
Rinnegan in JJk

Awakening powers that was said to belong to Gods in the Primordial era, Kenshin tries his very best to survive in a world ruled by evil.

David_555 · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

End of Volume 1: Hidden Invetory XI: Repercussions

Like the wrath of God from on high, a large spherical blazing meteor blasted down from the skies at immense speeds and crashed down into the earth, completely wiping out Kenjaku's domain expansion, along with nearly everything in the area, unleashing an explosion that was greater than anything ever unleashed.

Kenjaku suffered an immense backlash, and was consumed by the solar flares that accompanied the meteor, while Kenshin and Toji were not even spared from the onslaught.

After all, meteor fall was one the maximum technique of the maximum techniques of the Deva Path that not even the user was safe from.

Arising from the rubble, Kenshin turned back to his original form and regrouped with Toji as the both of them watched Kenjaku's nearly molten skin crawl in an attempt to escape.

Reaching out for the inverted spear of heaven, Toji swiftly decapitated Kenjaku, as blood spilled all over.


Just as both of them thought it was over, the decapitated head turned around and let out a bout of uncanny laughter that shook Kenshin and Toji.

"To think I'd lose this body in such a situation, anyway, bye for now, Kenshin. We'll be meeting each other very soon. "

Kenjaku's uttered, before the pinkish brain instantly disappeared from within the head of the decapitated body.

While they watched the body turn to ashes with frowns on their faces, Kenshin reached out to Toji with a tap on the shoulder.

"Look here man, I'm sorry I dragged you into all of this madness. I know you blame me, but I just want to say I'm sorry."

Kenshin bowed deeply, but Toji's face held no emotion as he walked by not sparing him a glance leaving only a few words and disappeared.

"I don't blame you, I have only myself to blame."

As Kenshin watched him disappear he couldn't help but sigh and shake his head in hopelessness, before he rushed back to the previous battlefield where Ayumu had battled Satoru.


Upon arriving at the scene, his jaws dropped, seeing the level of destruction caused that was nearly on par with the destruction he had caused in the fight with Kenjaku. As his Rinnegan scanned around, he noticed several figures in the distance and rushed out only for him to be struck with tragedy.

Ayumu was dead. Having his arm torn off, his lifeless body lay in the arms of his student, Yaga, as Ieiri and Utahime stood by him with tears in their eyes.

"Kenshin!" Upon making his presence known, the dark brown haired girl rushed out and embraced him, finally calming the turmoil in her heart.

Holding her hand, both of them walked to Ayumu as Kenshin sighed and knelt beside the old man's figure.

"Who did this?.." He asked and stared at the teary eyed Yaga who let out a sigh. Kenshin knew Satoru was the one battling Ayumu, but in his opinion, Gojo Satoru would never go as far as killing a fellow Jujutsu sorcerer.

"Gojo Satoru." Mentioning the name of his teacher's murderer, Kenshin's heart shook.

"What?!" He took a step back in shock as he looked towards Utahime and Ieiri who hung their heads low with sorrowful sighs.

"We heard the sounds of battle in the distance, and then there was one final explosion that sent everyone flying. After a few minutes we managed to reach this battlefield where we found Satoru standing over Ayumu's body. When he saw us, it was like he was scared, he panicked and disappeared after we tried reaching out to him."

Utahime explained and wiped the tears in her eyes with her cloth.

"Dammit!!! I should've stopped him at that time!"

Kenshin punched a wall behind him so hard that it shattered like glass, in his frustration, as he scratched his hair and anger.

"Kenshin. Anger and blame won't help us in anyway. The higher ups have expelled Satoru from the Jujutsu society and have labelled him as a murderer and curse user. A bounty had been placed on him. We need to find him before those old fogies get to him.."

Ieiri screamed in frustration as Kenshin came back to his senses, and the three of them rushed out of the almost destroyed Jujutsu High campus.


A few days later…

Tokyo Airport..

A figure dressed in a grey sweatpant and a sweater walked up the lobby with his white hair sticking out of the cap he wore on his head, as his glowing azure gem like eyes scanned his surroundings with caution. Although his face was peculiarly handsome, the dark circles under his eyes indicated several sleepless nights as he walked to the receptionist who handed omhim his ticket after staring into his eyes for a moment.

Sitting on a small bench and eating a snack, his eyes grew teary after a flush of memories, as he heaved a huge sigh.

'Suguru would never have wanted things to escalate to this point.' He suddenly remembered the words of Ayumu, the old man who he had killed by accident as the face of his best friend formed in his mind.

Things would never have escalated to this point if he had just listened to Kenshin and stay put. Now not only had he been branded a curse user, he was also a murderer and was being actively tracked by the higher ups of Jujutsu.

The only thing he could do was to flee the country in an attempt to avoid the unnecessary bloodshed.


He was about to leave when a familiar voice resounded in his mind, as his body froze in shock and turned around shakily.

And there he was, his best friend who had seemingly come out of the grave. The only difference being the stitch marks on his forehead.

Satoru's six eyes quivered, as he faced the comforting smile that once gave him solace in this wicked world.

"Who are you?! The six eyes are telling me you are Geto Suguru, but my heart fiercely rejects this!"

As a plethora of memories played out before him, he shook as a tear dripped down his cheek.

"Sigh. I am Suguru, and I am not." The figure of Suguru explained in a calm voice that increased the questions on Satoru's mind.

"What the hell is that suposed to mean? How the hell are you still alive?!"

Satoru roared out in pain and looked at his best friend who let out a sorrowful sigh.

"I am just a fragment of Suguru's soul, containing his memories, feelings and desire to protect you, Gojo Satoru." Speaking in a calming voice, Satoru completely ignored the danger from his heart, and relied on his six eyes, just as he had most of his life.

" I saw what happened with Ayumu. I know you'd never kill a fellow sorcerer my friend. But those old fogies have branded you a murderer and killer and have expelled you from the world of sorcerers. Even for me that is unacceptable."

He shook his head with an angry face while Satoru looked at him with a sigh.

"They need to pay for what they've done to you, my friend. You need to restore your honour. But first you need to come with me. I know a place where we can stay undercover."

Suguru stretched out his hand with a calming smile, which Satoru faced for a moment.

On one hand his heart screamed danger, but on the other hand, the six eyes gave him no warning whatsoever and he trusted that, and sealed his fate.

Taking the hand of man before him with a smile, he picked up his luggage and left the airport with him, unaware of what effect this little decision would bring to the Jujutsu empire and the world at large.

A/N: Okay now guys let's take a little poll. We're done with volume 1 of this ff by Gods grace and with what we've covered I feel like it's enough to end it all. Those of you in support of me to drop this, vote 1 and those not in support vote 2. Every vote counts so don't miss out on this. Thank you!