
Rise of The Myriad Power

The main Hero/ anti-hero Vinncent is a 27 year-old man who lives in Los-Angeles and works as the Dive leader for a ship repair yard not far away from a popular port. One day while diving he discovers a bizzare skull with a blue eye in the middle of the forehead and after a unfortunate event is transported to the office of a man named Eilohim and is charged with the enforcement of justice and vengence on a world known as the world of the unfaithful.

Unseen_Unheard · Video Games
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36 Chs

The Great Escape (Vinncent)

Vinncent charged through the market running over the steady wooden stalls and charging through the cloth stalls while fleeing the village and sheltering his abductee. Eventually like Vinncent had predicted some of the guards finally mustered the courage to give chase. However none of the guards could catch up to Vinncent due to his speed and limber body. The slave woman had not made any noticeable movement or noise since he had grabbed her. She was likely gripped by fear and a logic similar to that if she remained quiet she would be safe. It was only seconds before the market stalls abruptly stopped and the residences of the village took their place. Panicked bystanders moved out of the path of the black demon charging down the street giving Vinncent little resistance during his retreat. The roads that Vinncent ran through were clear of people however the occasional wagon or attempt to stop him by the village guard was ever present. When Vinncent turned on the road to the village entrance he was not surprised to see the remaining village guards had set up an improvised barricade at the entrance. The barricade was nothing more than two carts on the road between two of the houses and a group of guards with swords and spears and a couple of archers all waiting for Vinncent to try and escape past them. "fools" Vinncent thought to himself "They think that a small blockade will stop me? I can't be bothered with combat since I have her." Vinncent looked at the slave woman in his right arm. "Regardless of having her or not I need to get out of here I cannot risk engaging these guards and then face the remaining stranglers." Vinncent was halfway down the road to the blockaide. Vinncent let out a hiss to try and scare away a majority of the guard.

Unfortunately only two of the guards and an archer fled in fear the others resolved themselves and stood their ground. "Alright so I couldn't get them all to flee. I can still work with this though." Vinncent decided. when he was roughly four hundred feet one of the guards shouted out. "Archers fire on the demon." "Great if I didn't have this woman in my arms I wouldn't have to worry about these idiots." thought Vinncent while reaffirming his hold on the woman. The volley of arrows began to rain down upon them. Vinncent shifted the woman so that she was in both of his arms and pressed against his chest so as to shield her from the raining arrows. As each arrow hit Vinncent it let out a dull ting as they bounced harmlessly off of his carapace. "alright so small projectiles seem to have no effect on me. That's going to be good for future altercations."

One hundred feet away from the blockade Vinncent heard the guard shout out again "We cannot let the demon pass kill it at any cost." as more arrows began to rain down upon him Vinncent lowered his head to try and shield the slave woman more as he closed in on the blockade. the remaining guard had taken up positions to make escape nearly impossible. Or rather it would if the village had any walls. So as he continued toward the blockade Vinncent reached out his mind toward the slave woman. "Hold on to me or else I can't guarantee that both of us will get out of here in one piece." Nodding the slave woman put her arms around Vinncents body. Although the guards had blocked the only way Vinncent could escape holding the woman, now she was holding on to him freeing his hands and allowing for new methods of escape.

When he was thirty feet from the blockade Vinncent altered his course toward one of the sections of the blockade where a house and wagon met. Vinncent crouched and with a sudden burst of power launched himself and the woman holding him toward the nearest house. Where Vinncent began to quickly scuttle along its wall to avoid the blockade as well as any harm to the woman. The guards watched the demon in a terrified awe as it avoided their blockade as though it was no true obstacle rather a nuisance. After clearing the blockade and its defenders Vinncent jumped off of the side of the house and once again began running with the woman once again in his arms.

As Vinncent was putting distance between himself and the blockade a voice shouted out. "Don't let the demon get away! After it!" Shortly after the voice called out the sound of footfall began to resonate as the guards quickly sprang into life and began pursuing Vinncent. "These bastards don't give up easy do they?" Vinncent thought while looking over his shoulder at the pursuing guards. Running as fast as he could through the farm fields and irrigation ditches, Vinncent quickly put a large distance between himself and the village guards. "Good" Vinncent thought, slowing down and eventually stopping in a large plains. Turning behind him to double check if he was still being pursued. Vinncent was relieved to find no one behind him and the village out of sight beyond the horizon.

Content that it was safe Vinncent lowered the woman in his arms to the ground. While he was backpedaling to give the woman some space Vinncent extended his mind to her "Do not be afraid I will not harm you. I am aware that you are unsettled by this form so please do not run while I change it." The woman gave a small nod as Vinncent finished speaking. Noticing the woman's compliance Vinncent changed back into his human form. He felt himself detached from the carapace of his previous form and felt his body slowly revert to that of a humans inside of the husk of what was once a xenomorph. Unlike with the King Vinncent could vaguely see out of the carapace and at the curious woman before him. When he was fully human Vinncent ripped his way out of the weakened husk and stepped into the gently swaying tall grass. Before him the woman stood with a mixed look of surprise, curiosity, terror, and confusion. "Now then I believe I owe you an introduction and explanation after that schrade, wouldn't you agree?" Vinncent asked the woman with no particular care as to why. "Wa.. What are yo.. you?" The woman stammered

"Well what I am is an angel sent by god to judge the wicked, liberate the oppressed, and to avenge those who cannot avenge themselves." Vinncent remarked while bowing to the woman "As for who I am please call me as Vinncent '' As Vinncent lifted his head and gave the woman a warm smile he could still see fear in the woman's eyes. "You still don't believe me do you? I suppose that I cannot entirely blame you after you saw my other form." Vinncent sighed while he pinched his brow once again looking back toward the direction from which they had come "Anyway we need to keep moving. It is too exposed out here and I doubt that the guards haven't commandeered some horses by now and are chasing after us." After a second Vinncent turned back toward the woman and said "Whether you come with me or not is your choice and one that I will not force you to make." and with that he continued north.