
Robert Crow in the world of magic.

What do you get when suddenly an otherworlder gets swept into the world of magic? Hopefully a wholesome story. Let's follow the steps of Robert Crow and see how much chaos and laughter can he bring to the world filled with sorrow

ShinXResolve · Book&Literature
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44 Chs

The more the merrier


Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.




Harry was puzzeled with the crowd before him. His regular trainees he understood. But why were the twins and Harry's friends Hermione and Neville doing here. Ron was probably sleeping away as it was an early Sunday morning.

"Okay. What's up with the peanut gallery? You're here to watch how my proteges struggle in sweat and tears?" Robert asked while tapping his foot. Neville gulped nervously. While the twins had stars in their eyes. Only Hermione sighed at the antics of this supposed great teacher.

"We would like for you to teach us" Said Fred

"Oh great one." George bowed with Fred joining him in the skit.

"You'd think that especially you two wouldn't like to see me after that ruff week we had. Are your hands fine? I didn't see any problems during yesterday's game." He asked with concern.

"Nothing we couldn't handle Robert." George replied

"We had worse. Hurrah for madam Pomfrey." Fred winked.

"And just what were you doing with Mr. Crow?" Hermione launched her mother hen mode. Robert should probably trademark it.

"Hermione behave. It's just a gentleman agreement. I needed their help for something." He looked exhausted seeing her gears whirl.

"I want to be strong." Said Neville. A little courage could be seen in those eyes of his. This was probably very hard for him. To get out of his comfort zone.

"It seems the newbies are trying to steal our coach." Tonks snickered.

"I only ask for one thing. Please no more applicants. At least for now okay? Any more and I'm afraid I won't be able to make this as effective as it should be. I have to be able to respond to any problems that may occur." Robert scratched his head while thinking when would he have that shooting range ready.

"Okay! The new additions replied.

"Since all of you are wearing suitable clothing let's begin our warm up." Robert blew his whistle and they were off.

Hermione surprisingly was quite athletic.

'How could she not. Running to the library from Griffindor Tower and back was certainly a workout. Not to mention the books she carried with her all the time.' Robert was impressed.

The twins were ready for the weight bracelets. Since they already had to train for quidditch. Unfortunately he didn't expect them today. As for Neville, he tried to keep up.

'Good for him. He certainly deserved to have a helping hand.' Robert looked fondly towards the children before him. It was eerie looking at faces that you know could die in a couple of years if nothing was done.

'That's why I'm here. To make a difference.' Finding new strength in this resolution Robert continued with the next part of training. Target practise.

"Okay. That'll be enough for today. I'd like to say that I'm very impressed with all of you. You took my expectations for a wild ride and broke them apart." He smiled looking at their proud faces.

"Hopefully this year I'll be able to get some funding for a shooting range so we can take our target practice to the next level. As for the next lesson I'll bring some dummies so we can begin our spell work. Thank you for today. You're dismissed." Robert was stopped by an anxious Hermione and Harry trailing behind her. He was amused how Harry looked like a little chicken following the mother hen.

"What seems to be the problem Ms. Granger?

"We believe profesor Snape wanted to harm Harry yesterday." She didn't pull her punches.

"And do pray tell why do you think that?" Did he miss something? Or was it Fate doing her best to keep the ball rolling.

"Harry saw him limping with blood on his leg because he was bitten by the monster guarding the corridor." Hermione replied. Robert had truly forgotten about that piece of information.

"Oh, you say that as if you personally had seen the guardian. Aren't you a naughty bunch?" The children blushed at that.

"Are we in trouble? It was my fault. Only I should be expelled." Harry looked down. Brooding was his second nature.

"Harry. Why would we expell you?"

"Because we broke the rules." Hermione answered realizing how she implicated themselves. She was shocked when Robert started laughing.

"I don't know what you'd actually have to do to get expelled from here. Sometimes I think they'd allow murder if it was for the greater good." Hypocrisy at its finest. They'd rather chuck the innocents under the bus than actually address the aggressors.

"You can't say that. This is the best school in the world. The safest place in all of Britain. " Hermione said

"And yet you almost died to an overgrown dog and now you're suggesting a staff member tried to kill one of the students. You hear what you're saying?" Hermione didn't know how to respond.

"First things first. No, I won't notify the teacher's you were not in bed one night. However, this should be a lesson to you to not shove your noses where it's not your business." He sighed when they didn't meet his eyes.

"Secondly, leave the quidditch incident alone. We know what happened and it's investigated. You just try not to get yourselves killed,okay?" They nodded.

"If that's all then I'd like to freshen up a bit before breakfast. I believe you too. See you at the great hall." Robert left the duo trying not to get a headache from their meddling in things they shouldn't.

"Mrs. McGonagall can I be a supervisor for a club?" Robert asked the woman at breakfast.

"Unfortunately no. The rules state that only staff with at least two N.E.W.Ts can supervise." She replied

"Does it matter which ones you have to have?" He inquired further.

"They have to be somewhat related to the club's activities. Were you trying to host a club Mr. Crow?"

"Yes. A couple more students joined me and the seventh year students in our makeshift combat training. I figured if I started a club it would be easier to manage and get necessary funding. But it seems that is a dead end. At least for now." He sighed.

"Well you could get another staff member to be the host while you'll be doing the work Mr. Crow. Not me unfortunately. I already have to much on my plate to dabble in other ventures." She denied his pleading look.

"Speaking of work. Did you notice a problem with a couple of your new cubs?" Robert changed the topic.

"Problems? You have to be more specific than that. Their losing streak of pionts is already giving me a headache." She sighed.

"Well you could as vice headmistress just overrule the points taken from a fellow professor. It's not as if loud breathing was an offense in the rule book." He rolled his eyes.

"You think I didn't try? The headmaster has the last say in the matter. I just gave up after a while. You were saying something about my cubs?"

"Yeah. Today I have noticed Mr. Longbottom was having problems with casting a simple jinx. After a few questions and tests there seemed to be a problem with his wand." Robert replied.

"And the issue with his wand is?"

"It belonged to his father." Silence accompanied the two for a while.

"What do you want me to do Mr. Crow? She asked.

"I'd like to talk with his grandmother about this. I don't want a child to feel inadequate because of the faulty thinking of adults." He said calmly.

"That can be arranged. How about next weekend? I'll send a letter myself." She offered.

"That's good enough for me. As for the second student of yours he has a similar problem. Ronald Weasley is currently using a faulty wand. It's core is sticking out. I'm quite impressed it didn't explode and that it somehow still works in his hand. After all it wasn't his to begin with." McGonagall took a deep breath through her nose and began massaging her eyes. It seemed to her that this was going to be a long day.