
Robert Crow in the world of magic.

What do you get when suddenly an otherworlder gets swept into the world of magic? Hopefully a wholesome story. Let's follow the steps of Robert Crow and see how much chaos and laughter can he bring to the world filled with sorrow

ShinXResolve · Book&Literature
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44 Chs



Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.




Sunday morning was a chilly endeavor. The highlands of Scotland were covered in white frost. Whites clouds stretched from the horizon. Rays of sunshine trying to break through the darkness of night. A group of freezing youths were seen running along the black lake. Their highten breaths resulted in little puffs of frozen vapor rising up to the endless span of the dark blue sky.

"Just a few more meters and you're done." A familiar voice could be heard.

It was Robert and his vict... trainees. Starting the day with a run.

"You can be such a slave driver. What happened with the old guy eating chocolate ice-cream persona?" Tonks asked while trying to catch her breath.

"Apparently he's playing blackjack with my sense of mercy." Robert quipped.

"And frankly your sense of humor." Jasmine added.

"Just for that you have to hit the target ten times in a row. Harry you only need to hit three times to finish. Of course you can keep up with the girls if you want to."

"Yes, Mr. Crow." Harry replied

"Why does he get special treatment? This is unfair." Tonks started sulking.

"Life's unfair. Deal with it before I double your targets." Robert said without batting an eye at her antics.

The girls were struggling to keep a consistent streak. However, Harry seemed to be a natural. Not without a couple of hiccups at the beginning of course. His accuracy was getting much better. Probably because of his talent as a seeker. Robert couldn't wait how Harry will fare after getting his new prescription glasses.

"Okay people. Since we have some time before breakfast we're going to start the next part of training." Robert said with excitement.

"And why are you happy, bug?" Jasmine looked uncomfortable with how he was happy.

"One word. Dodge!" And Robert started pelting the girls and Harry with jinxes. After hitting everyone at least thrice he stopped.

"Why aren't you evading?" He asked with an innocent smile.

"What do you mean you bastard!?" Jasmine glared at him.

"What's wrong with you!?" Tonks bellowed in anger while rubbing where she was hit.

"It wasn't that bad." Harry added

"Yeah. Not quite as I would have liked." Mindy was becoming more disturbing by the minute.

"Being able to dodge is one of the most underappreciated skills needed in a fight. Most people tend to stand like a sore thumb and don't have the common decency to even hide from incoming fire." He let that sink in for a bit.

"And this is what I wanted to show you today. How unprepared all of you are in case of imminent danger. Sometimes you won't be able to shield yourself. Or even use a countercurse." Robert said.

"And that's why we'll be training your reflexes. And eventually the awareness of your surroundings. Sometimes danger doesn't come in straight line. But we'll leave that for later. Now ready yourselves because barrage numer two is heading your way in three seconds"

Robert started casting at two, much to their dismay. However, it was more challenging to him then before to hit them. But not much. After a couple of seconds he stopped.

"Before you complain. Nobody will wait like a gentleman for you to get ready. And if somebody insane enough will give you time then either run if the person is too powerful or immediately just shoot to kill. Even a Diffindo will suffice. Never give your enemy time. Hubris kills even the best of us." Robert cautioned them.

"Hopefully the message will stick. Unless there are any questions we will leave this lesson at that. None? Then I wish you a delightful day."

Robert skipped towards the castle. It was nice to get even with the gals. After washing himself he headed towards the Great hall. He sat down next to Flitwick and pitched him his idea of making a shooting range.

"I'd like to have a place where me or other students can practice their accuracy. Muggles have a similar concept but for guns and even bows."

"Why that's an excellent suggestion. But could you specify what is needed for one." Flitwick inquired.

"I'd like there to be two wings. At least for now. The first one would have stationary targets. The second would have moving ones. In either I'd like to have the ability to control how far the targets are from the starting point." Robert explained

"That's quite a huge project Robert. I think we'll be able to come up with the enchantments. However, I don't think it'll be easy to pitch it to the governors. After all it costs money. And we still can't get enough to buy new brooms for our students. Much less a brand new facility." Flitwick sighed. Sometimes he'd like to show why he was a world class champion in dueling.

"Hmm. If the problem is just money then we'll have to find another way to fund it." Robert mused.

Robert was training his newly learned spell in the room of requirements. If Hogwarts didn't plan out he could always join a ranch in the Midwest.

"I'm making progress. At least the dummy doesn't slip away when I pull it towards me." Robert wiped his face from sweat.

"But this is just a stepping stone. I'll eventually have to start learning the advanced version." He said after drinking some water.

"What happened after the troll incident?" Robert asked himself. The timeline was a little bit fuzzy for him.

"Maybe I'll remember after another set."

Minutes went by and Robert became even more violent with its usage. He was even able to grab a dummy with the rope and smash it from above onto other dummies. When it seemed he was running out of steam a single thought appeared in his mind.

"That bastard! I only have less than a week left before he tries that bullshit with Harry's broom." Fury was seen in Robert's eyes.

"But what to do about it?" He couldn't just go to the teachers. Nevermind not believing him. Quirrell would surely find out from them that Robert was onto him. And then he'd have to watch his back or worse. Voldy could always get to him through others.

"Not that I can just attack him in the stands during the match." He was right. Too many people and that's just asking for trouble.

"Unless there's another opportunity I'll have to leave it be for now." Being passive wasn't in his nature. However, sometimes to wait is the only way.

"I'll have to train the first binding art. But where to find eager and discreet hands?" He sat down and after a couple minutes he had his eureka moment. Robert quickly took his belongings and set off to find a couple of familiar faces.