
Revenge of an Isekai

Full synopsis is located as an AUX chapter Synopsis for Revenge of an Isekai This is my first attempt at a story. Which means there are going to be errors. So, suck it up buttercups. Leave me feedback to help me improve. Now this is a fan fiction that is going to be multiversal. MC is smart, I hope to convey an actually smart MC without dumbing down the side characters. If something like that is happening, I request that it is pointed out. MC has one thing as his driving force, that’s revenge. Honestly do not expect too much character growth from the MC. Any apparent character growth probably is a façade. Now that being said who knows what path the MC takes. I am writing this Fan fiction as I want to read, there will be some mystery, some things will be hidden. This is my way of saying I will do everything in my power never to have an info dump happen. Granted it will probably happen, and when it does, I will do my damnedest to spread it out as much as possible. MC is going to be so f’ing OP it is ridiculous. So, a few things to note, he is after revenge, the wishes he makes/made usually have a specific reason. His order of wishes are just as important to his end game plan.

Garricks_Corner · Movies
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17 Chs


Synopsis for Revenge of an Isekai

This is my first attempt at a story. Which means there are going to be errors. So, suck it up buttercups.

Leave me feedback to help me improve.

Now this is a fan fiction that is going to be multiversal.

MC is smart, I hope to convey an actually smart MC without dumbing down the side characters. If something like that is happening, I request that it is pointed out.

MC has one thing as his driving force, that's revenge. Honestly do not expect too much character growth from the MC. Any apparent character growth probably is a façade. Now that being said who knows what path the MC takes.

I am writing this Fan fiction as I want to read, there will be some mystery, some things will be hidden. This is my way of saying I will do everything in my power never to have an info dump happen. Granted it will probably happen, and when it does, I will do my damnedest to spread it out as much as possible.

MC is going to be so f'ing OP it is ridiculous. So, a few things to note, he is after revenge, the wishes he makes/made usually have a specific reason. His order of wishes are just as important to his end game plan.

Now as we all know for some reason a MC's power are always nerfed in fan fiction especially in the beginning. Usually, it's the lack of the author to creatively incorporate his MC into whatever universe setting was chosen. Well, I say f*ck that the whole premise of this fiction is to counter that.

Now I will say that two of his wishes did create an initial nerfing side effect as they interacted with each other. But this was done by me to make the combination of the two wishes stronger in the end. Reducing some of the benefits to totally get rid of the negatives.

Plus, it is my intention to ground this in as much of a logical reality as possible. Which means if I left some of the powers exactly as they appear in their source universe it would not match the reality I am trying to create.

Remember everything is for revenge. Sometimes a gentleman must wait to exact revenge, and sometimes revenge is best served cold.

It currently is not my plan to do the whole I meet ROB, had conversation here is my list of wishes. Even though that did happen and take place. I am planning on releasing the knowledge on the wishes made over the course of the story as they are needed or used.

So, some freebie spoilers there are 10 wishes plus 1 extra bonus given due to tricking of the God/ROB.

Also, not everything is as it seems, MC could make some "stupid" choices, as a miss direct and its possible that "stupid" choice is for another benefit who knows how far down the line. Could even be for MC's post End Game *not marvels*.

Also, sometimes it could be he made a stupid choice either because it might be more fun for him, more entertaining for intended targets or just simply cause he can.

I will do my best to make sure all characters are source accurate or at the very least any changes should be an improvement.

Now this is my reality I am creating, there will be changes, changes to meet my vision. From I always envisioned this power to be more like this. Or I think this character would have benefited better from having this power or going through this experience.

Also, I am not an encyclopedia, and I don't have time to research every f'ing detail about every f'ing character. Get over it, as I said this is my reality, I am creating everything is going to an AU.

For the elephant in the room, I am going to screw and trample canon events and outcomes so hard. You would think a giant mistook it for a woman.

The first major arc is going to be Marvel, and just like marvel is a tangled ball of yarn screwed. I just want to add to the insanity of it all. Yet to make things somewhat easier to follow, I will loosely follow the MCU timeline of events using these as familiar touch points. At least up to Avengers End Game.

How those events eventually turn out will be seen. Also, a lot more events will take place, sometimes as a side note, sometimes as a quick little scene. Or possible mini arc.

Now trolls you are welcome to participate my pet enjoys juicy troll meat.

Let the insanity begin

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