
Rinnegan in JJk

Awakening powers that was said to belong to Gods in the Primordial era, Kenshin tries his very best to survive in a world ruled by evil.

David_555 · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Timeskip: 10 years later.

A/N: I read some of the comments after the previous chapter, and I just want to say, if you're disappointed in the fact that things didn't go out they way they did in the manga and anime, I just have one thing to ask. Isn't the whole point of a ff to introduce a character whose presence simply rewrites the reality of a whole universe? I did say this ff is also called the "What If" of JJk so those of you who have dropped it because Gojo has given in to the darkness, what can I say, thanks for stopping by✌️✌️.


Tokyo, Japan…

20th May, 2019.

…Jujutsu High.


Within a large dojo, the scents of herbs and tea wafted out, as multiple figures sat comfortably, in a spherical position, their faces obstructed by the paper walls before them, and the only source of light being a candle whose light was barely enough to illuminate the entire room within which the figures sat.

"Over the past 3 years, multiple cursed spirits sightings have increased, and the total number of deaths through cursed spirit attack has increased by almost 3 percent."

A hoarse yet old voice spoke, following which a deafening silence reigned for a moment, and after, another voice spoke out, silencing the previous one.

"There are more pressing matters to discuss. Let's leave the statistics for later.." Hearing this, one of the figures behind the paper walls couldn't help but sigh, a handsome young man, who grit his teeth in annoyance.

These were human lives that had been ruthlessly killed by curses and these old fogies simply referred to them as statistics.

"Over the course of the past ten years, we have yet to still apprehend the one responsible for murder of Ayumu, Gojo Satoru. Our sources say that he has yet to leave the country, which means that he's living still right under our noses, and yet, we've not been able to find him even after ."

The second voice spoke in a tone laced with self righteousness and guilt, as some of the figures shook their heads.

"I suggest we increase our search parties and increase the bounties on his head!"

"He can only run for so long. I suggest we input maximum force and capture him by all means necessary!"

While the commotion went on, the handsome young man couldn't help but take in deep breaths to calm himself.

"None of you, will do nothing of any sort."

He suddenly spoke causing a pin drop silence to reign for a moment.

"None of you would deploy any more sorcerers to hunt him, neither will any of you increase the bounties on his head." In a commanding tone, all eyes suddenly gazed towards him, as he stood his ground fearlessly.

"Oi, brat! Just because you became vice Principal doesn't mean you have the right to throw around your weight. No one has asked for your suggestion, so be a good little boy and sit down tight!"

A middle aged man sounded with wrath filled words, many gasped at the audacity.

"Oh? And what are you going to do about it?.."

As the young man responded, his glowing purplish irises disappeared, as his sclera turned purplish while black rings materialised within. The next moment, a momentous pressure descended, as if gravity itself was showing its wrath.

"I'm- sorry. Vice- Principal. I spoke out of turn. Cough cough!"

The old man who had spoken out of turn suddenly confessed and coughed out blood, before the pressure disappeared as swiftly as it had appeared.

"Anyone else think I'm not qualified to speak at such a meeting?" The young man chuckled, but no one dared respond to him.

"The reason why I refuse for more bounties and more force be input is because, we could very well start a war that would tear the country apart. I know Satoru, the only reason why he's not retaliated is because he's still giving us time to reconsider our decisions. Frankly speaking, without me, none of you old retards will be able to hold your own against a fully matured six eyes and Limitless user.

From now on, call back all sorcerers that have taken up the bounty on his life, that is if they're not dead already. I'll handle Satoru myself."

The young man spoke, before he disappeared in an instant, like a ghost.

"Haru, I warned you didn't I? Yaga might be the main Principal, but he's the powerhouse of the empire. Even all of us here combine couldn't possible hope to hold a candle against him…"

An aged voice spoke, as the one who had spoken in turn angrily spoke.

"He won't live for long. No one threatens me!"

"Your pride would be your downfall, Haru. That man is far more terrifying than you could ever imagine. Being able to single-handedly destroy a special grade with a glance, even his aura alone was enough to immobilise all of us.."

The aged voice resounded with a sigh as silence reigned, in harmony with the flickering light of the candle.


Walking through the fields of thr now rebuilt Jujutsu High school, the handsome young man walked with both hands in his pockets while lost in thought.

His sea blue hair remained short and neat, while the white shirt he wore was slightly unbuttoned and had the sleeves rolled up, revealing the intricate tattoo on his left arm.

His brown shoes perfectly matched the brown pants he wore, and his expression was solemn.

He walked to a bench that was before a small stream and took a seat, one of the things he had reserved even when Jujutsu High was being rebuilt.

'10 years..' He sighed to himself. It'd been 10 years since everything had happened. Everything had gone by so fast that he hadn't gotten the chance to actually sit down and process it all.

As he remained in thought, a small smile crept up his face, as the good memories flashed through his mind.

From then up to this point, things had gone in quite well. A few years af few e completing Jujutsu High, he was appointed vice Principal. According to Yaga, it was Ayumu's own request to have him instigated in the prestigious position which he now loathed.

Having to deal with the paper work alone was stressful enough, now he had to deal with a bunch of self righteous, self centred annoying old retards who thought Jujutsu revolved around them.

But at the very least, he had grown stronger. He wasn't sure how strong he had become, but now he was certain that the Limitless' space manipulation shouldn't be any problem for the current him, due to the fact that he had awakened his own innate Rinnegan technique.

One that would place him in the top one percent of Jujutsu sorcerers and make him nearly unrivalled.


Right then his phone rang out, as he sighed, took it out and answered.

"I miss you already, the meeting with those old fogies did not go well at all.."

He spoke with an exhausted sigh, as he walked on, kicking a small stone in his way into the stream.

A/N2: Okay, any ideas for Kenshin's innate Rinnegan technique will be appreciated very much