
Rise of the Soul Reaper Saint

An early, failed Vaizard experiment by Aizen is left to die in the Dangai. However, at the instance before the Kōtotsu would have ended his existence. A space storm pulled him out of the dangai and into a new world. Once he enters this new world he will have to adapt to the powers that be and figure out a way to get home. I do not own the Bleach Series or the Saint Seiya series they are properties of their respectful authors Tite Kubo and Masami Kurumada.

Vaekyr · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Fighting for Fighting Sake

"Ah Shit here we go again!" Ryuji sighs and drops his head in defeat.

"Where the hell do all you weird people keep coming from? At first its the battle hungry bandit leader, then 2 hot chicks pop up in my soul, now an arrogant bitch that looks like me walks onto the stage."

Dark Ryuji chuckles and points at Ryuji. "Listen idiot I'm not here for all this talking, I came here to kill you and take over. You haven't been driving this ship right, so it's time for a mutiny."

"Now your talking I just unlocked my Shikai and I could use a test dummy. Hey ladies can you teach me how to use your powers?" Both girls nod and point their hands forward.

2 katanas appear in front of both Ryuji. Ryuji picks up the sword excited to learn what his powers could do. He swings the sword around in the air while walking in a circle parallel to Dark Ryuji.

"Ryuji our power gives us control over shadows, you will find that you can now control and create shadows, create a shadow copy that has a sort of pseudo-soul, and move and attack through shadows themselves." Teila explains to Ryuji how their power works while walking away from the battlefield.

"Trust in our power Ryuji and know that you can do anything if you believe in us." Vana's voice rings out in Ryuji's ear.

Both Ryuji's hold their katanas vertical in front of themselves; a burst of cosmo explodes around both of them.

"SANCTIFY TEILA'RO!!!" Both Ryuji's scream at the same time a cloud of smoke exploding around them. Their katanas burst into light transforming into a pair of black and white scythes.

Ryuji stands their experiencing the immense power that he now possesses. He tightens his grip around the scythes handles and slashes into the air. With a such a simple slash, an air slash formed and rushed to the sky splitting any clouds in the way.

"The power these scythes hold is incredible." Ryuji with a smile plastered across his face looks over at Dark Ryuji.

Let's enjoy ourselves fake me."

"Same to you weak bastard!!" Dark Ryuji screams out and rushes toward Ryuji. Dark Ryuji's shadow expands and covers a large area between them. He gets close and slashes at Ryuji, the air around Ryuji gets heavier. Ryuji sensing the power before this strike, gets serious and side steps out the way.

Ryuji gathers his cosmo and creates a equally large shadow, before plunging his white scythe into the shadow.

The scythe appears behind Dark Ryuji in his shadow.

"Silver Death." Ryuji says mentally

The scythe begins to glow, then swings down sending a silver slash of cosmo towards his back. Dark Ryuji sensing the attack, drops down to the ground submerging into the shadows. He then appears at a location to the left of Ryuji.

"He just used Shadow Blink to get away." Ryuji begins to understand how his powers are used.

Ryuji uses his cosmo and creates a bubble of shadows that gather around Dark Ryuji. Ryuji drops into his shadow. He enters a world of darkness below, however up above is the world as clear as can be. He moves to the outside of the bubble and begins to slash at Dark Ryuji in different angles.

Dark Ryuji senses the movement of Ryuji in the shadows and uses his control to create shadow spikes, that block the incoming swings of Ryuji. Seeing his attack about to be blocked, Ryuji creates a shadow tentacle that wraps around Dark Ryuji's leg. The shadow tentacle pulls Dark Ryuji downward, then a sharp spike forms off of the tentacle. The spike elongates and expands moving to impale Dark Ryuji in the chest.

Dark Ryuji gathers his cosmo towards his back; a figure begins to form jumping out of his back and in front of him. A shadow clone of Dark Ryuji appears holding a similar set of black and white scythes.

Seeing the clone, Ryuji cusses. "Dammit! He is easily creating counters for the attacks I am coming up with."

Dark Ryuji uses Shadow Dance Soul to create a shadow that can fight and use the same abilities as the user for 30 minutes.

The clone cuts into the tentacle holding Dark Ryuji and creates a wall of shadows that block the incoming shadow spike. Dark Ryuji now freed drops into the shadow and rushes towards Ryuji.

"Shit, guess this is 2 on 2 then."

"Shadow Dance Soul" Ryuji commands mentally as a figure rises from the shadows next to him.

"You go handle the other clone I'll fight the original." Ryuji orders as he rushes towards the incoming Dark Ryuji. When both Ryuji's get close to each other they both jump into the air and use Silver Death. 2 crossed slashes fly towards each other then collide, exploding on impact.

Outside of Ryuji's body, the hollowfied Ryuji continues to scream into the sky. Virgo Shijima seeing Ryuji get out of control decides this is the time to intervene.

"This has gone above what I will allow, I must stop whatever is happening to the boy."

Shijima moving at super fast speeds appearing in front of hollowfied Ryuji and strikes Ryuji with a condensed fist of cosmo. Shijima's fist slams into Ryuji sending him flying away crashing into multiple trees in the area.

Ryuji gets up and snarls at Shijima like a beast, before vanishing with quick speeds.

He reappears before Shijima with his scythes in position to slice Shijima in 2. Ryuji slashes at Shijima, his scythes infused heavily with cosmo.

Sensing the massive amounts of cosmo behind this attack, Shijima roars. "Burn my cosmo!!"

His cosmo flares up exploding all through his body. Shijima reaches out and grabs the incoming scythes stopping them in motion. He then kicks Ryuji in the get sending him flying, removing the scythes from his hands.

"You won't be needing those anymore."

Shijima enters into a meditative pose and hovers above the air. His cosmo builds up inside of him, the image of buddha begins to form behind him.

He places his right hand near his chest and connects his index finger with his thumb. His left hand rests on his lap, while also holding his index finger and thumb together.


Cosmo explodes out the walls of Buddhist pictures form covering the area. "I will now remove your senses, don't worry I'll wake you back up." Cosmo releases from Shijima's hands targeting Ryuji the cosmo hits him.

Hollowfied Ryuji begins to spasm in place, before falling to the ground screaming. Eventually, even the screams and any movement stops all together. Ryuji's body sits on the ground still as a rock the only signs of life is the small amounts of breaths being taken.