
Robert Crow in the world of magic.

What do you get when suddenly an otherworlder gets swept into the world of magic? Hopefully a wholesome story. Let's follow the steps of Robert Crow and see how much chaos and laughter can he bring to the world filled with sorrow

ShinXResolve · Book&Literature
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44 Chs

Questions and hurt


Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.




"Could you lend me your notes from your O.W.Ls?" Robert asked the badger trio.

"Why do you need them for? You're a firstie." They giggled at the deadpan expression on his face.

"For your information I've got the green light today from the Ministry at lunch so I'll be taking some of my owls and newts." He explained shocking them.

"Aren't you taking the exams too lightly?" Tonks expressed her concern.

"I'll be fine. I'm taking the subjects that mostly have a written test for passing. As for Astronomy and Arithmancy I'll manage." He said with confidence.

"Well after what you've done with Peeves you'll certainly pass the new spell creation part. And for newts they only want you to modify a charm." Mindy said.

"Why are you doing this?" Jasmine asked.

"Mostly so we can make our little club official. And to gain a couple of benefits so we can take our training to the next level." He replied.

"And not going to classes is just a side benefit isn't it?" Tonks smirked.

'In many ways that you don't even understand.' He thought. This was the best way to evade Quirrell until he's prepared for a clash with Voldemort.

"How about you teach us your pest control lasso thingy? As a way to thank us for our hard work." Mindy couldn't wait to terrorize the unworthy. At least that's what Robert thought when she began drooling.

"We'll see. Maybe next semester. When we finish everything I've planned for our lessons." He evaded giving a definite yes to that question.

"Aren't you a sly bug Mr. Crow." Jasmine wasn't having it. She knew he was plotting something.

"Anyway can I rely on you?" He asked politely. The girls seemingly agreed.

"Ok. For now I have to leave. I have an appointment in Hogsmeade." He stood up.

"Is it a girl?" He rolled his eyes at Tonks question.

"More like with an unstoppable force of nature. Regent Madam Longbottom."

"Rest in peace." The girls gave a final salut for Robert.

Robert arrived at the Three Broomsticks. He went towards the counter and asked Madame Rosemerta if his guest is already here. She nodded and took him to a private room. Madam Longbottom was sitting at a table. She looked imposing. Her robes in various shades of reddish purple. A scarf made from an silver fox. A peculiar hat with vulture feathers. She was currently sipping tea and scrutinizing the young man that walked through the door.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Madam Longbottom. Let me introduce myself. I'm Robert Crow student and aide at Hogwarts. Pleased to make your acquaintance." He tried to make a good impresion on the woman. It's always better to be on the good side of the fairer sex.

"I think that'll be enough of the pleasantries Mr. Crow. I've gotten a letter from Minerva that you have something to say about my ward, Neville." She continued drinking her tea.

"Of course. Since we don't want to dance around the topic I'll just say it straight. Your grandson needs to get a new wand."

"Nonsense. There's nothing wrong with that wand. Ollivander checked it personally." She replied.

"Indeed. I've seen the wand. However that's not the issue. It doesn't listen to Neville and causes problems when casting." He continued to explain.

"Neville just needs more practice. And then he'll shine. Just like his father." She ignored Robert's statement.

"Did his father use your husband's wand Madam Longbottom?"

"What does that have anything to do with this?"

"Well I'd like to know if there was some tradition in your family to pass on the wand from one to another. After all it would be unusual. Since even Ollivander said a wand chooses the wizard."

"I don't have to explain what are my household practices." She leered.

"Of course you don't have to. But I unfortunately have to take care of my students. And I won't let him not achieve his potential because of some nonsensical reasons." The shots were fired. The woman began to turn red from furry.

"How dare you question my authority! Who do you think you are!?" The tension in the air was palpable.

"I'm Robert Crow and I wouldn't want to forget it if I were you." He looked back into here eyes and they fell into a standstill. After a couple of minutes Robert decided to break the silence.

"I understand why you've done this. However I'd like to ask you one thing. If your son could see what you've done would he be happy?" The woman gritted her teeth and calmed slightly calmed down.

"I'm not saying it doesn't have a place in your family. However I wouldn't want to shackle a family to a memento. It has a place on a display of honor. It has a place in your hearts. But please don't make it a binding. Because it's already breaking your grandson's spirit." He said softly.

The Madame was breathing calmly but myriad of emotions could be seen in her eyes.

"I've been teaching young Neville for some time now. The teachers say that he has talent for herbology. I swear Mrs. Sprout is sometimes jealous that he isn't with her badgers." He chuckled remembering one discussion held during a staff meeting. Happiness beamed from the woman's eyes. Lighting up her stern face.

"I think it'll please you even more knowing that the boy also has some talent for combat. Of course I had to instill some confidence in the boy. And with using another wand he truly made major progress. But thats also the reason why I don't want it to go to waste." He pleaded with his eyes.

The duo sat in the room in silence. The ticking of the nearby clock set a rhythm in the atmosphere. The smell of tea lingered and added to the wooden smell of the room. After a couple of minutes Mrs Longbottom finally said her piece.

"Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention. I'll see to it." The woman grabbed her purse and let the room. Robert almost fell off the chair when the tension left the room.

'How on earth she didn't bomb the Ministry or the death eaters still boggles my mind' He released his breath and sighed.