
Rick in Marvel and DC: Fusion

The protagonist’s soul walks through the universe of a mortal and merges with the grandfather’s soul in “Rick and Morty” during the journey. He inherits his grandfather’s talent and knowledge and then survives, grows stronger, expands, and rages in the Marvel and DC universe please support me on patreon.com/harsh07 you can read upto 100 advance chapters on [[[Patreon]]]] or https://www.buymeacoffee.com/harsh07 -------------- I've started my youtube channel and it's about art and anime If you can then please subscribe and follow  www.youtube.com/@Artistwholikeanime instagram - @artistwholikesanime

harsh07 · Movies
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Chapter 10: Inter-Galactic TV

The Penguin finally chose to believe in Jude. Just relying on his knowledge of the League of Assassins means that he is not an ordinary person, which means that the promise has a certain degree of authenticity. It is only a week or so, so what about giving it to him?

Gotham, Cobblepot Technology, is a large company with a certain degree of influence.

As one of the four major families, although the Cobblepot family is not as good as the Wayne family, it is not too different. There are also major industries and fields, and technology companies are naturally the focus.

Even if the R&D capability is not as good as that of Wayne, the equipment is not bad at all, and it is the most advanced one that can be found on the market.

As Oswald was once an abandoned son of the Cobblepot family after he became a big boss, the two have some connections, and it is not a problem to borrow a laboratory.

The Penguin brought Jude into the company, pointed to the door of the laboratory, and said, "Here is the world's most advanced equipment, the best laboratory, and the most elite researchers. I will give you seven days. Don't let me down."

"The most elite researchers? How does it compare to Wayne Group, Lex Group, and Stark Group?"

Penguin's face turned dark, and he found that this guy could not speak human words at all.

"I know I can't look at your face, so how does it compare to Pim Technology, Star Lab, S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

The Penguin couldn't help but yell.

"Okay, well, I can tell if I look at your expression, then... let these people get out of here; I don't want any of them."

   "What?" The Penguin frowned.

"I said to let these researchers get out. They can't do anything except affect me."

The penguin hadn't spoken yet, and the few white coats next to him were already angry. They admitted that they were not as good as Tony Stark, Hank Pim, Raymond Palmer, and others, but you were all dressed in tattered clothes and spitting alcohol in your mouths. Do people dare look down on us? 

   "Mr. Oswald, although we are employed by Cobblepot Technology, we will never endure the finger-pointing of a scientific idiot."

After a group of people finished speaking, They left. Even the penguin didn't have the nerve to stop him. After all, what Jude said was too arrogant.

He could only glare at the other person and say, "I hope you can do what you say; otherwise, a carrion corpse will appear in the swamp in a week."

Ignoring Jude's crazy words, the Penguin also turned and left. There was only one person left in the huge laboratory, and Jude hummed happily and walked in.

   "Yeah, baby!"

Although it is not as advanced as my grandfather's workshop, compared with the dilapidated apartment, it has evolved from slash and burn to modern society.

Jude greedily stroked every corner of the laboratory. He was so familiar with this metallic glass texture. He felt the blood boiling and the DNA beating.

As long as you have the right equipment and raw materials, it is not difficult to make a genetic medicine in seven days, or even seven days plus the verification time; three days should be almost the same. In the remaining time, he can upgrade his equipment and build some points. Fun stuff.

Jude took out a freezer box containing the penguin's blood, took out a drop, and placed it under the microscope. He began to observe.

   Time flies. Except for going to the toilet, Jude has not walked out of the laboratory in the past seven days; eating and drinking are all in it. As for sleeping, where can I not sleep if I drink too much?

Although the white coats were not irritated by Jude's remarks, they watched him silently, thinking about making each other look good in seven days, but they had to admire the other person in the same state as a madman. They did have the taste of a lunatic scientist. In the scientific world, lunatics often also mean geniuses.

Seven days later, the Penguin came to Cobblepot Technology again. To be honest, he didn't report much confidence, and he just stopped his thoughts when he came.

In the laboratory, looking at Jude, who was sleeping on the floor, the penguin's blood pressure was soaring. He only felt that he must be crazy, so he would believe the other party's nonsense.

"Wake him up."

A little brother immediately bent over to grab Jude, who knew that when he touched the opponent, an electric current blasted, and the little brother immediately fell to the ground and convulsed.

Jude slowly opened his eyes, looked around, and found that the white coat and the penguin were all looking at him, and he stood up with a yawn.

"Gentlemen, don't touch me casually; that will activate the automatic defense device, and sorry, I slept too late yesterday."

The Penguin nodded. "Scientific research is indeed a very brain-consuming task."

"Scientific research? No, no, no, you're wrong, Oswald; I just watched TV too late. Iron egg male soldier, this drama is really good."

A black line appeared on the penguin's forehead, and the white coat next to him asked in a daze, "Where did you get the TV?"

"I made an inter-galactic TV set by myself. I haven't seen it before. As long as time permits, I can still make an inter-dimensional TV."

"Inter-galactic TV? What the hell?"

Jude jumped to the side of the experimental platform and shouted, "DaDaDaDa, this is what I made when I was bored. You can watch TV shows on other planets."

He turned on the TV as he said, and a group of Skuru people were dancing on the screen immediately.

"This is a TV show about the Skuru people. Their country is located in the Andromeda Galaxy."

then began to switch channels, and various unimaginable species quickly popped up on the TV screen.

"This is the Cree. Their country is in the Large Magellanic Cloud. To be honest, the show is a bit boring."

"This is a TV show from Apocalypse. It's all a slave owner's brainwashing declaration. It will be boring to watch it for a while."

"This is a show from the Shia Empire. They are either competing or on their way to the competition, which is very boring."

A group of people looked at all this dumbfoundedly. Jude found that no one was in support, and somewhat bored, a shot exploded the intergalactic television.

"What are you doing?" a white coat exclaimed.

Jude spread his hands and said, "I thought you didn't like to watch."

The Penguin suddenly yelled, "Enough; I don't care about the TV; I am not interested in aliens; now show your results; otherwise, I will tear you apart."

Ignoring the group of white coats who were touching the fragments of the TV, Jude said sternly, "Where is Ivy? Tell me."

The Penguin man was a little angry and said, "This is my site; I have the final say."

"Okay, then I will show my sincerity first."

Jude said this and took out a tube of red reagent.

"This is the potion configured according to your genes. As long as it is injected into the body, you will immediately become as strong as Superman."

Of course, the Penguin would not rashly inject but said, "Do something to make me believe you."

Jude snapped his fingers, and someone immediately walked in carrying a comatose dwarf, and then he took out another potion and said, "It's already ready. This is a potion configured according to his genes. Take a good look."

After speaking, he shot it down.


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