
Rise of The Myriad Power

The main Hero/ anti-hero Vinncent is a 27 year-old man who lives in Los-Angeles and works as the Dive leader for a ship repair yard not far away from a popular port. One day while diving he discovers a bizzare skull with a blue eye in the middle of the forehead and after a unfortunate event is transported to the office of a man named Eilohim and is charged with the enforcement of justice and vengence on a world known as the world of the unfaithful.

Unseen_Unheard · Video Games
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36 Chs

Begining The Purification

!!!Warning!!! this Chapter contains scenes of violence as well as abuse and slavery.

(And yes douche bag will die)

!!!Pre warning!!! Next chapter will likely contain scenes of graphic violence, excessive bloodshed, quite possibly even grizzly details. And worst of all some very cheesy fandom shit.



The next morning when it was time to head toward Heustead. Taking only the pair of clothing that was on him Vinncent opened the door and began walking though the village to begin his journey north. The fields were starting to fill with the farmers as the morning sun began to creep over the horizon. As Vinncent approached the town the bitter taste in his mouth from the day prior began to slowly make a reappearance and only intensified the further into the village Vinncnet walked. Soon Vinncent came to the village hall on his journey north.

The bitterness in his mouth was unbearable it was almost to the point where it wasn't a taste but rather an emotion. After passing the village hall Vinncent happened upon what he assumed to be the Village market. Although the air was crowded by bargaining between some of the villagers and merchants there was a distinguished voice that was not quite blended with the rest.

"What do you mean you can't do it!? You don't choose what you can and can't do, I am the one who decides that!" The voice was then accompanied by a loud slap that resonated through the market along with a sudden pain in Vinncents mind. A startled silence fell over the market before the commotion resumed. Vinncent suddenly had a stabbing pain in his mouth and his vision became hazy. He felt assaulted as though he had been hit by the slap. "You really are such a worthless slave! It should be a crime how much I paid for you and yet you cannot do anything, what you can do you do poorly! You are truly nothing more than a waste of my resources!"

Another loud slap rang through the market as Vinncent stumbled forward toward the voice. his vision slowly becoming more and more clouded. He continued toward the source of the disturbance, the sounds of a beating never stopping. Eventually Vinncent stood in an open part of the market staring at a man and who Vinncent could only assume was his slave. The man was a human, likely a noble judging by his slight pot belly. He was dressed in a green and yellow garb with matching pants and a brown hat. His eyes were brown with disheveled hair to match. The poor woman he was beating was in a kneeling position on the ground trying her best to cover her head from his assault. She had blond hair and was dressed in rags for clothing her eyes were pinched painfully shut and she had several welts, bruises and marks around her head and arms from blocking the hits. Suddenly the man paused his assault on the woman with his hand still raised and looked at Vinncent.

"What do you want you stupid peasant? I am busy so begone from my sight." Vinncent continued to look at the man "leave ... Leave that... woman... alone." Vinncent said to the man while trying to not faint from the pain in his mouth. "To think a peasant would talk back to me Warin Eloyt the heir of the Eloyt estate. I will have you know that I bought this worthless slave so I shall do with her what I please. Now begone peasant and I may overlook what happened here!" The stuck up noble threatened "Please Sir it is alright I will be fine please don't worry about..." the enslaved woman was quickly cut off by a kick to her side from Warin pushing her over onto her side "be quiet wench I did not address you!" Warin shouted at the woman while pressing her head into the ground with his foot. Rage filled Vinncents body as he witnessed the act, his vision blurred to black as he lost consciousness.


Warin stood there with his foot on his slaves head pushing her face into the ground. Looking at the peasant who had dared to question him with an eyebrow raised. The man stood there looking to the ground, his eyes glazed and arms dangling lifelessly at his sides. "What the hell is wrong with this Peasant? First he comes and dares question me, then while he insults my authority he becomes a statue? If I didn't know any better I would say that this peasant couldn't hold his drink. I will have him executed for his transgression regardless of his excuse." cupping his chin Warin began to think "Now comes the question of what to do with this filth" he questioned while looking at his slave "I will punish her later when we get back to the estate." suddenly a wicked idea formed in his mind "I'll make that peasant watch as I punished her before I have him killed. Maybe I will have him killed before her to add to her punishment? Although if I do that I will lose the chance to do a public execution and quell any thoughts of uprise against me." Looking back at the peasant Warin noticed something off with the man. his clothing was starting to stretch to the point of tearing and his skin was beginning to darken. Suddenly the bizarre peasant lunged toward him one arm extended.


Llorva had only denied providing sexual services for a merchant who Mr. Eloyt was buying from when he had struck her the first time. The Strike after had just been him enjoying himself when that man had shown up and tried to stop Eloyt. The poor man was going to get himself killed if he didn't walk away quickly. She had tried to warn the man however Mr. Eloyt silenced her by placing his foot on her head and pressing her face into the ground before she could finish her warning. She would be punished for it later however she couldn't have an innocent man die because of her actions. When Mr. Eloyt pulled his foot off of her head she looked up to see if the man was still there and to her partial relief he was gone. She then looked back at her master and what she saw made her scream in horror.

Gonna be a nice while before I get the next chapter done. I know that you all love continuous updates however I cannot stand doing these short chapters as they drive me bat shit crazy. I would much rather take a longer time to give you longer chapters and more of the story than to keep you unsatisfied with small tid-bits that leave you bored and dis satisfied. So with that in mind please be patient going forward.

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