
Rinnegan in JJk

Awakening powers that was said to belong to Gods in the Primordial era, Kenshin tries his very best to survive in a world ruled by evil.

David_555 · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Dimensional Resonance

Tokyo Jujutsu High..


On the playing ground of Jujutsu High, multiple figures were engaged in close combat and aerobic exercises underneath the warm glow of the sun.

As two figures faced off against each other, a young boy wearing a white shirt and black sweatpants while holding a wooden Japanese sword in his hand, and a young dark green haired girl in glasses who wore a sweater and a short skirt.

The young girl held onto a long spear, as she moved with frightening acrobatics and athleticism, twirling the spear with grace.

Having a smile on his face, the young boy slashed out with the wooden sword in quick succession, as he and the girl blitzed around the training ground at immense speeds.

With one last clash, both of them separated and were pushed to either sides of the training field while the glared at each other.

"Maki, even with my power up, I still can't beat you in close combat.."

The young boy spoke with a sincere smile, while the girl merely gnashed her teeth in reply.

When he had first joined them, she was able to completely dominate him in training, but now, it took all she had just to be able to track his movements.

"Alright, stand down you two."

A hoarse voice resounded, as their supervisor walked towards them, a handsome man with neck length black hair, and a lean yet well built body. The scar at the right side of his lips and the aura around him seemed to command respect from everyone around him.

"Toji sensei."

The two students bowed in respect, to which he nodded.

"Maki, as impressive as always. Okkotsu, you're lucky you've got all the immense cursed energy at your disposal, otherwise Maki would whoop your ass all the time."

His words caused the young boy to grimace and sigh, but he walked to him and patted him on the shoulder.

"Well done, kid." Toji smiled to him, to which the young boy beamed. Three years ago, after finding his way back to the Jujutsu world, he had found the young cursed boy on a mission and took him in, bringing him to study at Jujutsu High.

"Megumi..Hakari. "

Turning towards a group of students consisting of a Panda, a white haired youth whose turtle neck uniform covered his lips, another spiky dark haired teenager who was also in sweatpants and one purple haired muscular teen.

Upon hearing their names, the spiky haired youth and the purple haired one walked out towards Toji apathetically watching the man with a bored expression.

"Megumi, you should spar with Maki for a while. After them, it's you against Okkotsu, Hakari."

Toji patted his son's shoulder and gave a thumbs up to the purple haired youth who smiled back as Megumi nodded towards him and entered the fray, facing of against the dark green haired girl.

"Oh? Megumi. I hope you don't come after me later when I beat your son's ass later, Toji."

Maki laughed and readied herself with the spear while Megumi sighed and Toji shrugged.

They were about to begin fighting when a figure instantly appeared on the training field like a shadow.

The moments all the students saw him, they froze in surprise as if an Angel had descended from the skies. Even Maki who normally came off as a headstrong person swallowed inwardly as she noticed him walking towards them.

"You know, you shouldn't distract me when I'm teaching my students.."

As if sensing the presence of the person without turning back, Toji spoke while the newcomer smiled, dressed in his all black three piece suit.

"I came to check on the students, to see if there's anything they need."

The newcomer, Kenshin kept the smile on his face even as he spoke and patted Toji on the shoulder, to which he shrugged.

"You know what, why we soar real quick. I've been itching for a fight since last week."

Toji commented and took off his sweatshirt, revealing a simple tight black shirt underneath.

"I just came here to check up on everything, not today buddy. Maybe next time." Kenshin waved his hand and turned around. He didn't want to be caught up in a spat with someone like Toji knowing how much of a battle junky both of them were.

"The kids are watching us, let's show them how real sorceres do battle."

Toji readied himself with a stance, while Kenshin sighed and stopped in his steps.

"Alright, three moves, don't die on me, old man."

Kenshin sighed and turned around with a smirk, as the students slowly backed away.

Nodding towards each other, the fight quickly began, as Toji erupted with immense speed, shattering the sonic barrier instantly, before he threw a punch forward.

Kenshin who stood calmly raised his head, revealing his right eye that had switched to his Rinnegan.

He immediately erupted with pure power and smashed his fist as well, meeting Toji's punch with brutal power.


A shockwave erupted, as most of the students were blown back.

'Those punches. Even at my full strength I don't think I can even one of them. Kenshin sama and Toji sensei are really powerful.'

Yuta Okkotsu, a special grade student who was found by Toji years ago watched the clash with his jaw nearly dropping at the immense show of power.

"Scary isn't it? I never thought there'd ever be a man who would be able to match Toji sensei step for step. I heard the Vice Principal is a Special Grade sorcerer too."

Hakari who stood beside Megumi spoke, while a small smile formed on the youth's face.

Toji instantly separated from Kenshin and closed the distance with a kick punch combo, while Kenshin's right eye began to glow.

Instantly, the gravity around their bodies increased dramatically, and even with his strength Toji felt like he was walking in a thick swamp, but even still his movements only slowed a little, as Kenshin dodged all the attacks with minimum effort.

"You're holding back." Toji paused for a moment and spat out, while Kenshin sighed and shook his head.

"I don't want to ruin my suit. I have an important meeting later on."

As he spoke, he hold hear the students gasp in shock around him. After all, being able to match Toji step for step and still be holding back was a feat that nearly every sorcerer wouldn't be able to achieve.

"Tsk! I don't believe it!"

Maki voiced out her thoughts while Toji merely chuckled and rushed towards Kenshin at his full speed that was almost nearing a whooping Mach 3.

He was like a ghost as he moved, however Kenshin's Rinnegan could capture every single one of his movements perfectly.

"Let's end this Toji.."

Kenshin spoke and powered up his Rinnegan. Unlike other Rinnegan innate abilities that he was aware of, his own came in a pair, one for each eye. The one in his right eye was probably the most useful and convenient abilities he had so far.

Kukan no Kyomei or Spatial Resonance, a technique that allowed him to manipulate the resonance and harmony between dimensions.

He immediately waved his hand, shattering the space around him like mirrors, before he held out a finger, sending the blast of dimensional shards blasting towards Toji in a split second.


Unable to react in time, the attack smashed right into Toji's chest and hurled him a couple of meters back, as multiple wounds appeared on his chest which began to bleed profusely.

"I win."

Kenshin stated with a laugh, as Toji sighed. The gap between them had widened once more. Heavenly restriction is as powerful, but against the real powerhouses like Kenshin, it wasn't enough.

"Are you okay?"

Kenshin held him up, as Toji winced in pain, before chuckling annoyingly.

"Oi, Megumi. Don't ever become like your father okay."

Seeing an annoyed Toji walk away, Kenshin walked to Megumi, patted his hair and laughed.