
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

The unexpected visitors

David wished the woman well, not for John's sake, for her own, she obviously loved her husband.

Able to return to his own thoughts David asked GCA 'How we doing on building the ship? Are the materials okay?'

'We expect to be complete in 2 years David, we have synthesized some substitutes but that was expected.'

David nodded, although Yao was called the Ancient One, he was, in fact, younger than David, if he recalled correctly Yao was born in 1430, this might be a fun meeting. Chuckling to himself he thought about how most people in this time were most likely thinking meeting the Rockefellers was the peak, but very soon their kind of power meant nothing in a world were one man on the battlefield could change the outcome of a war.

'GCA ensure we have members of the agency infiltrate the banks and news-agencies, to a much lesser extent the government. We need to ensure the label mutant never sees light, change it to Evolved, or any non-derogatory version of it. And I guess we will need a company, urgh, I never wanted to create one. Please go registered Bater Ltd, then Bater Labs and Bater Engineering under them.'

'Yes, David, should I take Steph with me? She has been asking to go see the city.'

'Oh god, okay, take her, just make sure she kills no-one.'

The year was rather quiet after, his businesses were set up, and David allowed some minor military upgrades to be sold to the government, an improved rifle sight, a wadding that slowed down bleeding. Nothing game-changing, but just enough to get them noticed as reliable.

At the end of the year, the elections went as predicted, A new Mayor John Hylan was elected.

So far the agents had done well, and very slowly more were added, do to the life slowing aspect of the serum they did not need as many new blood as most agencies did, and David was very picky about the people he brought in, he was well aware other groups would eventually get interested in them, although he expected this would only happen after WW2 when the world started to get a lot more paranoid.

As a new year flew by David was considering a few years sleep on the altar, his next planned actions were near 1930 and he was aware how busy he would be once more agencies and heroes revealed themselves.

'David, you have guests on the dock. The previous and current Mayoress, as well as 2 other ladies.'

'Oh, why, oh, its July the 8th and we have no news about John's death. I guess she did it, good woman.'

The woman was shown to the reception room, when David walked in and smiled, Mrs. Mitchel first seemed to have a slight look of confusion then smiled.

"Hello Mr. Bater, I have come to express my thanks for your insights the last time we met, as well as to introduce some ladies to you. I feel there might be a chance to benefit on both sides if these ladies had some idea on the value of your insights."

David smiled and scanned John's wife to see how she had avoided his Fate, "Very well Mrs. Mitchel. Welcome Mayoress, Mrs. Collins, Mrs. Walker. Oh, Mrs. Mitchel, I heard your husband was ill a few days ago, nothing serious I hope?"

None of the ladies seemed to be surprised he knew their names; their husbands were all known in the political arena.

"Oh no, just the flu, he is fine now, but it seems the poor lad who took his place was almost killed in an accident, lucky he was wearing his seatbelt something John always scoffed at."

"Ah, well it is good to remember, Fate is a very fickle mistress, and even though she lets some slip if something were to remind her about him, well now," David said in a serious tone, his eye locked on Mrs. Mitchel's.

"Yes, I understand. We plan on living a very peaceful and quiet life once the war ends."

David nodded then smiled as he looked towards Mrs. Hylan, "Oh and I did not know our Mayoress was gifted, how wonderful, so few seem to be these days."

The Mayoress seemed to pale slightly in fear as she quickly looked around her, then noticed the other ladies were not only not responding to what David had said, they were not moving at all.

"Why the fear? You are an Evolved, that is something to be proud of, you have a gift, Marian."