
Rise of The Myriad Power

The main Hero/ anti-hero Vinncent is a 27 year-old man who lives in Los-Angeles and works as the Dive leader for a ship repair yard not far away from a popular port. One day while diving he discovers a bizzare skull with a blue eye in the middle of the forehead and after a unfortunate event is transported to the office of a man named Eilohim and is charged with the enforcement of justice and vengence on a world known as the world of the unfaithful.

Unseen_Unheard · Video Games
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36 Chs

Heavenly Detail

"So... God, can you please tell me more about what my home world will be like?" Vinncent asked awkwardly

"Well Vinncent it is not all that far from your old home world of earth. The name of the planet is archived officialy as Orbis Terrarum Infidelium, or the world of the unfaithful. It consists of five main continents and three large islands not to different from madagasgar or new guinea. All of these are individual nations that constantly engage in wars against one another. The inhabitants of the world are primarily Human however there are demi-human races that exist on the planet as well. The technological advancements of the world are at about a Renaissance period and is heavily dependent upon magic. You will be sent to establish and maintain the order and justice of the world until notified otherwise. The language that they speak will not matter because as an angel you can understand all languages no matter the complexity and speak them fluently."

"With being an angel does that mean that I will have wings?" Vinncent asked

"Well of course Vinncent you will receive a pair of wings however an angels wings are representative of their jobs and personalities due to your humble nature your wings would be white, along with your calling of vengeance and order they would be brown and black so we must find the safe medium. Most likely they will be similar to the wings of the Great Grey Owl from your world. You will be able to hide them or show them with just a thought." God remarked, smiling Vinncent looked at god

"Then I suppose that I will be on my way then go... Sorry I cant call you god it just sounds so... informal for a higher conscious such as yourself."

"That is fine my good sir if you so wish to address me otherwise then please feel free to call me Mr.Eilohim. If you need to talk to me ever you can come here to my office using your interdimensional travel ability. As for the time span that you spend in dimensions you must keep in mind that depending upon the dimension time may flow quicker or slower than in another. For example time here in this dimension is five-hundred thousand times faster than the fastest dimension. So be cautious as to what dimensions you travel to as depending upon which one you step into a millisecond there may be a millennia on Orbis Terrarum Infidelium. So you must be careful where you decide to place your next step." God said in a serious tone. With his warning in mind Vinncent walked out of Mr. Eilohims office and into the reception room. Looking at the receptionist Vinncent asked

"Excuse me, how do I get to Orbis Terranrum Infidelium?"

With a gentle smile the elven receptionist looked up " Just walk out that door there and piece of advice when your just about to hit the ground try to land as though you just jumped and are going to hit the ground. Otherwise you'll feel like absolute shit."

Looking to where the receptionist pointed Vinncent thanked her and began walking toward the door.

"Why would she say to brace myself when I'm about to hit the ground? I will enter on ground level right?"

As Vinncent was thinking this he had opened the door and stepped outside when his step landed on empty space Vinncent immediately understood what she meant as he began to free fall toward the ground.

Smiling the receptionist picked up the phone on her desk and called god in his office.

"Sir, Vinncent is on his way to Orbis Terrarum Infidelium now. Should I cancel your 1 am divine retribution?" The Receptionist said while biting her lower lip

"No Tanila just remember to wear those panties that I like." Mr. Eilohim smiled over the phone

"Mmm sir you know just how to get a girl going don't you." The elf said in a seductive tone.

"No I just know the best way to please a beautiful woman."

Third chapter of Rise of Myraid this is a shorter chapter however it will likely be a while until the next chapter so please enjoy. Again any and all feedback is welcome no matter the nature of it as it helps all the same.

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