
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Triggering Libby

It was the most embarrassing moment in Billy's life, he had to get captured on purpose. Libby had a heavy cloak as cover and Billy's mental illusion to prevent the guards from realizing she was a she although Billy was often tempted to drop the illusion because she kept making fun of the fact his ego was having issues with waiting to be rescued.

What made it worse was that he swore he could hear Nat giggling from Bucky's shadow. When Bucky had joined the unit, he was surprised to see a woman as second in charge. What made it weirder was that he seemed to be the only one who found it strange. Not being one to rock the boat he kept things to himself and soon realized the girl could handle herself.

Billy was still sitting moping when he heard the gunfire outside and rolled his eyes, "Well boy's, it sounds like help might be on its way." Billy tried really hard to not sound sarcastic.

Within a few moments, the cell doors were broken open, the unit moved without a word. They headed out the doorway and covered Cap's back as Bucky came out the cell for a heart-warming reunion.

While this was happening weapons magically appeared in the guy's hands as Libby threw back the hood of her cloak, "Okay, finally I can take that thing off, any longer and I would have had to start stuffing snow in my bra." The unit chuckled; with time they had all got familiar with each other.

Steve almost dropped his jaw, "Why is there a Lady in your unit?"

This got a glare from Libby and the unit went deathly quiet as only the passing gunshot could be heard. Billy on the other hand was leaning against the wall wondering how anyone in their right mind thought this was the right time to be discussing this.

Bucky shook his head at Steve as a signal to let it be. Steve nodded and glanced about seemingly considering his next move.

"I think I saw them take some prisoner upstairs," Billy mumbled just loud enough for Cap and Bucky to hear.

"Right, you guys head out to the clearing out front, If I come across any more prisoners, I'll send them to you." Announced Cap.

"I'm with you," Bucky said as he nodded to Cap and they both headed off towards a set of stairs.

"Finally," Billy was about to rant but Libby beat him to it.

"Did you hear what he said about me?? Why am I here? Why? Why the hell does he think I am here?"

All the men kept quiet; they had learned long ago that it was best to keep quiet at times like these.

As she walked forwards Libby was viciously killing any of the enemies, she came across as she kept ranting about Cap's words.

Billy almost felt sorry for Hydra. Hell, he felt sorry for Cap once Peggy heard what he said.

As they were trudging along on the muddy roadway Billy could see the military base up ahead, he sighed in relief, it would not be long until he was actually able to relax and stop this play-acting. Libby was still staring daggers at Cap; you could already see her planning what she would say in her debrief.

He heard the shouting up ahead and forced a polite smile, it was not that he had anything against Cap, he was just unsure how he managed all those things he was reported to have done when he seemed to have no natural awareness beyond his enhanced reflexes.

As they arrived in the camp Libby smiled brightly as she headed over to Peggy before Cap could say a word. She leaned close and whispered something into Peggy's ear who smiled and nodded. With that Libby looked back and smiled at Cap for the first time while entering a tent with Peggy.

Billy sighed as he had seen his mom do the same thing with Libby, he walked over to the slightly confused Cap and put his hand on his shoulder, "Best of luck Mate, you sure as hell going to need it."

Cap turned around and watched Billy head off, now feeling a very uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach.

Turning to Bucky he asked with a rather blank look, "What did I do?"

"Idiot." They both heard a female voice with a slight Russian accent and turned to look but saw no-one.

Bucky looked back to Cap and shrugged, "Who knows a woman's mind eh?"

At this point Nat was considering cutting Bucky's hamstring, it was not like anyone would notice her doing it.


While this was going on David was having his people gather more people for Genesis from the American detention camps. Although surprisingly the American guards seemed to notice people disappearing in small groups, so they now changed it to have all those in a camp who wanted to go, go at the same time through teleportation.

David knew this would trigger some agencies picking up on something, so he ensured it was traced, he wanted to know if any agency was given authority over these strange happenings.

The action he was currently debating was now to handle one of the strongest mutants, Max Eisenhardt is also known as Magneto.

One history was worse than another when it came to him. The agents watching him were being very attentive as either history had very public elements and could set his history in stone with one wrong action. One history had him being bullied, witnessed people he loved beaten, raped, and killed. The other had his family pulled apart and his own mother dying before his eyes because he was unable to activate his powers.

Steph naturally wanted David to save him and his family while David was worried about Magneto's powers being linked to his emotional past. He could always boost Magneto's powers, but would it still reach the same peak.

These kinds of issues annoyed David a lot, most of the time he just wanted to leave history be, but if he could make a stronger power who was on his side it would be better.

'GCA has the on-demand files been created for all known power users?' David was worried he might lose agents if they suddenly faced a power user unprepared, so he gave GCA permission to give all necessary information to an agent if they unexpectantly faced a power.

'Yes, David.'

[Dad, check my thoughts, do you agree?]

It seemed that after Libby had spoken the Peggy the result was different from what he expected. Peggy had started to look at Steve with a confused sad expression until she realized she was doing it, then would quickly shake it off and carry on.

David sighed, {I agree, I will have a word with your mother.]

[Thanks dad, sorry.]

David had given Billy a long conversation about reading other people's thoughts. Against enemies, it was fine as you kill them to hide it, but he believed allot of mutant issues was Charles feeling he had the right to read anyone's mind, and when he revealed it to the CIA he had ensured they would move against mutants. No organization would be happy knowing someone could easily take all their secrets.

'Have we located Raven yet?'

'Yes David, she has just made he way into New York, we have been ensuring she is safe from the shadows.'

'Good, please ask Fox and Diana is they free to ask her if she would like a home.'

'Yes, David'