binding art numer one Restrain.' Robert pointed his finger at Quirrell.

The professor's arms snapped back behind his back causing him to fall from his seat. Some other teachers helped him sit up. While this was happening Robert saw a head full of bushy hair run away beneath the stands.

'At least Harry has good friends.' He smiled.

"Harry Potter after taming his broom caught up to the snitch. Will he catch it? The Slytherin seeker is on his tail. Trying to shake Potter off his broom. The snitch dived and the seekers are following it."

"It seems Potter's mouth isn't useless after all." Snape remarked.

"Yeah. A shame I didn't go through with that wager." Robert smirked seeing as Harry coughed up the snitch that somehow landed in his mouth.

Snape left the stands with his cape bellowing. The Griffindors cheered on the winning team. Harry's team started throwing him in the air. The twins probably used their extra cash for contraband goods like butterbeer.

'Yeah. It's going to be wild in that dorm tonight. Hopefully Harry doesn't forget he has my training to do tomorrow.' Robert laught creeply scaring once again the younger students away from him. Harry felt chilly for some reason.