
Robert Crow in the world of magic.

What do you get when suddenly an otherworlder gets swept into the world of magic? Hopefully a wholesome story. Let's follow the steps of Robert Crow and see how much chaos and laughter can he bring to the world filled with sorrow

ShinXResolve · Book&Literature
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44 Chs

Pesky problem


Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.




"What kind of rune networks do I want to build?" Robert sat before the fireplace in his room. Zephyr was chilling on a perch near the window. The cracking of fire added to the cosy atmosphere of the room. Robert was drinking tea and munching on some biscuits he got from the elves from the kitchens.

"I'd really like to do some magical equivalent of technology. Have some swing at the game consoles of the 90s." Unsurprisingly wizards didn't have much of a entertainment culture. Most available games were unnecessarily violent. Chess with an attitude, cards that can burn you, and stones that spit on you.

"Ah. I'd really like to make Yu-gi-oh the new pass time here. After all if the technology isn't there I could always use magic. But thats too ambitious for now." A smile appeared on his face when he imagined the scene of a real life duel happening.

"How about I start small? I think lighting up a lightbulb would be a good direction for me." He would need to make a circuit that doesn't blow it up and can regulate the power. After that it'll be easier to power other electronics.

He took out his phone and written a query as to how to make it happen. After two hours it finally showed a matrix of runes that had the biggest probability of success.

"I really should start on my engraving skills. Maybe Bathsheda could help. I think she'll be interested in this network as well."

The next he visited the runes teacher. He asked her for advice on how to start learning the subject and what he needed to start. She explained and showed an interest in the matrix. Bathsheda told him to come by next week to check on her progress with it.

Robert looked for Tonks. As her proclivity for muggle culture would help with collecting some games for the future.

"Hi Tonks. Alone today?" He found her at the quad courtyard. She didn't look too happy.

"Hi to you to old man." Brooding wasn't a good look for her. But she did rock the blue hair style.

"A little touchy it seems. Do you want to talk about it?" He sat down on the bench next to her.

"With you? I'd rather not." She quickly replied.

"Well if you want to you'll know where to find me. I'd like to talk to you about a project. I'm trying to bring some entertainment into these walls." Robert looked over the courtyard. You could easily loose your way here. Especially since everything looked monolithic here.

"Do I want to know what kind of entertainment?" She looked at him with suspicion.

"Ha ha. I bet you'll be one of the first to use it. I'm thinking of making technology possible in some capacity in Hogwarts. A gaming console is on my list of priorities. Unfortunately I don't know whether it'll be ready for Christmas but I'll try."

"You want to bring tech over here!?" She was excited. Forgetting about her earlier woes for a least a moment.

"Yeah. And I wanted to ask you for help with it. Hopefully your library of games contains more than just burly muscles." He dodged Tonk's swat of her hand.

"Of course I do. I'm a cultured gamer." She said with some pride.

"Then I'm counting on you." They said their goodbyes.

As Robert was heading towards his room he saw the school poltergeist wrecking havoc in a nearby room with suits of armor. Children were running away from pieces of metal flying everywhere.

"Peeves stop this madness." Robert shouted at the menace.

"Look here. Our unstable aide has come to the rescue. Are you going to cry baby boy." Robert was shocked by this. Just from where had this abomination heard of this.

"You just had to make this personal. Didn't you? I think I'll need to punish you." Robert's face hosted a wicked smile making the poltergeist falter a little bit.

"Ha. What can smelly Bob do?" It started mocking the young man before him. Although it was curious as to what was happening with his hand. Some sort of flashing and sparks were flying.

"I have a surprise for you. Slithering Rope!" Robert casted his binding spell catching the poltergeist in it.

"What the deuce is this? How are you able to catch me? Let me go!" Peeves started panicking.

"Let's see who will cry after this you little shit." Robert chucked the binded scoundrel into a nearby cauldron. Then he put a lid on it and used the Weasley's ball of rope to wrap it up. Muffled noises came from the container.

Clapping and cheers filled out the room. Robert turned around and saw the students applauding his victory over the unruly ghost. Shocked faces appeared on some of the Slytherins. They realized how groundbreaking this news was. A spell that can make a poltergeist tangible for capture. Some of them ran off to quickly inform their parents.

'Great. This is why you should not act under anger. Who knows what the wraith of the hour will do now.' Robert will have to leave the map on at all times now. He doesn't even know what to do about lessons with Quirrell.

Leaving the crowd Robert quickly made way towards the room of requirements. He had some planning to do.

McGonagall heard knocking on her office door.

"You may enter. Mr. Crow how can I help you?" She saw the young man had a serious expression on his face.

"I'd like to go to the Ministry professor." He replied.

"What for? Is there a problem?" Minerva stopped writing and had a concerned look on her face.

"Nothing too serious. However I'd like to get a couple of O.W.Ls and maybe some N.E.W.Ts if successful." He said.

"That's somewhat unusual. But you wouldn't be the first one to try. What subjects are you considering?" She asked.

"History of Magic, Muggle studies, Astronomy, Arithmancy, Divination and Defense against the Dark Arts." He answered.

"At least you know you're not anywhere near intermediate in my subject Mr. Crow." She said in an amused tone.

"Why the rush? Is it about your club?" She inquired with a raised brow.

"That too. However, I find myself bored during lectures as I find them quite easy for me. And I want to focus on other ventures. I'd like to have more time for charms, runes and of course transfiguration." Robert winked when he said the last subject.

"Flattery won't get you anywhere Mr. Crow. Better had tried." She had a small smile while reminiscing about the good old days.

"Rats. Foiled again." He jokingly said while she had a deadpanned face.

"I'll letter the Ministry today. Since they don't have much going on at the department of education they should have time for you." She informed him.

"Was that a jab at how the ministry works Mrs. McGonagall?" Robert was surprised she would make a joke.

"No Mr. Crow. I was speaking from experience. The curriculum has not changed for decades." She smirked.

"And yet there are brand new editions every year." Robert commented.

"Unfortunately that's how it is Mr. Crow. Here. Write the subjects and at what level you'll be taking them." Robert quickly scribbled and handed over the parchment do the professor.

"Anything else Mr. Crow?"

"I'd like to ask for leave from the subjects I'm going to try passing. I'd like to do some self-learning." He hoped she would agree.

"I'll grant that. Just stop doing those puppy eyes. You're an adult." A small smile almost appeared on her face.

"Thank you, Minnie." He quickly ran out to escape the ire of an angry witch.

"Foolish." She huffed. A lonely tear came down from her eyes.