
Rise of the Soul Reaper Saint

An early, failed Vaizard experiment by Aizen is left to die in the Dangai. However, at the instance before the Kōtotsu would have ended his existence. A space storm pulled him out of the dangai and into a new world. Once he enters this new world he will have to adapt to the powers that be and figure out a way to get home. I do not own the Bleach Series or the Saint Seiya series they are properties of their respectful authors Tite Kubo and Masami Kurumada.

Vaekyr · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Moving Forward

Inside of Ryuji's Soul, the clash between Ryuji and Dark Ryuji continues to elevate. Wounds can be spotted all around Ryuji's body, deep lacerations linger on his back bleeding profusely, and his shirt is tattered only hanging onto his shoulder by a thread.

Ryuji stands their catching his breath, channeling his cosmo all throughout his body to slowly heal the bleeding wounds on his body. Dark Ryuji smiles then rushes towards Ryuji and creates a shadow in front of himself.

"Silver Death"

Dark Ryuji slashes at the shadow ahead sending a wave of silver energy to it. The wave enters the shadow then disappears. Ryuji sensing what is coming, uses Silver Death and slashes towards Dark Ryuji running towards him. He then falls into his shadow then dodges into the incoming slash.

Ryuji then uses Shadow Dance to create a copy, he nods to it an understanding is created. The copy rushes through the shadows towards Dark Ryuji. Ryuji stands their a waits for his opportunity while gathering his cosmo.

The copy jumps towards Dark Ryuji creating shadow tentacles that swarm and grab at Dark Ryuji. Dark Ryuji swings his scythes and cuts some of the flailing tentacles, while fighting the tentacles the wave of silver energy approaches. Dark Ryuji drops to the ground entering his shadow, however before he can fully enter his shadow his arm is grabbed by a tentacle and pulled by up.

Seeing their chance, both Ryuji and his copy rush towards Dark Ryuji. The copy uses the shadows to wrap around Dark Ryuji's legs holding him into place. Ryuji uses Silver Death and swings an X wave of silver energy at Dark Ryuji.

While waiting for the silver wave to get close to Dark Ryuji, Ryuji uses Shadow Blink and appears outside behind Dark Ryuji. He then uses Shadow Reap to attack Dark Ryuji up close to keep him occupied. The copy jumps out of the shadows and begins to swing his scythes at Dark Ryuji. On one side a silver Scythe is swinging at Dark Ryuji and on the other a copy is attacking at different angles cutting into his body. Dark Ryuji can't focus good enough to escape out of this situation, he can only gather his energy and prepare to brace for the coming attacks.

The copy keeps swinging cutting into Dark Ryuji's legs and keeping him from using Shadow Blink to escape. Eventually, the waves of Silver cosmo approach the copy and Dark Ryuji; the copy then cuts his scythes deep into Dark Ryuji's sides. He grabs Dark Ryuji then holds him tight, wrapping themselves together by the waist with a shadow tentacle.

Dark Ryuji looks at Ryuji at the last moments and screams. "You are a weak bastard, I'll be back remember that! The moment someone beats your ass and you can't handle it I'll take the opportunity to take over and kill you, believe that!"

BOOMMM!!! The silver waves both crash into Dark Ryuji and the copy a massive explosion goes off. Smoke is everywhere the ground is cracked and destroyed all over. Ryuji stands their sensing out with his cosmo for any movement and signs of life. When the smoke clears and he spots nothing, he falls to the ground breathing heavily.

"You have done well to hold back your inner hollow Ryuji. However, you must always remember that just like us he will always be a part of you, a power that you can utilize but not fall to. Teila and Vana walk towards Ryuji and embrace him.

"It's time you wake up before the warrior outside decides you are a threat." The girls both tap him on the head, his soul leaves his inner world and he begins to wake up.

Shijima during the time Ryuji was laying on the ground, he could sense the clash of energy inside of Ryuji's body. 2 wills inside of him were fighting a great battle, that would have caused major damage if it went on for a longer time.

Ryuji's fingers begin to twitch and then close all together. His eyes open and he begins to see a blurry figure of a man in a bright gold armor. He closes his eyes then opens them back up, his sight getting clearer. The bright gold figure he saw is still their, this time visibly in front of him clear as day.

"So you finally decided to wake up ehh? If you stayed in your berserk state any longer I would of had to put you down." Shijima laughs then crouches down in front of Ryuji.

"My name is Shijima, a Saint of Athena one of the great 12 gold saints that protect her and fight for her. We noticed that the fate of all of humanity gather's around you like a child running to it's mother."

Ryuji confused on why a Saint of Athena would be here nods his head.

"Why are you here, I haven't done anything that should draw the attention of your force?" Ryuji stands up and looks at Shijima.

Shijima stands back up then looks at Ryuji.

"You are fated to bring about change to our world, whether that be saving humanity or bringing it to destruction. We wish to invite you to join our cause and protect humanity from destruction from the gods who disdain humanity."

"At this time the forces of Hades have put their sights on you, they will invite you to join them the same as we will. However, if you refuse them, the powerful warriors behind them will try and force you to work for them whether that be through manipulation or mind control."

"They will do anything to accomplish the resurrection of Hades and to bring about the destruction of humanity, with humanity gone they can begin changing this world back into a paradise."

Ryuji nods his head then contemplates something.

"If what you say is true then the other gods aren't the best to work with, what will I gain by joining the Saints?"

"You will be trained in the mastery of cosmo and the development of your eventual seventh and maybe eight sense. If you are found worthy, you will acquire a cloth like what I wear."

"This armament will carry the will of the constellations above, they will give you incredible power and protect you from attacks."

"Their is great power inside of you one that can become stronger than any gold saint."

"I ask as a Saint of Athena will you join us Ryuji in protecting Athena and helping her protect humanity from destruction?"

Ryuji stands their looking at Shijima thinking of what to do. "I could use their connections and the training to develop my powers, I can also use this time to investigate a way to return to my world."

"Ryuji, we recommend you accept his offer." Says Teila and Vana at the same time in his head.

Another voice sounds out as well. "Take his offer idiot, I can't live in the body of a weak bitch, you need to get stronger."

Ryuji recognizes his own voice, this voice is Dark Ryuji within his soul.

"Even you are telling me to go huh? I guess I'll accept and see where this goes."

"I will join the Saints of Athena and help you complete your mission, but their is something I need."

"What would that be?" Questions Shijima as he nods his head.

"I am not from this world, I wish to find a way to get back to where I am from, I hope the saints can help me find a way back when this is all over." Ryuji looks Shijima in the eyes.

Shijima raises his eyebrows.

"Another world you say, that should explain the ravenous transformation you underwent." Ryuji scratches his head in embarrassment.

"I will inform the others, we will try our best to help you return to your world."

"Thank you."

"If this is all let's speak to your companions before we set out for your training."

Ryuji and Shijima walk over to Harvey and the others, you can see men walking around tending to the wounded, others look at Ryuji with fear in their eyes.

Harvey, Quil, Lance, and Galvin walk forward with smiles on their faces.

"If you weren't here Ryuji we might have taken more losses and Corak wouldn't have went down as easy as he should have."

Galvin walks to Ryuji and raises his hand for a handshake. "If you ever come to Negal Village come see me, you are always welcome."

Galvin then bows to Shijima then walks back to his soldiers. Quil bows to them both then walks over to his troops screaming out orders to return.

"I looks like you are leaving kid, you must continue to get stronger, and protect yourself. You will always be welcome in Darkshade Village as long as I'm alive." Harvey walks towards Ryuji and gives him a hug, a small tear forming in his eye.

Lance walks forward and puts his hand on Ryuji's shoulder.

"I believe that you will accomplish my dream and push it to a level that I can't even imagine. I hope the next time I see you, you will be teaching me about barriers and seals."

Ryuji smiles, a tear rolls down his eye, he then bows to both Harvey and Lance. They were his first teachers, he will miss having them around. He rises then walks over to Shijima.

"Are you ready?" Asks Shijima.

"Yes, let's go."

Shijima grabs Ryuji's arm then they vanish in a burst of speed. Some of the soldiers could be seen saluting Ryuji.