
Rise of The Myriad Power

The main Hero/ anti-hero Vinncent is a 27 year-old man who lives in Los-Angeles and works as the Dive leader for a ship repair yard not far away from a popular port. One day while diving he discovers a bizzare skull with a blue eye in the middle of the forehead and after a unfortunate event is transported to the office of a man named Eilohim and is charged with the enforcement of justice and vengence on a world known as the world of the unfaithful.

Unseen_Unheard · Video Games
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36 Chs

Begining the Purification: Part 2

!!! WARNING !!! This chapter contain scenes of graphic violence, bloodshed, grizzly details and worst of all some very cheesy fandom shit.



Upon Regaining his Consciousness Vinncent felt stronger, and more powerful putting his left hand before his face he saw a large black hand with four long, thin phalange. Recognizing the patterns on his skin Vinncent realized that he had transformed into a Xenomorph. A sudden jerk in his right hand drew his attention. What he saw was the noble man from before being held a full two feet off of the ground by his throat while sporting a pair of solid pants. A sudden realization struck Vinncent as he looked at the cowering noble in his hand. "Can I converse with them in this form or by some other means? Or am I just gonna be a mute?" Deciding that there was no time like the present he gave it a go. However when he opened his mouth to speak all that emitted from his mouth was a long crescendoing hiss.

The crowd that had grown around the trio panicked some of them fleeing while the rest took a step back. "Well great that didn't work at all. If anything it made the current situation worse now not only have I caused a scene but now I have scared the locals." "So much for easing this world into my rule although I doubt there are many in the crowd who recognized me before this so maybe I can make it out of this." Vinncent thought to himself "Alright time for plan B, If I remember correctly the Xenomorphs can also communicate telepathically and if it doesn't work oh well at least I gave it a shot."

Reaching out with his mind Vinncent could sense the minds of the crowd around him. Focusing primarily on the slave and the pathetic excuse for a noble quivering in his hand. "Warin Eloyt, You stand accused of the abuse, slavery, and misdeeds toward this woman" Vinncent said while pointing toward the slave Woman who was cowering on the ground before him. "How do you plead?"


Warin was terrified, Who he first thought was a peasant was a demon in disguise. When he looked up and saw the clothing and skin of the peasant changing he was surprised and was later caught off guard by the man lunging at him. The way the man's clothes tore off, and body began to morph with bone rising toward the surface of his skin and breaking into pieces while a long bone tail grew on the man along with four long tubes on his back and elongated skull. Before he knew it he was two feet above the ground in the massive hand of the beast before him as he stared into the face of death. Suddenly while the beast was holding him it looked at its large black left hand that it had put in front of its face as though it didn't know what had happened and where it was. Shortly after the creature looked at him and let loose a low crescendoing hiss that sent chills throughout his body.

After a brief moment Warin's head began to throb and he could feel his nose beginning to bleed. Warin then heard a reverberating voice in his head "Warin Eloyt, You stand accused of the abuse, slavery, and misdeeds toward this woman" The beast said in his mind while pointing at his slave "How do you plead?" Warin looked around in terror for help from some of the people amongst the assembled crowd "Help me you bastards I am Warin Eloyt son of Harald Eloyt and heir of the Eloyt estate now help me!" Still none of them moved "Help me you damned peasants I order you!"

"They will not help you Warin, they fear me as they should. For I am the purifier of this world and of people like you. I shall not hesitate to kill anyone who gets in my way." "What do you mean people like me, you monster, you dare threaten the noble lineages? You shall meet your end quicker than I had thought" Warin threatened the beast with a sudden burst of arrogant confidence "No I don't mean the nobles, however I am sure more than a few of them will be involved. The people who I reference are those who abuse, mistreat, and enslave others, and you my friend." The beast said while pulling him closer to its face "Fit all three of those categories."

After the beast finished its final remark it began slowly lowering him toward the ground causing Warin to smile. "Apparently this beast is not as stupid as I had thought. It does not save it though it still forfeit its life as soon as it touched me." Warin had almost lost his faked confidence when he felt the toe of his shoes touch the ground.


Vinncent laughed to himself while lowering Warin toward the ground. The stupid noble must have thought that Vinncent was going to let him live. As Vinncent lowered Warin toward the ground to the point where the man's toes were beginning to go flush with the ground, Vinncent once again reached into the man's mind. "Do you swear from this day forward you shall not abuse, mistreat, or enslave any other being?" Vinncent asked Warin. He was already going to kill the bastard now he was just toying with the arrogant noble. "Yes I swear I shall not abuse, or enslave any being this day forward." Warin said using his best façade. "Good" Vinncent said so there may be some redemption for you. the noble in his hands continued to look at him with a blank face. Vinncent suddenly tossed him fifteen feet up into the air catching the noble and crowd around him off guard. "Warin Eloyt, Son of Harald Eloyt and heir to the Eloyte estate. You have been found guilty of all charges. Your punishment is death." As Vinncent finished his proclamation he thrust his spear headed tail up toward the falling man piercing his chest and tearing the hole open more for every vertebrae that Warins body passed. When his body finally stopped its decent Vinncent pulled his Victim to his face.

"You have gotten much better than you deserve you arrogant prick so I hope you enjoy knowing that you got the easy way out." Having finished with the man, Vinncent grabbed the man's head with his left hand and tore the noble off of his tail, ripping off chunks of flesh, tearing out organs, and showering the area with blood along the way. Holding the freshly dead body in his hand Vinncent looked toward the area with the most bleeding noses. "Let it be known that he is the first and will not be the last. All who abuse, mistreat, and/ or enslave others shall face my wrath. Now go and spread the word that vengeance has come to this world at last and none shall evade my judgement." Vinncent then threw what had once been Warin Eloyt to the crowd to emphasize his point.

"Now I need to get the fuck out of here before the guards finally decide to grow a pair." Vinncent swore as he picked up the terrified slave woman with his right hand as he charged out of the Village toward Heustead.


Llorva was terrified The man had disappeared. All that remained of his presence was his tattered clothes that littered the ground. There was now a large beast that now held her master up by his throat with only one hand. It looked like a wingless demon as it stood there in the daylight. It's dark black skin silhouetted against the bright sky. Its bone tail moved like a cats and never truly stopped moving. It's crescent shaped head and pillars on its back surpassing far beyond the bounds of what could be considered normal. The demon gave out a low hiss before Llorva suddenly felt a pain in her head and a voice rang through her mind

"Warin Eloyt, You stand accused of the abuse, slavery, and misdeeds toward this woman" Suddenly the demon pointed toward her while she cowered on the ground catching her completely off guard. Was this all about her? Was she the reason that this demon appeared?

Llorva saw Mr, Eloyt look around in terror whole in the demon's grasp "Help me you bastards I am Warin Eloyt son of Harald Eloyt and heir of the Eloyt estate now help me!" yet nobody in the gathered crowd moved to help him especially Llorva "Help me you damned peasants I order you!"

"They will not help you Warin, they fear me, as they should. For I am the purifier of this world and of people like you. I shall not hesitate to kill anyone who gets in my way." Lorva heard the voice in her head say "What do you mean people like me you monster? You dare threaten the noble lineages? You shall meet your end quicker than I had thought" Warin threatened the demon with a sudden burst of arrogant confidence "No I don't mean the nobles, however I am sure more than a few of them will be involved. The people who I reference are those who abuse, mistreat, and enslave others, and you my friend." The demon said as it pulling Mr. Eloyt closer to its nightmarish face "Fit all three of those categories."

To Llorvas surprise and disappointment the demon began to lower Mr. Eloyt to the ground. Llorva was disheartened to hear the Demon then ask Mr. Eloyt that if the demon let him go would he abuse her again. Her master lied and it was evident on his face despite her masters best attempts to hide it. Then the demon suddenly thrust Mr. Eloyt up into the air and yelled out in her mind "Warin Eloyt, Son of Harald Eloyt and heir to the Eloyt estate. You have been found guilty of all charges. Your punishment is death." As her master began to fall the demon impaled him on its tail and put him to its face.

"You have gotten much better than you deserve you arrogant prick so I hope you enjoy knowing that you got the easy way out." The voice rang out in her head. To her surprised horror the demon then grabbed her master's head and used it as leverage to tear him off of its tail, showering the area around it with blood and organs. The demon quickly threw the corpses of her dead master toward the crowd gathered around them. After a second the demon looked toward her and began charging at her. Llorva screamed and tried to crawl away but the demon reached out with its right arm, grabbed her at the waist and put her in the crook of its arm while running out of the village.

Alright so here is the long awaited second part to the chapter "Beginning the Purification" Things gonna get funky and now is the best time to explain how so. I myself am entirely going to explain every portion of it however I will cover a fair deal of the Xenomorph life cycle. As to the xenomorphs I will cover the are primarily placed withing the aliens movies (including AvP) and the games Aliens Verus Predator Extinction, Aliens Armagedon, Aliens Extermination, Aliens (the arcade game), Aliens colonial marines (both games) and from some comics as well as from some of the toy lines as they are widely accepted as cannon. Here are some links to help with this: https:



I may or may not add more factions for Vinncent to control in the future as I had planned. Also for those of you who read this A. Please watch the videos if you don't know about the xenomorphs and maybe watch the movies, B. If you read this entire thing please type "Most Valuable Reader" in the comments and submit

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