
Rise of the Soul Reaper Saint

An early, failed Vaizard experiment by Aizen is left to die in the Dangai. However, at the instance before the Kōtotsu would have ended his existence. A space storm pulled him out of the dangai and into a new world. Once he enters this new world he will have to adapt to the powers that be and figure out a way to get home. I do not own the Bleach Series or the Saint Seiya series they are properties of their respectful authors Tite Kubo and Masami Kurumada.

Vaekyr · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs


A/N: I got to thank evildaoist for the power stone. "Thank you for the stone I hope you enjoy my story." Anyone else out their that enjoys my story, if you feel like dropping a stone I would like to stay thank you.

Cosmo explodes in the area rushing towards the sword on his back. The sword begins to light up, shining brightly on his back. The sword lifts up into the air and begins to reform into the shape of two Scythes. The gathering cosmo continues to go wild and rushes into Ryuji's body; his clothes begin to shine and a Shinigami shihakusho takes shape over his body.

Everyone stopped their battle and looked at the events taking place with Ryuji, his level of cosmo had shot up significantly. The pressure coming out of his body has increased to an absurd amount and put pressure on everyone in the area. The regular bandits and villagers fighting on the ground are pressed to the ground, it feels like a mountain has been pressed down on their backs.

Harvey looks up at Ryuji noticing that his eyes are empty, it seems he is unconsciously doing all of this. "Ryuji I don't know what is going on with you right now, but I hope it doesn't kill us all in the process."

A white substance begins to gather and take shape on Ryuji's face. Ryuji's eyes also begin to turn yellow, a slit like a cat taking shape in his eyes. When the substance finishes gathering, what looks to be a mask has covered his face fully.

'HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Ryuji screams into the air, the sound of a deranged creature screaming out with Ryuji's voice. The pressure around increases even more as Ryuji screams into the air.

"This is interesting, whatever this is affecting him, I have never seen before." Virgo Shijima watches Ryuji's actions interested in what has happened to him.

Ryuji jumps into the air and grabs the 2 scythes, the left scythe is fully grey and the right scythe is black. With the scythes in hand Ryuji points 2 fingers at the man he fought earlier. A white orb begins to form and ark in front of his fingers. A beam is then fired from the orb towards the man at high speeds.

"Oh shit!" The man seeing this incoming attack coming his way and sensing the immense cosmo condensed inside, he decides to jump high into the air out of the way.

The beam slams into the ground exploding and vaporizing the bandits and villagers, caught running away to slowly. Men can be seen erased from the stomach down, laying dead on the ground.

Ryuji after missing his target, enters into his own shadow like a pool of water. Everyone shocked at his action look around trying to spot where he went. The specter catches his breath after dodging such a dangerous attack.

"What the hell is going on, where did he get such power?" Confused about the situation the specter begins to sense out for Ryuji.

The instant he raised his senses, his body began to form chills, warning signals went off quickly in his mind. Behind the man the form of Ryuji begins to rise from the watery depths of his shadow.

Ryuji stares at the man, a sinister look from his yellow eyes brings fear into those who see them. The specter tries to dodge out of the way, however, Ryuji slashes with his scythe a slash of silver cosmo rushes forward cutting off the left arm of the specter.

Seeing his arm cut off, the specter burns his cosmo and punches a giant blast of cosmo in the form of a black wolf. "WOLF HUNT!" the cosmo wolf rushes forward towards Ryuji.

When the wolf is about to bite Ryuji, he vanishes with a "swoosh" sound and appears behind the specter. He swings both scythes down in an X, cutting the man into many pieces. With the death of his enemy Ryuji screams once again, his cosmo ever increasing.

The specters fighting the others turn and rush towards Ryuji punching out their attacks. "Hades Might!" Screams the specters together as a orb of black cosmo rushes towards Ryuji.

The orb rushes forward and slams into Ryuji, his left arm is vaporized and his clothes are vaporized on his upper body. After the explosion, Ryuji gathers cosmo and his arm begins to regrow instantly. Once his arm regrows, a white substance begins to cover his left arm and his shoulder. His form beginning to look more and more demonic and sinister.

Ryuji vanishes once again appearing in front of the specters. Ryuji swings his scythe in a wide arc slashing out a giant silver slash that bisects the specters. The specters bodies drop to the ground now lifeless. Ryuji points his fingers towards their bodies and fires a white beam at their defeated forms.

Inside of Ryuji's soul space, Ryuji wakes up to find a different world around himself. A graveyard of white and black, with the screams of the dead sounding out all around. "Where am I?" Wonders Ryuji as he gets up and looks around.

"You are in your soul space, this is how it looks when your in the Shikai state." 2 voices sound out simultaneously.

Ryuji hearing the voice turns around quickly and sees 2 women standing behind him. The taller woman a woman with pale skin and a great figure wears an all black kimono, her hair white with black tips, and her eyes black like the void. The shorter woman has light brown skin tone and a thin figure with big breasts. She wears a white kimono, her hair is black with white tips, and her eyes as white as snow.

"Who are you two how did you get in here?" Asks Ryuji confused.

"I'm not surprised you don't recognize us since this is your first time seeing our true forms." Says the taller woman.

"We are the true forms of your Zanpakuto spirit, I am Vana the light of the void." Says the smaller girl who steps towards Ryuji and hugs him.

"I am Teila the darkness of the void." Says the taller girl who also steps forward and hugs Ryuji.

"Finally, you can hear our name we will always be with you. However, there is more important things at hand." Teila and Vana release Ryuji and look out to the darkness.

Confused at what they are looking at Ryuji looks at the darkness and stares. From the darkness a figure walks out, a dark grey version of Ryuji walks forward with a smile on his face.

"How's it going dumbass?" Asks the new Ryuji.

Hope you liked this chapter. As always if you have any thoughts come ask me in the comments. If you see a problem with the story let me know.

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