
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

The Two

"Very well then, you are all here as the Solar system of Sol regards you as worthy. Worthy of being part of the Ring Corps. I suppose the easiest way to describe the role is space police. Other roles might be available depending on skill sets.

The role will be started from our solar system and slowly spread throughout the universe. So, the initial job role will include recruitment.

You might be wondering what you get in return, well apart from pay, residence, and basic necessities being covered.

We will offer you 3 life extension serums to use on those you choose, 1 full heal to use on those you choose, residence off Earth with transport to Earth available to those you register as close, initially 3 may be registered.

As for your equipment, //David nodded towards one of the Angels, she stepped forwards and the yellow ring on her finger became visible. She then began to create various constructs// what you are seeing is the yellow light version of what you will be offered, it is a ring that will work on your imagination and create hard light constructs to match. The Green Corps ring is accented by willpower, other rings vary and are allocated to other roles.

There will be a survival trial to test you if you agree to stay.

Now, who would like to leave?"

As David spoke, he sent the liquid the woman had left on the ground to his avatar's lab.

One of the men who had initially helped others stepped forth, "Could I ask a question, is that okay?" As he spoke, he glanced nervously at the Angels who currently showed no sign of movement.

David nodded once, he really wanted to get this over with now, his avatar was doing well with the suit and had decided to add magic resistant runes as this was Kal's greatest weakness. Although Hela and Selene were teaching him magic, he was not very talented in that regard. All this lab work was making him eager to return there.

"Is there any way to get more of the heal … stuff? With money, or good service."

"Yes, there is. Some of you might not have heard or believed my introduction, you are currently standing in my Godly Realm of Heven, I am the Sky-Father of the Sol pantheon of gods. I suppose I would not be regarded as a normal god, as I was once human, like yourselves. The one heal you will get will be me healing someone without a prayer of faith. It was never my intension to be a God of Earth, I am here to defend Earth for soon it will face many powerful enemies.

Somehow some faith has been gathered and currently, I redirect that to the very same place I offered your selected to stay."

The man nodded and moved back as he mumbled, "So faith and prayer huh?"

Until the next moment David had not put things together, he was always aware of the prayers his dual mind was ignoring or answering but when he saw a source of faith before him starting to grow he paid more attention to the prayers. It was true that when you were desperate enough you would grab at anything.

The prayers from this man were for His wife, his daughter, and his father in law, it seemed they were suffering from radiation poisoning, but strangely even this mans prayers seemed to be protected by weak mental shields.

Focusing more on him David realized this man was not originally human. Now he was and he had a sense of desperation about him. David was becoming very curious.

Within the minds of both the woman and the man, David spoke, 'Both of you who can hear my thoughts, unless you decline you will not need to take the trail but have a talk with me. Please stop your prayers, I have heard them, and they shall depend on the talk as well.'

David looked over the people, currently, 100 but some had moved to the side, asking the Angels how to return home. David smiled and returned them with no knowledge of the events.

Now 56 people remained, "Very well, the green ring you will trialing for, as I previously said is accented by willpower therefore this trial will test yours. Be prepared to face your fears and good luck."

A dark dome covered the area as David shifted to his office, the man and woman found themselves standing at the opposite side of his desk watching him shape back to his human form.

"Have a seat, please be aware I can read minds, something I prefer not to do, but if you shout thoughts at me, I will hear them regardless. //At this point they had both sat and neither seemed to show to much surprise at David's statement. // So, the reason I brought you both with me is that I see the potential to be more than space police within you.

I expect the following conversation to be truthful, I shall also answer questions you might have truthfully.

So, shall we start with names?"

"Just call me Jessica." Said the woman with a slight smile.

"Meranno." The man mumbled, it seemed for a moment he was going to say something else, but this name made things clear to David, he now knew who both of them were.

"So, before going on, would you be interested? Jessica, I can explain the changes in your body to you, I actually did not realize my summons would pull someone out of a stasis tube." Jessica seemed to hesitate; she did not expect David to have knowledge about her even she did not.

"Meranno, I can return you to your original form, and answer your prayers. Naturally, all the other benefits count as well."

David sat back as he watched the two, Meranno decided the fastest, there was no hesitation as he nodded then sat and waited.

Jessica was currently twirling a strand of her black hair in her left hand and lightly flicking the end of the hair over her nose, a rather cute action that indicated she was deep in thought. The two men waited patiently.


As this was happening David's avatar had completed Kal's suit, he just needed Selene to reinforce the runes.

Turning with an eager look towards the liquid he had been sent he focused on its makeup, most of it was useless, but the venoms makeup, it was like someone had taken differing rare spiders and made soup. Naturally, David knew this was actually very close to the truth.

David had his work planed out, separate them all, increase the gene to the Alpha of each species, and then integrate with the Parker adaptation serum and this mutagen he knew the High Evolutionary had created, although the mutagen needed improving it gave him all the groundwork for an animal infusion serum.

Black Widow would live up to her name, and he could help Jessica as well. As he was working his mind ran over many ideas.

At the same time, David was issuing commands, monitor and prepare a final solution for the High Evolutionary before he enters space with his citadel and gains any real power if they were unable to get nanites into him to ensure control if needed. His knowledge would be a massive benefit as David would learn to make a world or recreate one without him using his reality powers, meaning his people could do it without him.

This man would have the power to de-evolve Kal if they ever faced off, David was not allowing this to go unchecked.