
Rise of the Soul Reaper Saint

An early, failed Vaizard experiment by Aizen is left to die in the Dangai. However, at the instance before the Kōtotsu would have ended his existence. A space storm pulled him out of the dangai and into a new world. Once he enters this new world he will have to adapt to the powers that be and figure out a way to get home. I do not own the Bleach Series or the Saint Seiya series they are properties of their respectful authors Tite Kubo and Masami Kurumada.

Vaekyr · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Three-Way Battle

Heavy footsteps sounded out in the darkness; Ryuji's footsteps could be heard louder and louder.

"How long is this damn path, all this darkness is getting annoying."

For thirty minutes now, Ryuji had been walking listening to his own footsteps and the sound of his own breathing.

After a while, light began to appear at the end of the hall. Ryuji hopeful of some sort of change, began to speed up leaving this dark hall.

As he entered into the bright white room, his eyes were stunned at what he saw.

A room similar to the Zanjutsu training rooms back at the academy, had taken shape before him.

Clear, pristine, white walls covered an expansive area. The floor covered in a soft white mat, created what would look like an arena of sorts.

Ryuji stepped into the room seeing nothing but the white room, 4 white pillars, and weapon racks against the walls.

He walked forward coming to the center of the room.

When he got close to the center, openings in the side walls began to form.

Undead figures in white and blue, training shihakusho's walked out circling around Ryuji.

Each undead walked towards a weapon rack, equipping themselves with the katanas stored away.

After gathering their weapons, the undead walked around Ryuji, creating a perimeter around him.

"This reminds me of the sparring matches back at the academy."

Ryuji draws his blade entering a sword stance ready for the battle to come.

In the pathway to Ryuji's room Neil could be seen running forward.

"How long is this path, I need to catch up with the kid?"

As he ran he started to see light at the end. He smiled before putting in more speed entering the bright room.

When he entered, what stood before him was an group of clothed undead and the bastard kid he was chasing encircled within.

Ryuji sensing another presence turned around, spotting Neil standing at the entrance, looking back at him with a smile on his face.

"Why the hell are you here? Shouldn't you be with the other 2 big brutes?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Your funny kid, I'm here to kill ya and take whatever treasure you might have found."

"Make this easier for yourself and just let me end you quick."

Hearing Neil's words, Ryuji began to laugh.

"Well I guess you are brawn and no brain. Guess I have to teach you how to use that brain on your shoulders, huh big guy."

Out of provocation, Neil walked into the room not minding the undead standing before him.

As he got closer the undead line in front of him turned towards him and readied their weapons.

As Neil walked forward, the sound of heavy metal footsteps sounded out . A tall figure wearing a black shihakusho entered the room. A tall zombie with metal boots walked to the front of the room, then raised his hand.

When his hand raised into the air, every zombie in the room readied their weapons.

The zombie leader dropped his hand; all the zombies moved in sync towards Ryuji and Neil.

Ryuji readied his asauchi, for the coming struggle; the undead gathered cosmo to their katanas, each blade shining with different elements of cosmo.

Neil grabbed his axes then rushed towards the undead, he slashed at the first undead in front of himself, it parried his attack before another zombie closed in with a slash to his left shoulder.


Neil dodged to the right, however his shoulder was still grazed by the flames covering the zombies blade.

Anger could be seen all over Neil's face, his pride damaged by the weak undead before him.

Cosmo gathered around Neil circling around his blade coating it with a dark blood red energy.


In almost an instant, Neil dashes towards the undead before swinging downward at them.

His axes clash with the ground, waves of red cosmo explode out slamming towards the undead.

The undead grouped together, blocking the waves of cosmo.

Ryuji could be seen dissapearing at great speeds, appearing behind the undead with a loud sound.

"If I am quick enough with sonido, I should be able to get through their defenses and destroy them."

In an instant he appeared near a zombies back slashing at its neck. The zombie tried to react in time however, it was too slow.

As the zombie dropped to the ground the other zombies jumped at Ryuji to counterattack.

"You guys are far too slow."

Ryuji looks back at Neil then smiles, before using Sonido to appear behind him.

"Since these zombies are too slow to bother me, I'm gonna help them put you in check."


Ryuji attacks at Neil interrupting his attack against the zombies.

Neil dodges out the way before counterattacking Ryuji with a spinning slash.

As Ryuji blocks the incoming slash's, the undead circle around both of them attacking both of them from behind.

With ease Ryuji vanishes from his position, appearing behind a group of zombies.

He gathers his cosmo then makes a wide arcing slash at the group.

The slash impacts with the group of undead, sending them flying to the wall in the distance.

Neil blocks the incoming attacks then grabs a zombie by the throat before tossing him towards his comrades.

While they are on the ground Neil jumps in the air coming down for a big slash of cosmo.

The group of zombies are shredded into pieces, black blood covers the ground and Neils axes.

"Impressive, now let's keep dancing."

Ryuji sonido's to Neil attacking him at great speeds in three different locations.

Neil has difficulty blocking all of the attacks. Some get through cutting into his shoulder, arm, and legs.

"Bastard, i'll kill you!"

Cosmo burst out around Neil; his cosmo burns within his body. An explosion of many universes occur within himself fueling his strength.

He runs up to Ryuji, slashing at him from different angles.

Ryuji dodges them with ease, wondering what Neil is about to do.

Not getting a single hit in, Neil becomes madder and madder.



Neil crosses his axes in front of himself before slashing downward with both sending an 2 crossed slashes towards Ryuji.

"Now this is a lot better"

Ryuji puts 2 fingers in the air pointing towards Neil and his incoming attack.

Cosmo begins to gather in a ball shape in front of his fingers. The massive amount of cosmo being released shakes the room.


Ryuji fires the beam of red cosmo towards Neil. The beam engulfs the crossed slashes without much effort.


The beam flys towards Neil before clashing into him.


Neil is pushed back all the way to the back wall before the beam begins to break down his body killing him in an instant.

As Neil is destroyed the beam continues to pierce through the wall flying through the underground mountain.

Everyone in the direction of the beam, sense the condensed energy flying their way.

It passes through many pathways creating a small hole before eventually dissipating.

"Whoever shot that beam got some serious fire power." Says one of the knights in Alberts group.

As always let me know if you see any mistakes and if there is something you think I can improve upon let me know in the comments. Thanks for reading!

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