
Rise of the Soul Reaper Saint

An early, failed Vaizard experiment by Aizen is left to die in the Dangai. However, at the instance before the Kōtotsu would have ended his existence. A space storm pulled him out of the dangai and into a new world. Once he enters this new world he will have to adapt to the powers that be and figure out a way to get home. I do not own the Bleach Series or the Saint Seiya series they are properties of their respectful authors Tite Kubo and Masami Kurumada.

Vaekyr · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Peace within Death

On the other side of the trials.

"Leon, Duck!!"

As Leon is parrying an attack from a undead, a fireball is headed for his back.

He ducks down then kicks the undead he was fighting backwards. The fireball misses Leon then strikes the undead burning it to cinders.

"Sebrine! Cody! Send a cosmo wave towards the elemental undead.

Sebrine gathers her green cosmo around her fist then punches towards the undead. Cody raised his saber above his head; a purple cosmo gathers around the blade. He swings his blade forward creating a purple slash of cosmo.


The two attacks fly towards the undead; combining into a giant ball of purple and green cosmo.

Leon jumps into the air away from the area before the attack impacts with the ground, engulfing the undead destroying it.

Sebrine and Cody walk over to Leon.

"Captain you alright? I thought that monster was about to claim your life."

Leon smiles and waves his hand.

"I'm alright,where's Will we need to move on?"

Everyone looks behind them to see a figure walking up to them. The figure is tall and slim with short black hair. He has leather armor on, with a bow and arrows equipped on his back, and a set of daggers on his hip.

"You guys should know something at this level won't take me out!"

With a wide smirk on his face, Will walks over to the group.

"We need to get moving, this is only the beginning of the trial."

Leon stands up then heads for the exit.

"I can sense great amounts of cosmo being released from the other groups, they also must be fighting the undead."

As they make their way to the exit, the room shakes before a red beam smashes through a wall nearby. Everyone jumps back dodging the blast.

"Such power! Who could be able to release so much energy?"

Sebrine with a surprised look on her face tries to sense the strength resonating off the fading cosmo.

"If there is someone that strong in the other trials, we need to speed up or they will get to the treasure before us."

Cody looks around to everyone while resting his arm on Will's shoulder.

"Get off me fatty!"

Will pushes Cody then walks next to Leon.

Everyone laughs then follows Leon into the path ahead.

The corridor is dark and the walls are rough; only the sounds of their footsteps can be heard.

As they walk forward Leon notices markings on the walls.

He walks up to the marks then rubs his hand, along side them.

The marks are found to be words that say , "Peace within Death."

"Why are there words here, did the owner of this catacomb leave these hear for others to find?"

"No idea, but whats more important is what do these words signify?"

Questions Will.

"Whatever is ahead will probably give us the answers we seek."

The group continues forward with their guard up for any traps and undead.

As they move forward they begin to see light at the end of the path. The group stops in place and nods to each other.

Leon moves up front with his hands in a ready battle stance.

Sebrine moves behind Leon to the side cosmo gathering in her hands ready to bombard the enemy.

Cody walks beside Leon his sword already glowing with cosmo ready to strike.

Will grabs his bow and nocks an arrow ready to fire at any targets.

As a group they steadily and slowly move into the lit room.

As they enter the room energy crashes into their heads messing with their minds.

Everyone drops to their knees as the drop their weapons and grab their heads.


Sebrine, Cody, and Will all scream out as the pain kicks in.

"Whats going on with my head!"

Cody screams out as the pain increases.

Leon who isn't in as much pain as the others looks around and notices a circle on the ground with symbols inlaced on its outer border.

Inside this circle stands a womanly figure looking back at them.

The woman dressed in a white and black robe almost like a nun of sorts, smiles and she watches them.

"Don't worry little ones I can ease your suffering."

She slowly walks over to the group.

As the woman makes her way over, Leon fights the pain as he gathers his energy to fight.

"Guys hold on if we can defeat her we can stop this mental attack."

Leon looks back, however to his disarray his friends are all unconscious.

"Guys wake up! There is an enemy coming, Guys!"

"The others are sleep dear, they are peacefully experiencing their most happiest dreams."

"Come child, why don't you enjoy a good nap."

The woman walks in front of Leon and places her hand on his cheek, like a caring mother.

The woman gathers cosmo towards her hand to inject it into Leon.

Fighting the influence and pain in his head, Leon gathers his strength and willpower and strikes at the woman.

"Stay back monster!"

His fist blasts a wave of cosmo at the woman.

The woman dodges back out of the way.

"Oh dear, don't fight it there is so much peace I can bring you."

As she talks a long scythe begins to take form in her right hand.

"Once you fall asleep, I will end your life. Oh! the peace you will find in death, it's so exciting."

An eerie feeling creeps up Leons back; he walks over to the others and puts some of his cosmo into their heads.

"Hopefully it can reach you guys in time."

He walks in front of the woman then prepares to fight.

The woman runs towards Leon then slashes her scythe at his throat.

Leon dodges and moves away from the charging woman, dodging and using his cosmo infused hands to parry her attacks.

The two begin to dance around the room, one attacking while the other is dodging.

For the others, their minds have been hit by an illusion forcing them to live out their most wanted dreams.