
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
87 Chs

They grow up so fast

'Steph, could you come here please?' David was currently sitting on one of the sofas, this was a conversation he was not looking forward too.

Steph appeared without a word in the office then sat in the sofa across from him, David was sure she was trying to be innocently cute.

"Did you have a word with Libby about Steve and Peggy's future?" he asked with a disappointed tone to his voice as he tried to maintain eye contact as he leaned forward resting his elbows on his legs.

Steph smiled slightly and nodded, "I told her how I thought it was tragic. I said if she got the chance, she might want to try to help them out."

This was the reason David had sent Fox and Diana out to pick up Raven, he was sure they would back her up and it was never easy to deal with something this sensitive when, from an emotional viewpoint, Steph actually had a point.

"What exactly did you and Libby agree? I mean since she had spoken with Peggy and somethings have changed. I assume you worked something out between yourselves, without consulting me."

Steph started to chew her bottom lip, "We advised her that should not be able to see the man she loved for 70 years, and he would return young. So, we offered her a way to stay young if she wanted to wait for him."

"So, she would still create shield then?"

Looking hopeful Steph nodded like a chicken, "Yes."

"Oh great, now you only need to solve Sharon Carter and we good," David added

"Who?" Steph looked at David blankly.

"Peggy's niece. A shield agent who became an agent due to sending time with her aunt who took time off after the death of Cap and listened to all her stories about him. Now Peggy will know Cap is not dead and she will not need that time off or feel the need to share Caps stories." Elaborated David.

Steph chewed her lip more and looked downcast.

"Now, if you had done it my way. I was going to offer her the truth and serum after she had done all she needed too, the serum would return her youth and make her as strong as Cap. Although I was not doing it for your reasons, she is a strong fighter and she will play a part in giving Cap what he really needs." Said David as he laid out his plan.

"I was just trying to help her, it seemed so sad to mourn him and only get him back when it was too late." Explained Steph.

"So, best option now would be to tell her you need to put a mental block on her that will only be removed when she decides to either consider another relationship or retire from S.H.I.E.L.D. Unless you have a better option because it is now up to you to ensure this end correctly. We have a new girl arriving hopefully, I sent Diana and Fax in the hope it would make her feel more comfortable."

"I will get it back on track Hunny, I'm sorry, you not mad, are you?" Steph said as she got off her sofa and headed around to the one David was on and snuggled in close.

"No, but next time read the files I left on GCA, all the plans are there. Next time you will have no excuse." David said as he sighed and spread his mind to Fox's location.


Before Fox and Diana sat a cross-legged little girl of approximately 6 years old. She had long blonde hair and a pretty dress, cute as a button would define her if it was not for the fact she was sitting on some boxes with open packets of food around her looking very scared.

This was more or less the sight he expected to see, looking to see if he could help calm the girl he moved to calm her emotions when he discovered they were not real. The girl believed she was scared, but it was weird.

It was like there was an adult sleeping inside the mind of the little girl. Finding it very strange David carefully slipped deeper into her mind.

It was like the little girl was a persona the adult had created to "take over" for a period of time. Although it seemed she had some natural resistance to mental intrusion David did not feel much resistance to his mind.

It seems that even she was not sure how old she was, just she had a hard life as a young girl. Oh, she met Logan in Mexico, they were both about to shot by a firing squad. Ah, here was the important part.

She had a lover named Destiny who was a precog. She was most accurate in predicting near-future events concerning her present environment. However, during a period of 12 months in her adolescence, Irene Destiny had produced 13 volumes of prophecies concerning the late 20th and early 21st centuries. When that period ended, Irene was left physically blind and haunted by disturbing images of uncertain meaning. She enlisted Raven's services to prevent the most terrifying of them from ever being fulfilled. It seemed to try to help solve one of them Raven needed to revert to a child and hide her mind. Ah, maybe this was to do with Charles, Max, and maybe even Trask but since David was working on correcting the future anyway, her task was no longer required.

Making the girl sleep David let Fax and Diana know, "This is not a little girl like we thought, there is a woman inside who changed herself into this girl then put herself to sleep inside it, I am assuming she had some help.

I have put her to sleep, if you could please bring her back I can then slowly and carefully awaken the woman within and maybe get some answers."

Although the woman seemed shocked by the news they did as David asked.

Steph was looking at David curiously as she heard some of the information, he had mumbled out loud. So, while the ladies made their way back to Genesis David updated Steph with all the details.

It never took long for the ladies to arrive and to avoid misunderstandings Raven was placed in a guest room, naturally with additional monitoring.

'GCA do full scans diagnostics on her, I would like to know all I can before she wakes.'

'Yes, David.'

With that, David sat in the child's room and tried to put things in place. In one way this made sense since he often wondered how Nightcrawler existed if she was so young when she met Charles. Now it did not seem so weird thinking of her and Azazel.

'David, something you should see.' With that GCA sent David some results.

"Oh for" David almost swore.

'Steph, can you arrange whatever medical staff might be required, this woman is pregnant.'