
Revenge of an Isekai

Full synopsis is located as an AUX chapter Synopsis for Revenge of an Isekai This is my first attempt at a story. Which means there are going to be errors. So, suck it up buttercups. Leave me feedback to help me improve. Now this is a fan fiction that is going to be multiversal. MC is smart, I hope to convey an actually smart MC without dumbing down the side characters. If something like that is happening, I request that it is pointed out. MC has one thing as his driving force, that’s revenge. Honestly do not expect too much character growth from the MC. Any apparent character growth probably is a façade. Now that being said who knows what path the MC takes. I am writing this Fan fiction as I want to read, there will be some mystery, some things will be hidden. This is my way of saying I will do everything in my power never to have an info dump happen. Granted it will probably happen, and when it does, I will do my damnedest to spread it out as much as possible. MC is going to be so f’ing OP it is ridiculous. So, a few things to note, he is after revenge, the wishes he makes/made usually have a specific reason. His order of wishes are just as important to his end game plan.

Garricks_Corner · Movies
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17 Chs

Chapter 1

<i>"When Life gives you lemons, make lemonade" this is a popular saying associated with life giving you corn cobbing without lube. I say fuck that take those fucking lemons and cut them and squeeze that juice and oil into the wounds of "Life" before "Life" breaths its last breath.</i>

<i>~Musings of an Isekai~</i>

It is believed that dying is followed by a plethora of potential outcomes depending on your spiritual belief and understanding. Yet no one knows exactly what happens cause other than a few stories from various myths no one has ever come back from the dead saying, "When you die, this is what happens to you".

Well, honestly, I am not sure I can enlighten you on how the afterlife is either the journey to said destination or the destination itself.

Why do you ask? That is a very good question, The answer is simple. The answer is forty-two.

Forty-two fucking gods decided they were bored and needed entertainment. So, get this they cast a spell. Well, my translation is the term spell, they tried to godsplain that they got together decided to etc, etc boring shit.

No wonder they are so bored even their spell casting is boring. I digress, so they cast a spell using the Universe as not only the medium but also the executor of the spell. What do they think spells are god damn Trusts.

"You're getting off track again Garrick. Remember this is your idea to create a diary." Says my female companion.

So hard to keep the mind on track. Anger is burning within me. I had a good life.

1. Loving wife check.

2. Twin daughters who are my life and joy double to infinity check.

3. Successful business life to support my family with both money and family time check.

"I know Crystal, this diary is needed it will be my record and reference and my touchstone to memory" I replied to my companion.

"I still don't know why you insist on this method of knowledge keeping."

"As I said it's a record, reference, and touchstone. There is one more reason, but it needs to be left unspoken and even unthought till the opportunity appears to fulfill this reason." I answer her.

So, these forty-two gods cast their spell in order to find a solution to their boredom. Which somehow the universe interpreted as let's kill off one loving husband and amazing father by the name of Garrick Stevenson.

"So, you are now referring to yourself in third person."

"Fuck off, Crystal" I mumble halfheartedly because she is right, I did just refer to myself in the third person.

"Plus, I told you already, I had no control on how or when you would die." Crystal explains in her woe is me pouting voice. "I handed it off to a service agency that handles things like that."

"You sent Truck-Kun to kill me." I vent in exasperation.

"Yes, they have an excellent and unbelievable five-star rating and 100% completion record. I was very lucky they accepted your contract." Crystal happily brags.

"I was sitting in the dentist chair getting a tooth pulled." I scream.

"Like I said…" Crystal tries to input.

"Sitting in a room in the back nowhere near a road or even parking lot. Yet Truck-Kun came through the back wall. Explain that" I ask while doing the spittle scream.

"Humph, like I was saying, before being so rudely interrupted. They have a 100% completion rate. Somehow you had evaded every single of the six thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight other attempts. It took putting Truck-Kun onto open bed train car. Causing the train to crash and derail throwing Truck-Kun and sending him through the wall that happened to be over five hundred yards away. Was quite remarkable and a credit to their dedication on keeping their perfect completion rate. Remind me to give Truck-Kun a tip." Crystal explains.

In my frustration I start banging my head against the surface of my temporary abode.

"If you don't stop throwing your tantrum you will destroy our home again, we have only been here for a thousand years."

"How was I supposed to know our last residence couldn't withstand a punch." As I continued to bash my head.

"Now you're getting distracted from your task you set yourself" Crystal prompts me.

*Crystal think that was good enough show to our viewers* I say in my mind.

*Yes, that was really a good performance* Crystal responds to me.

*Good, by the way have you been able to establish what universe we are in. We have been here for what, three thousand years. Would be nice to figure out."

*Well, if you didn't send us practically to the formation of this universe might have been easier* Crystal snarks.

"Hello! Anyone home"

*Ah Crystal did you hear that* I ask perplexed

*Um yes, it appears a floating ball of energy is in front of our proverbial door." Crystal informs.

"Hello, my name is Lorien, and I noticed that you gorgeous thing, was fluctuating so thought I wanted to stop by to say hi."

*Is he flirting with our home* Crystal asks.

*You know I believe so, and it's a good thing he seems to be a little slow* I answer.

*Why do you say that*

Instead of answering I start moving in the direction of Lorien. On my way to the surface of this star I have been using as my home for the past three thousand years.

"Hello, my name is Garrick. This sun right here is currently my home. Did I hear correctly that you go by Lorien." I ask as I cross the corona ah, I guess I should say threshold of my home.

"Oh yes, that is correct I did say Lorien" after a pause "Huh wait, how is a corporeal entity able to survive in space let alone live in a star".

"That is a convoluted story and a story for another time" I respond before asking "What lead you to flirting with my home? Are there actually sentient suns?"

"Well not that I have run into, but I saw that this star was fluctuating, and it was rhythmic, so I assumed she was sentient like me. Well maybe hope she was, is more like it." Lorien answers.

"Where are the others of your kind, where you exiled" I ask to see if his answer matches my knowledge.

"The others of my kind are not at my level; they are not able to act other than through instinct" He answers.

Well, that confirms my knowledge and cemented the universe where I now called home. It could be worse. When one thinks objectively this universe is a perfect starting point based on the wishes I choose. Well, those that were granted to me immediately without unlocking/obtaining.

Especially if I stir the pot and encourage a certain race that embodies chaos. So, with this thought I welcomed myself to the Babylon 5 universe. Time to start enacting my plan that has been stalled till I was able to figure out where I was.

*Do you realize just exactly how screwed and dangerous this universe is? You barely know the barest of outlines. *

*I realize that, Crystal. More importantly I will explore the other galaxies they should have lot more opportunities not all are going to have such neutral to benevolent races guarding them.*

*Why do you seem so excited.* Crystal asks me.

*You do remember that I am part Saiyan*

*Of course, I remember your 4th …*

"Wake up…"