
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Author: I merged and changed her history

At times like these David really felt that the timeline was messing with him because he was messing with it.

Since the tests showed the unborn child was a mutant and 7 months in the womb it meant Raven had most likely gone through a very messy time in her life where she had tried to live as a normal woman, Raven Wagner, married legally to Count Eric Wagner, he seemed unable to give her what she wanted, a child. So she had an affair with Azazel, an immortal shapeshifter who could teleport. It seemed the Count's mother knew her son could not have children because the moment she announced herself pregnant her husband his mother demanded a blood test.

Changing form, she later ambushed her husband and killed him. After she buried him, she collapsed. David was guessing in this timeline someone told her she miscarried when she collapsed otherwise, he could never see Raven doing anything to harm her child if it still might have the X gene. Raven felt nothing for a human but desperately wanted a child-like herself.

In the timeline, David knew she gave birth to Kurt Wagner, but due to the birth forcing her to drop her shapeshift she had run away and abandoned the child to save them both. It looks like this changed a lot.

'GCA investigate Raven Wagner's title as a Countess in Germany, if there are any issues with it, let me know right away. Also, see how open they are to bribery to increase the title; with the war, it might be doable. They going to need to pay reparations soon.'

David's next task was to wake the woman within the child, since she had changed herself to a child if she stayed as a child the baby would die. This also explained some of Raven's powers, it seemed she was able to use something like an extra-dimensional "wardrobe" that contained almost exact copies of people and clothing. When GCA scanned her, she discovered her "wardrobe" and found the original Raven. What was amazing was that Raven could actually have each of her cells duplicate a different person. Although currently, this was not that useful it meant if David helped her, she would become a lot more powerful than the toy she presented herself as so often.

David gently eased his mind back to the adult's mind, although to most telepaths she had a natural defense, this was not the case for David who gently pushed these defenses aside and eventually came to rest in front of the mental image of a beautiful redhead with light blue skin, she was currently in the fetal position and had only a light white sheet over her.

David leaned over and gently poked where her thigh should be, "Hey, Raven, you cannot carry on sleeping. You seriously need to wake up or else you will hate yourself later."

Although the woman moved slightly, she never seemed to wake.

"I mean it sleepy head, you need to come out soon, you are pregnant and without a suitable pregnant body the child will, well vanish I guess?"

One eyelid fluttered and opened slightly revealing a pure yellow eye, "That is cruel, why would you say that.��� Murmured a smooth seductive voice in response.

"I am not lying, If I had to guess someone told you you miscarried? And maybe due to your unique power set it did seem that way. I am able to see past that to your original body, and it is 7 months pregnant, and the child carries the X gene."

With that both eyes flew open and the sheet dropped as she sat up, now only her lower body was covered and David realized this woman was built for seduction, he focused hard to keep his eyes from ogling her very ample breasts that looked like they had not settled down yet after shooting up so fast.

"You mean it? You are serious? I am carrying a baby that is a mutant?" Raven spoke so fast and so excitedly that David almost never got what she said, a good thing this was a mental conversation.

"I mean it, you are currently in my land and in my home. I have asked for doctors and staff to be brought here to support you so that you are able to give birth safely, but if you do not change to the shape that is carrying the baby, I cannot do anything to help you."

Raven nodded as David spoke, she seemed to unaware she was naked. Maybe it was more to do with the life she had lived to date made her body more of a tool to her.

"Since it is private here, and I will not enter a non-aggressive non-telepaths mind without permission or good reason do you mind a few extra moments here?" the view was also worth keeping around a lot longer.

"Sure, I will change my body as we talk, I do not want to miss being away from my child a moment."

"Oh, well without your permission I can show you your child before we leave here." David offered.

"Please, oh please, I am not normally like this, but I thought I had lost my baby. Even now my body can feel it moving inside me."

"Very well then. Now to my offer, this offer has nothing to do with your child. Regardless of what you choose, I will ensure you have the best care and you will find to stay here until you choose to leave. I need you to understand that it may seem suspicious to you, but with my level of power I can make such an offer and mean it."

"The offer itself is to work for me, in return, I offer a secure home for you and your family, I can increase your abilities if you wish and I can promise you will only sleep with those you choose. You and your son will next face persecution in my lands without the culprits suffer for their actions." David explained slowly.

"Those are some pretty big claims. How will those who govern these lands respond to your claims? And how long will I be in a lab playing a rat before you manage to "improve" me?"

David chuckled, "Maybe it is best for you to see the truth before you ask more questions."

"Let me show you your child when we leave your mindscape you will understand more." With that, David brought the mental impression of the child into Raven's mindscape.

Before they hovered a Dark blue slightly furry child, he seemed to only have two large finger and an opposing thumb as hands and feet, he had pointed ears with a long tail wrapped around himself, it looked like there was a shape to the tip of the tail but it was hard to see due to his position.

David knew Raven wanted a child with the X gene, but he had no idea if she would be happy with one so far removed from the norm.

Reaching out as tears freely rolled down her cheeks Raven touched the mental image and whispered, "How beautiful."

Taking a deep breath she smiled and nodded to David as they faded from her mindscape and into reality.

David was once again sitting in the chair within the room, but before his was the adult version of Raven, someone had dressed her in a white halter top and white skirt, it was not obvious she was pregnant as she was looking down at her belly and gently stroking it.

David suddenly heard a voice behind him, "Hi, I am Steph. I don't mean to be forward, but could I touch your belly please?" David was not sure if it was the sincere tone or the eager loving look Steph was giving Raven's belly, but Raven agreed after a moment.

"Let's address some of your concerns while you enjoy your child. I am originally named En Sabah Nur, I was born 30000 years before the father of your child and I know very well what it is like to look different." As he spoke David began to grow both upwards and outwards, his skin began to change to its natural grey color. At the end of the transformation, he stood easily over 2 meters tall with bulging well-defined muscles.

At this point, David was unaware of Raven's preferences, the first man to give her a child was Sabretooth before Steph crushed him since then she always looked for someone powerful-looking like him. The next lover she preferred was Azazel because, like her, he was different, he had red skin, forked tail, and yellow eyes.

Before she stood the combination of both (As per new cover), and this was before she knew of both his personal and financial wealth. Raven was pleased with what she saw, Steph though had noticed this even if David had not.


I have read some of the comments and would like to address some of them.

The story is slow: Yes, until we reach the movie timeline for Iron man it will be mostly planning.

The MC is already OP: Yes, and he will be even more so, his final foes are the Beyonders (Not the one, the many), many should know that they more plans and minions than just the molecule man.

Billy sucks: Fair enough, do the majority feel this way? If so I can redirect my story