
Rise of The Myriad Power

The main Hero/ anti-hero Vinncent is a 27 year-old man who lives in Los-Angeles and works as the Dive leader for a ship repair yard not far away from a popular port. One day while diving he discovers a bizzare skull with a blue eye in the middle of the forehead and after a unfortunate event is transported to the office of a man named Eilohim and is charged with the enforcement of justice and vengence on a world known as the world of the unfaithful.

Unseen_Unheard · Video Games
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36 Chs


When Vinncent woke the sun was high in the sky and cresting its peak. Stretching his arms and releasing a ferocious yawn he looked around the house everything was just as it had been the night before however something felt off. While looking around a man's voice caught him off guard and caused him to jump in the sheets.

"So you're finally awake angel boy." looking to his left Vinncent saw the village elder in a chair against the wall. Vinncent got out of the bed and went toward the dresser and retrieved his outfit for the day. As he began to change the elder spoke again "It seems that you are not yet awake? But that is of no matter, You answered my questions in a very... Bizarre manor yesterday. I however blame it on sleep deprivation so since I am an understanding man I shall give you a second chance to introduce yourself."

Realizing this was his chance Vinncent spoke with a calm, smooth tone "Yes I do apologize for that. I was indeed rather tired from yesterday as I had a run in with some bandits in the mountains. My name is indeed Vinncent however I am not an angel of god" Vinncent said with a chuckle "Oh, so what are you then Vinncent?" the elder asked with a smile "I am a traveling architect. I travel from keep to keep to assist or lead projects that regard the improvement or renovation of a structure there." Vinncent replied "So you were traveling when you got robbed down to the skin by bandits huh?" the elder said skeptical "Yes I was traveling from a keep that I had just finished a project at a few miles south of the mountains when I was robbed. I barely managed to escape with my life." Vinncent said with a slight nervous smile.

Getting out of the chair the elder began to slowly make his way toward the door. When he reached the door he looked back at Vinncent and said "I know when people are lying you know? I may appear human but I am a changeling. I have lived for five human lifetimes and have learned how to read your kind. That night you told the truth I could see the truth in your eyes, shining like a thousand suns however today your eyes were dull and dark. I shall relay what you have said today to the village to try and remove suspicion from you because as I am sure you are aware humans do not take kindly to nonhumans. I advise you to be more careful in the future." and with that the elder left.

Curious Vinncent looked around the house for any other supplies only to come up empty handed. After moving the chair the elder had put on the wall near to the bed back to the table with its co-patriot before opening the door and leaving for the village.

In the light of the sun Vinncent could see more than he could when he was plummeting toward the planet. The clearing that surrounded the village was farmland that was primarily occupied by crops and the occasional pasture. Men and women tended to the fields, some of them with children in tow while the village stood not far away. As Vinncent walked toward the village the people in the fields stopped and looked at him as he walked. Although Vinncent felt their eyes on him he did not stop. It would cause more confusion and problems to stop and address the situation.

When he reached the village there was a small welcoming committee for him. The villagers smiled when they saw him and waved to him to come over. While walking over a man called out to Vinncent "Hey Vinncent what did you think of the house? I made it myself!" When he looked to find the man his eyes fell on a small man with a blue grey shirt and suspenders "Gregory you ditz you didn't build that house on your own half of the village helped you." shouted a man in a white shirt with ragged pants "It was close enough Brenton I suggested that we build it for any possible visitors." Gregory shouted back before a old woman suddenly shouted at the two "Shut up the both of ya! You may have built it but I have maintained it and kept it clean for the past seventeen years while you idiots mocked me for it saying that we would never have a guest in the village." none of the men replied after that and just stood awkwardly waiting for Vinncent to come closer.

When Vinncent arrived at the gathering the men Introduced themselves and shook his hand. There was Gregory, Charles and Jude the Villages head architects. Clara, Florine, Samantha and Jasper some of the village women. Rider the butcher and his apprentice James. Zander the blacksmith, Hugh the village elder and a couple of random villagers coming in from working the fields as night was swiftly approaching. Deciding it was a good idea they moved the congregation inside to a nearby tavern and took a seat at a large table. "So Vinncent Hugh filled us in on where your from." Charles said looking at Vinncent across the table "Yeah he said you were a architect. So how good are you?" Asked Jude "I am rather decent I work primarily on ships however I do some buildings as well although it has been some time." Said Vinncent "Oh I see so you are a ship architect." said Gregory "Yes I have worked on ships for the past three years." Vinncent replied proudly "What kind of ships do you work on Vinncent?" asked Rider "Depends on the ship that comes into the harbor. I primarily work repairs the only ship that I had a part in actually building was two years ago when I was still doing grunt work." Vinncent replied "What was the name of the ship?" asked Clara the oldest woman in the group "If I remember correctly the ship was called the U.S.S. Indianapolis." Vinncent replied proudly "What kind of ship is the U.S.S. Indianapolis?" Hugh asked confused "It is a type seventeen landing craft support. It's still a virgin ship though." Vinncent said "What do you mean by a virgin ship?" Jasper asked confused "It means that the ship has just made it out of the tests required to determine if it was battle ready and that it has yet to see actual combat. Although I don't doubt that it's will have its cherry popped soon." Vinncent told the group with a small smile. The gathering had several rounds of drinks and ate as the night dragged on. Eventually Vinncent decided that it was time to call it a night. He said his goodbyes, left the tavern and began walking toward his temporary home. After he passed the last building in the village he heard soft footsteps in the gravel behind him.

Vinncent turned around and found Samantha following him "Why are you following me Samantha? I am sure your not lost." he said surprised "I just wanted to talk to the handsome angel who appeared during the middle of the night." Samantha said with a cheeky smile "You're not drunk are you Samantha?" "No not at all what makes you say that you handsome bastard?" Samantha said while wobbling toward him "Maybe it has to do with the way you walk. Maybe it has to do with how bold a shy woman like you has gotten. Maybe it's because with every drink of ale your eyes dilated or maybe just maybe it was because of how after every sip you started looking at me more and more like a juicy slab of meat." Vinncent teased the woman "Okay maybe I am. But after seeing what you were packing I couldn't help myself." Samantha said while biting her finger and smiling "I masturbated for the rest of the night thinking about that big dick sent by heaven and thinking about how it would feel."

Vinncent was shocked holy shit this woman was fucking wasted. There was no other explanation as to why she was so forward. Last night when he first met her she ran away with an incredible blush and without a word. Now here she was one night later still barely knew him and just admitted that she masturbated to the thought of him. While he was standing there in shock Samantha came closer and drew her body to his. Her hands on his shoulders, breasts on his chest and face within inches of his. "Why are you so quiet? Hmm are you afraid of something angel boy?" Samantha said with a mischievous smile. Vinncent could smell the alcohol on her breath. "Don't tell me your afraid of spending seven minutes in heaven with a beautiful woman like me?" Vinncent raised his hands and pulled himself away from Samantha shaking his head. He said "Samantha look your drunk go home and we can talk about this or forget it tomorrow alright?" when he was three feet away from her he saw that her chin was to her chest and her arms at her sides. "Samantha look I don't mean to blow you off alright. Look you're a beautiful woman and I would love to go out with you but I want to make it right you know? I want to ask you out when you know me more." as he drew closer there was no response from Samantha. "Samantha?" Vinncent asked "Samantha are you okay?" when he was one foot away from Samantha he heard a quiet snore. "Samantha?" Vinncent said while lifting her chin with his left hand. When he was able to look at her face he noticed that her eyes were closed and she was softly snoring.

Chuckling he looked around none of the torches inside any of the houses were on and it was midnight. He did not know where Samantha lived so he decided to take her in. Bending over Vinncent placed his right arm behind her knees and his left arm behind her back before picking the beautiful woman up. As he carried her toward his house he couldn't help but marvel at the beauty that lay in his arms. She had shiny onyx hair that flowed down to her lower back, a small almost button like nose, lush full lips, a soft face, lithe body, moderately sized perky breasts and if he remembered correctly hypnotizing brown eyes. shaking his head and smiling Vinncent pulled his attention away from Samantha and focused on walking to the house.

When he arrived at the house he opened the door and placed Samantha in one of the wooden chairs before going to the bed and pulling back the sheets. Walking back over to the sleeping Samantha Vinncent gingerly picked her up and walked toward the bed. Gently Vinncent placed her down and covered her with the bed sheets. She looked so peaceful sleeping in the bed he leaned over and gently brushed some of her hair out of her face. Samantha smiled in her sleep as Vinncent moved her hair, smiling to himself Vinncent went outside and walked around to the back side of the house out of view of the village. He needed to test his powers and the sooner the better.

Looking around for anyone who could potentially see him he took a deep breath and exhaled he had to be calm if he wanted this to work. Closing his eyes Vinncent thought about his ability to travel different dimensions. He thought of a dimension where the earth was only inhabited by the plants no animals existed to interfere with his experimentation. where time moves faster there than his dimension, where he could be alone. When he opened his eyes again a swirling black and blue vortex made of the cosmos was in front of him. With a deep breath he stepped into the vortex.

Chapter Five for the Rise of Myraid hope that you are enjoying the story thus far. Again feedback would be helpful so I know what aspects to improve with my writing.

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