
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Living with your choices

Fox and Steph nodded; they had just agreed to a mind- link with David. This would mean they could talk to each other at any anytime with just a little extra concentration. It also means David was able to use any of his vast variety of mental powers through them in case they needed it.

It was at times like this David was in awe of the power that En Sabah nur had, this was one of his initial powers, even without his power boost through the long nap, it was able to function all around the world.

He was currently debating meeting the Ancient One, well hypocritical one might be accurate as well. To retain their youth, they made use of the same powers they were fighting against. Typical really.

He was debating just doing an introduction, he had no fear of the ancient one since if his own powers would not help, he had a Ka stone, it was ideal when facing any magic-user as it could absorb magic and also warp reality on a massive scale, allowing control of time and even influencing the actions of being in other realities, in this case, David was thinking about the mirror dimension.

'David, you have a guest arriving at the docks, it seems to be the Mayoress of New York.' GCA interrupted David's thoughts.

'Tell them to bring her to the reception room. I wonder if she is here to try to kill me or beg me.' Mused David.

It had been 2 years since David had dealt with John, in honesty he had mostly forgotten about him. 1917 had started slow and he was aware John had behaved as history recalled, it was a pity really but on the plus side the agency had grown not only in members but in strength. As he headed towards the reception room David allowed himself to be distracted by other thoughts.

Based on their tier the agents were given serums and tech, the lower tier were now the ones used to aid other agencies, keeping its head down was fine. The higher tier was watching any people of interest, or their families since they were able to live a lot longer. Naturally, the agents had the option to have their families have serum as well, but we insisted on the mutual agreement before it was given.

Arriving in the room he noticed the Mayoress, he had not bothered to learn her name. was staring down at her hands, she seemed nervous.

"Well hello Mayoress, oh no, please stay seated. To what do I owe this honor?"

"Hello Mr. Bater, I understand my husband did something to betray you, but please, please can you forgive him and change him back? He is nothing like the old him, he no longer seems to care about the people who elected him." She rambled on as she made her request.

David started laughing lightly and shook his head, "You misunderstand totally, I never did anything to you husband, I undid it. When I had previously met with him, I had given him advice and insight into his nature so that he might learn from it. All I did was take that advice back. What you see now, is your husband following his true path."

Stammering for a moment the woman looked at David in disbelief. "But .. he was not like this, he was doing great things, helping."

"Yes, and that is how his Fate was meant to be. In the beginning, he was a Mayor loved by many, then it seemed to be got to like the high life, during his re-election he will lose badly, then enlist as a flying cadet, gaining the rank of Major. On the morning of July, the 6th 1918 your husband will have an accident and plummet 500 feet to his death." David knew he told her to much, but he left a little sorry for the woman and was giving her a sliver of hope at the same time.

The woman's face drained of all color as she stared as David, "How, how can you know these things, wait, can it change? Is there something I can do?"

"Do you recall the mansion? I can do many things, and I normally just let others live their lives, I even try to help a little here and there. I have helped you as much as I am willing to consider your husband's actions against me, and that I did as a reward for your loyalty to him. Be well Mayoress."

David would be happy with just the man losing his political power and hopefully finding out the hard way that being greedy was not going to pay off for him, that was why he left his own encounters with him when he wiped his mind. Maybe it was better to not directly get involved with politicians.

Much like her husband before her, the Mayoress found herself at the security room at the docks, but apart from a moment of shock, she suddenly got a look of determination as she strode towards the boat.