
Rise of the Soul Reaper Saint

An early, failed Vaizard experiment by Aizen is left to die in the Dangai. However, at the instance before the Kōtotsu would have ended his existence. A space storm pulled him out of the dangai and into a new world. Once he enters this new world he will have to adapt to the powers that be and figure out a way to get home. I do not own the Bleach Series or the Saint Seiya series they are properties of their respectful authors Tite Kubo and Masami Kurumada.

Vaekyr · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Dreams Worth fighting For

In Sebrine's dreams she envisioned herself as a great and powerful ruler. One who possessed a great family, large amounts of wealth, and a large army of might cosmo warriors.

Sebrine can be seen standing outside of a mighty castle overlooking a grand army. Beside her stands a beautiful man, tall and stout.

His hair blonde and long; his body vigorous with muscles.

She had the man of her dreams beside her, life was great.

Behind them three small kids stood, mere spitting images of their mother with the blonde hair of their father.

Everything she could ever want was within her grasps.

Life continued in her dream. Sebrine enjoyed a peaceful life of power and luxury.

In a room with a great view of the sky above. Sebrine could be seen relaxing in a pool.

Maids and other attendants stood nearby to serve her at her beck and call.

"Snap!" "Snap!"

A maid runs over to sebrine with a towel. She stands out of the pool and allows the maid to dry her off.

"Get my food ready, I'm getting hungry."

The maid wrapped her hair then bowed.

"Yes, Mistress!"

The maid scurried away to make dinner. Sebrine walked to a tanning chair and sat down.

"Leave me until my food is ready."

The guards and attendants bowed then walked out of the room.

Sebrine smiled then stretched her body.

"Ahhh!!, this life is perfect! What more could a girl ask for?"

She squirmed around in the chair in joy.

As she flailed around in the chair a figure began to walk up to her from the shadowy corner in the room.

"So this is the life you wish to leave, huh?"

Shocked with the newfound presence, Sebrine quickly turned around to face the voice.


"Idiot it's me, you need to wake up you're stuck in an illusion."

A questioning look surfaces on her face.

"Illusion? Wait what?! Who are you?!"

Sebrine stands up and slowly moves back towards the door.

"It's me Leon, I placed some of my cosmo in you and the others when the illusion knocked you guys unconscious."

"We are still in the catacombs fighting for the treasure remember? When we entered the room the enemy used her cosmo to attack our minds and put us into fake dreams to make us experience peaceful deaths."

Sebrine stopped moving, pictures begin to flash in her mind of her and other figures fighting undead and then finding strange markings on a wall.

"We don't have much time. I was able to resist the mental attack; however, I won't be able to keep her busy for long. You need to fight out of this illusion and help me defeat her!"

As Leon talked to Sebrine, the door to the room opened.

"Honey, dinner is ready. Huh?"

Sebrine's husband walks into the room confused at the sight before him.

"Who is this? Why are you in our home?!"

The man runs beside Sebrine making distance between Sebrine and Leon.

Leon smiles then shakes his head.

"This world and everything in it is fake, actually look at your husbands face."

Confused by Leon's words, Sebrine turned her head and looked at the mans face. Fear struck her as she noticed nothing on the mans face.

His face was complete nothingness, a blank dark spot where a face should be.

"What the hell?!

She takes a step back in fear. The world around them shakes and a familiar cosmo awakens in Sebrine's head.


She falls to the ground holding her head. The same pain she felt as the mental attack struck her appears again.

Leon rushes to Sebrine knocking the fake man away with a cosmo enhanced slap.

He gets behind her then places his hands on her head.

"Sebrine listen to me, you have to focus you cosmo and destroy the mental energy attacking you!"

"I will assist you., hold on!"

Leon's cosmo gathers and enters Sebrine's body. It makes it's way to her conscious finding two figures clashing in a battle.

"You bitch!!!"

"How dare you mess with my head!"


Sebrine gathers multiple balls of cosmo and launches them towards the woman.

"Ha ha ha ha! Fool I'm giving you everything you could ever want. A perfectly peaceful life centered around you."

The woman dodges the attacks while laughing at Sebrine.

"The peace I give; while cruel, it is the best thing anyone could ask for."

"Your soul will leave this plane, not knowing it has died, only knowing the peace that death brings!"

The woman rushes to Sebrine and begins to attack her with the scythe. Sebrine covers herself in a cosmo barrier then dodges the incoming attacks while countering with her cosmo orbs and blasts.

The blast's collides with the scythe sending the woman flying back.

Sebrine catches her breath watching the smoke, waiting for the figure to appear.

"I will not allow anyone to control my life with fake happiness that I haven't achieved on my own."

"So you can take your peace and shove it, i'll achieve my goals on my own."

In the smoke, the woman raises from the ground. Cuts and marks can be seen on her outfit and a trickle of blood leaves her mouth.

"Oh child, you do not know the foolishness of your words."

"I have seen who you are; you are a foolish girl who dreams big, but has nothing but her small level of skill to show for her achievements!"

"You are nothing but a weak girl with some power to your name. You will achieve nothing! Give up now and receive the benevolence I offer you."

As the woman berates Sebrine, Leon appears next to Sebrine.

"I will help you rid yourself of this parasite. Gather your cosmo and he ready to destroy her, I will hold her off for you."

Sebrine nods her head then gathers her cosmo into a orb in front of herself. The energy begins to compress slowly gathering in strength.

Leon charges the woman, striking at her keeping pressure on her. He punches at the woman trying to punch a hole in her face.

The woman blocks the strike, then counters with a kick, sliding Leon back. She jumps into the air gathering cosmo on her scythe before slash at Leon.

"Die vermin!"

"You are getting in my way, you do not understand the great blessing I offer you!"

Leon gathers his cosmo in his fist then punches a cosmo blast at the incoming slash.

The two attacks clash, exploding in the air creating more smoke.

The woman looks down to the ground, searching for the vermin interrupting her plans.

Directly under her; Leon moves quickly out of the smoke then appears behind her.


Sensing something the woman tries to turn around.

Leon reaches under her arms then puts his hands behind her neck locking her movements.

"Let me go!!!"

The woman tosses and turns releasing large amounts of cosmo to break free.

"Sebrine now!!!"

Down on the ground The ball of cosmo has compressed to the size of a basketball.

Sebrine looks up at Leon and the woman and smiles.

"Hey bitch!"

"You said I was a weak girl with no power huh?"

"Let me show you my power!"


Sebrine pushes forward, sending the ball of cosmo flying towards Leon and the woman.


The woman increases the cosmo she is releasing, almost breaking free of Leons grasps.

"Oh no you don't!"

Leon releases more cosmo then forces both of them to dive towards the incoming blast.

As they both are about to collide with the blast, the woman screams.

"I curse you!"
