
Rise of The Myriad Power

The main Hero/ anti-hero Vinncent is a 27 year-old man who lives in Los-Angeles and works as the Dive leader for a ship repair yard not far away from a popular port. One day while diving he discovers a bizzare skull with a blue eye in the middle of the forehead and after a unfortunate event is transported to the office of a man named Eilohim and is charged with the enforcement of justice and vengence on a world known as the world of the unfaithful.

Unseen_Unheard · Video Games
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36 Chs

Angel Fall

Vinncent was plummeting through the midnight sky in free fall quickly approaching the ground of Orbis Terrarum Infidelium. Although high in the air Vinncent could see the small outlines of a forest highlighted by the light of the full moon. Nearby a lake with what appeared to be a small village in a nearby clearing. From what Vinncent could tell from his quickly shrinking view was that the forest where he would land was surrounded by mountains with a village in the mouth of the outlet to the mountain valley.

His plan was simple, land and begin his journey toward the village and take up his charge. When Vinncent was just about to hit the ground he stretched out his legs and braced himself for the impact. With a sudden jolt he landed on the ground in a deep squat and after a moment Vinncent straightened himself. Looking around he saw that he was indeed in a forest however the foliage was incredibly thick if he had not seen the village during his fall he never would have known it was there.

The forest was vibrant with life, the plants were a vivid green and the calls of frogs and crickets echoed through the night blanketing the forest in a calm unsoothing peace. Closing his eyes Vinncent soaked in the sounds, back on earth he had lived in the city all of his life and had rarely if ever enjoyed the environment around him due to his job and always breathed air through a hose in a city where smog soaked the skies. Today he stood in a forest in a world that had not yet made the mistakes his world had. The air was crisp and clean and with every breath he could feel its purity however there was a hint of sharpness in the air.

The corruption of the world had already tainted the air just with a hint of bitterness from the suffering of the innocent. Vinncents blood was boiling. It was unbearable that no matter the world corruption like this existed and he quickly began to make his way toward the village. The sooner he started bringing about justice the sooner it would catch in the hearts of the people and the once calm ember would become a flaming roar that would sweep the world.

When the trees began to part and provide a clear view to the village that lay in the meadow, Vinncent encountered a group of humans with torches and miscellaneous farming tools. Vinncent was finally able to meet with the people of this world. An older man who Vinncent could only assume was the town elder began to speak.

"Tak na moo? sam ank ti flam cubi? Kan na moo bech? Kan na moo lem?"

Unsurprised Vinncent guessed the elder asked who he was and why he was there. after not being answered the first time he spoke again all be it annoyed however this time it was in English

"Who are you? Did you have something to do with that flame in the sky? Why are you naked? Why are you here? answer me!"

Raising both of his hands Vinncent began to speak with a calm soothing voice.

"My name is Vinncent. I did have something to do with that flame in the sky as I was the flame in the sky and I assume my clothing burned away. As to why I'm here, I am a angel sent by God to end the oppression in this world, avenge those who cannot avenge themselves, a light for the weak to rally behind and a voice to speak for the unspoken."

A silent moment enveloped the gathering as the group of humans pondered over Vinncent's response. Finally a young man broke the silence.

"You expect us to believe that you crazy man? how do we know you're not a soldier who's running from the war like a coward?" The man said with a hint of anger in his voice.

The assembled group quickly began to argue amongst themselves as they weighed what Vinncent had said for themselves. Many of the men started agreeing that he could indeed be a runaway soldier but why was he naked? where was his armor? The women began to question if he was a druid as there had been many tales in the village of nomadic men whom lived in the heavily foliage of the forested valley behind the village. The young men of the group talked and grew jealous of Vinncents muscular body and handsome face while a couple of the women were captivated by his flaccid member that currently dangled in the cold of the night.

Finally the elder lifted his cane before slamming it into the ground with a loud smack.

"ENOUGH! James give this man your cloak to cover himself before he hypnotizes the women of the village. Charles lead this man to the guest house for lol and get him some food as I am sure he is hungry. As for you young man" The village elder pointed to Vinncent "We will talk again in the morning over breakfast."

As the elder began to walk away back toward the village the group of humans began to move. Two men approached Vinncent and a woman with a furious blush ran off toward the village. While the two men approached Vinncent he got a better look at them. The man on the left was wearing a green shirt with old worn pants and suspenders with work boots. He had blond hair with brown eyes and judging by his face Vinncent guessed he was in his early thirties.

The man on the right removed a large cloak from himself allowing Vinncnet to see him better in the moonlight. He was wearing a teal shirt with matching pants and work boots to the other man. He was young, maybe in his early twenties or late teens he had brown hair with green eyes and a small scare just under his right eye. When they reached Vinncent the man on the right extended his hand and handed him the cloak.

"Welcome to New Bruniche traveler" said the man on the left while the man on the right remained silent.

"You really shouldn't say silly stories like you being an angel in front of the elder he doesn't take kindly to jokes." The man smiled

"Thank you for the warning good sir. May I ask to whom I speak?" Vinncent asked cautiously

"Oh of course sorry I forgot to introduce myself! I am Charles and this young lad here is my son in law James"

Charles said while pointing to the man on his right who still didn't say a word. As Vinncent covered himself with the cloak as he thanked James who turned around and began walking toward the village.

"Pay him no mind" Charles said while Vinncent watched James walk away.

"He's not much of a people person and doesn't quite trust outsiders. It has been quite some time before we have received any guests so imagine our surprise when first a fireball crosses the night sky and then you appear out of thin air." Charles said while starting to walk toward the village.

Vinncent began to follow Charles, he seemed like a nice man. He was humble and didn't seem all that self centered.

"He is fine I understand sometimes it can be hard to greet new people when it is something you don't do often."

Vinncent smiled after their brief exchange both men walked toward the village in silence. After about fifteen minutes they reached a small house that was distanced from the village.

"Alright here it is, home sweet home." Charles smiled at Vinncent

"You my good sir are welcome to stay here in the guest house as long as you want. Our village Elder Hugh will come pay you a visit in the morning so be ready." Charles said while Vinncent opened the door

"And Samantha should have left some food on the table for you in case your hungry." As Charles was walking away Vinncent heard him call out

"Oh and if you need clothes help yourself to the dresser there must be at least a few things that fit you." and with that Vinncent was alone.

He walked inside of the house dimly lit by the light of the moon, closed the door and looked around. Despite the village not having seen many guests the house was well kept. The wooden furniture was polished and smooth, the oil lamps around the house were rust free and filled with oil. a bed stood in the middle of the far wall with a night stand and wall mounted oil lamp on either side to the right of the bed stood a dresser and next to the dresser was a small closet. There were no other decorations besides a table and set of chairs in the corner to the left of the door. On the table there was a wicker basket filled with two loaves of bread, four apples, one ear of corn and one slab of smoked venison.

Taking an apple and disrobing Vinncent walked toward the dresser. Taking a bite of the apple he opened the dresser to look for clothes that fit him. by the time Vinncent had finished the apple he had found a change of clothing for the night and the morning after. Satisfied he sat on the side of the bed and thought about tomorrow.

He would have to come up with a story to hide who he really was. There was no use trying to hide his name; he had already divulged that information and it was believable too. The village likely wouldn't believe what he said about him being a angel or being sent by god. He sighed and lay in the bed , while pulling the sheets over himself he thought to himself

"I need to be more careful with my words so as not to cause a problem for myself in the future." and with that thought Vinncent fell asleep.

Chapter 4 of Rise of Myriad hope you enjoy and best wishes to my readers in regards to the corona virus pandemic. Any and all feed back is appreciated no matter the language of which it is written.

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