
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
87 Chs


'Ladies and gent, I have completed the source and rings I mentioned. Hela, would you mind taking the black and ensuring it is safe within your realm of the dead. Also, if anyone feels they have suggestions for suitable people. I am about to summon various people from all over the world based solely on their suitability to the rings.'

After David spoke a portal simply appeared under the Black source and it fell through, David wondered if Hela was avoiding him.

David shifted himself to the forested area of Heven, he had Angels perch themselves at the edge of the large area he was going to use.

David felt he would make it simple; he would have the summoned people survive within the area for a time and see what roles they naturally drifted towards.

The only rings he was planning on giving out were the Green, Violet, and maybe Grey. Between the Levar, Female Angels, Male Angels, and his own trusted Agents he had plans for the rest initially, Some had already been given. Then he would start to send out the corps and use them to in turn make more members.

At this moment Kal was in his studies with Diana and Hela, they were training him in warfare David's avatar was working on a suit for Kal that would be durable, kryptonite resistant, and store yellow sun energy. None of these would remove his weaknesses, but they would give him a lot more time before he was affected.

David had explained to Kal if he exposed himself to Kryptonite in small doses he would become resistant over time and eventually not be affected, he gave him the keepsake from his mother and left it in Kal's hands if he wanted to do it. He had no plans to be a dictator to Kal, he liked him a lot and was planning on letting Kal choose his own path, naturally, he wanted that path to be the general to his forces.

David glanced over to Angel who was flying over to join him. Dropping his shape change David grew to his 30-meter tall form with horns, fire, and hooves. Angel placed her butt on his shoulder and landed.

"Milord, will you be assuming this form for the trials?" Angel asked

"I feel I should be honest from the start, it is also a test in itself, my shape is very similar to demons and devils, those that judge me based on that would be no good to us," David replied as he watched Angel nod in response.

With that David started his summoning, it was simple, but David made a few tweaks. Those worthy, only to summon when safe too, and lastly, those preferences to those who would benefit the most from his Realms healing effect. Grateful people were normally more loyal, and he needed their initial loyalty as the subliminal control would take a few days to cause loyalty.

David grinned, for some reason he had always enjoyed helping others, but also gaining their awe. David was starting to think he might have more of an ego he previously thought.

In a large clearing below David humans of various races started to appear. At first, they were confused, looking about the clearing and eyeing the other humans, then when they noticed David massive form on the cliff they became very wary, the Angel on his shoulder just totally messed with their minds.

"Grant them food and drink." David's voice was headed by all, yet he never shouted, it was like he was merely next to them talking.

Angel spoke, there was no need, but she wanted these humans to know the greatness before them as she had noticed some starting at her in wonder. (Tall, a hot woman with wings. I am sure it was wonder, uh-huh)

"Yes milord." Angel bowed her head slightly as a hundred Angels carrying baskets rose into the air behind David and flew down to the clearing, as this was happening, more people were still appearing in the clearing. The Angels landed and while many moved back from them, some actually moved to take the baskets and thank the Angels, David was watching this carefully.

One the ones who had moved forwards took the fruit and bit into it, without hesitation. Her face seemed scarred and her one eye was greyed, she also seemed to be only using her left arm. She was wrapped in a few bandages and had on a gown.

After a few minutes, she began scratching her at her eye, then a few minutes later it seemed something was frustrating her as she scratched the eye, the scar tissue fell off. This was when she seemed to stop, it was also when David grinned.

The woman turned her head left and right, then placed her hand over her 'good eye'. She seemed to have realized she was now able to see perfectly from both. The woman looked up at David's towering form carefully, people were starting to group together and slowly getting bolder. You could see some egging others speak up.

The woman walked to the Angel she had thanked before and asked if she may have another fruit, the Angel smiled and indicated towards a bottle of liquid. The woman glanced quickly towards David again then back to the bottle, she picked it up and drank from it without hesitation once more.

Within minutes she began to feel an itch along her right arm. She seemed to have confirmed something and began slowly walking around to those with obvious injuries and whispering to them.

She was not alone in this, it seemed a few more had made the same deductions and soon everyone was ensuring they had the fruit and a drink, even new arrivals were being told this.

David was impressed, he had expected some to try hoard or keep the information to themselves, he could only assume his version of worthy had chosen people with a decent nature.

As the last arrived David waited for them to settle, "Act against another before the trial, and you shall be punished. // All the baskets vanished, and the Angels took a much firmer stance. // Now, how about we drop the illusions." As he said that most people stayed the same, one man's skin became dark blue and small wings appeared on his back, some others had small changes that only David and Angel noticed.

What David found interesting was the wounded woman, he was expecting some change, but she remained the same, he was sure he had sensed something when she first arrived. Looking at the place she had arrived he noticed liquid, nutritional suspension liquid, it had mild traces of various exotic venoms within it and even Uranium.

David smiled; things made a lot of sense now. (Slightly changed her history for those who guessed from the last paragraph)

"Much better, I am the God Genesis, and these wonderful warriors are my Angels, on my shoulder is Angel, the Goddess, and Queen of Angels. Welcome to Heven."

A murmur grew within the people as a few random shouts were heard, nothing yet very coherent.

The woman stepped forward and spoke, "Excuse me, Genesis? Are you implying we died?"

The Angel's attitude changed as they started moving for their weapons, they were obviously upset with her familiar form of address towards their Sky-Father.

David very slightly shook his head and the Angel creased, although their displeasure was easily noticed.

"Dead, no. As I am sure you noticed, those of you with injuries are in fact healed. And if you wish to leave after I have explained your reason for being here, I shall return you, with no recollection of this event, obviously."

The woman nodded, keeping a careful eye on the Angels as she stepped back.

David once again thought he should have the morals of Xavier and mind-rape anyone for no reason, but David could not seem to justify this without a viable reason.

Autor: So, not sure how many know there are a ton of oaths, would you guys like me to post them all to vote on it, or I just go with it? (I obviously do have one in mind already)